In answer to those of you who suggest that this mysterious new surge of portal activity is the prophesied "Nova" and...

In answer to those of you who suggest that this mysterious new surge of portal activity is the prophesied "Nova" and that the Nova crashing into the shield will unleash the New Wave many have asked about, I can only offer that I know nothing to refute that theory, but I can not confirm it, either. I suspect we will know much more very soon.


  1. Possibly bringing back portal submissions?

  2. Portal ?..... mmmmm Portal.....what ???? !!!!!

  3. This would definitely be awesome, i have this little post from Martin Brenner​​ in my mind. flint dille​ wrote an interesting sentence on his Ingress comic... (When the shield breaks new Portals must be taken...)

  4. Yeah, as soon as the Enlightened completely whip the Resistance in Tokyo and it's Calvinballed so the victory is bitter (not sweet)..

  5. Very soon indeed! Heck, isnt it about time for GORUCK Stealth to start even? :D :D

  6. Portal submission? Please please

  7. There's a new surge of portal activity... in an alternate universe called "Pokemon Go"

  8. Been getting huge bonuses as of very recent.


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