I can now release two more fragments from Obsidias.

I can now release two more fragments from Obsidias. They are cryptic in and of themselves, but a picture is beginning to emerge which ominously reflects our current times. It is probably not an accident that these are surfacing now.

FRAGMENT 1: "My life is like similar to living in a dream. I now understand some of Cybella’s powers. She would see our current place from a distant time and her observations were understood as prophesies. In those moments when I have found myself in uncharted and unknown lands, I truly believe that I have died and entered another world."

FRAGMENT 2: In an ominous development, it seems that Syphax is navigating these worlds with Cybella and myself, but I am beginning to suspect that his mission is not so much to kill us for certainly he would have had that opportunity, but to follow us to distant times and places and carry out unknown missions ordered by unknown masters.


  1. Thank you for posting these Dr. Wright.

    It would appear that Obsidius has become significantly more aware of the nature of the portals. I wonder how much control he was able to develop in his travels. Is it even right to speak of his travels in the past tense? Might Obsidius still be travelling, from a certain temporal perspective? Could our actions and interactions with the portals in the present affect Obsidius's future? We know that xm, like certain quantum effects, isn't bound by temporal causality. Could the story of Obsidius's journey, even though it is occurring in our past, be a journey that agents might yet be able to influence?

  2. Steven Wilson​ I believe that we can influence them. Cybella would see their current place but at a distant time. Her prophecies are coming to pass as we speak. As we gather further intelligence on what she saw, we most certainly can influence it from happening. It just comes down to when and how. The meganomoly will certainly carry a heavy influence.

  3. Syphax sounds like the Artifact Hunter Amaziah Lachish to me.

  4. My gut reaction after reading this/these was very similar to what Steven Wilson​ wrote. I dont think "in the past" is actually the case. I wouldn't be surprised to find that two new aspects recently introduced, Akira and PRIME, are actually not as modern as their outwardly appearance looks.

  5. Akira Tsukasa​ may be our Cybella ?


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