Forgive my negligence.

Forgive my negligence. flint dille did indeed forward some Obsidias missives upon his return. I have some trepidation in posting them. I have stripped out some sections, frankly because I fear that I might jeopardize the lives of some who lived long ago on our string, but are very much alive in others. I have seen much lately that is difficult to explain.

Here is a first installment from Obsidias. I believe it was planted in Britannia (a rRoman Province at the time) near Dover. Obsidias, who could not have known about quantum mechanics or string theory was experiencing very similar things to what I have been experiencing:

"I have long since forsaken posting these missives. Now, I leave them near portals and trust that Cybella is transmitting them through whatever means to whoever might receive them. It seems that we have transcended both time and space in our journeys. I am beginning to understand that while there is a shield which separates us from whatever entities, divine or simply different or, as I more and more suspect, ourselves in a slightly different state, there are holes in the shield."


  1. are the holes in this shield portals? - are these holes related to Hank Johnson's Nomad theories?

  2. JoJo Stratton Yes, I believe this is the case.

  3. Also, man, "Shapers Are Us" was my day one theory from 4 years ago. Oh man.

  4. Hmm so interesting. That's exactly "the world around you is not it seems like"

  5. Consider the possibility that sometime in the near future, you will see the world for what it really is. I have had glimpses of the true nature of the universe, but they have been fleeting -- out of the corner of my eye -- just like the old song.

  6. Dimensional sight is like peripheral vision mixed with deja vu

  7. Yik Sheng Lee​it would also follow that "the Ultimate" and the "N'Zeer substrate" are one and the same.

  8. Edgar Allan Wright I think of it like this.

    If the Ultimate is like Edgar Cayce's Akashic records or Jung's collective unconscious, all the experience of all consciousness passes through it near Portals. Tapping into Portals means that your future and past selves perhaps can merge into new perspectives. This perspective would, by nature, wish to shape the future. Isn't the number one thing people want to do if given time travel to go back and warn themselves of the outcome of a bad decision they have experienced?

  9. Sarah Rosen Correct. But the two can be radically different while remaining in essence the same place.

    I can use different sorts of massive computing resources to model earthquakes, track public opinion, mine Bitcoins, or predictively analyze exabytes of metadata to find potential terrorists. But these are all morally and psychologically different things.

    Furthermore, what if the raw stuff of past, present, and future consciousness can itself be harnessed to different aims?


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