More Obsidias Fragments: I believe these are the last.

More Obsidias Fragments: I believe these are the last. I have been slow to come to this New Wave = Nova theory, but I am beginning to lend some credence to it. Processing now.

Here are the two last fragments unearthed by flint dille in either Paris or Vienna. Perhaps he can enlighten us. (Pardon the pun).

FRAGMENT 1: "I do not believe that Syphax’s masters reside solely in his mind. I believe they actually exist and actually speak to him. For I too have heard voices. Not intelligible voices, or voice that speak a known tongue, but voices that speak in a tongue that is understood deep within if not on the surface. Syphax has taken to wearing odd jewels and bits of metal, the meaning of which I do not understand. And I do not know that they are jewels as they seem to emit light of their own."

FRAGMENT 2: "Along with the odd developments of Syphax, something very strange has become of Cybella. Her hair has suddenly turned white and her eyes are the radiant color of the sky and seem to emit light. I have noticed other changes in my own body, but have avoided looking at my own reflection. To be honest, as I write this I know not whether I am flesh or shade."


  1. New Wave=Nova... interesting. What will the shield become when all is done?

  2. Interesting notes on the physical changes. Perhaps this is the evolution to becoming extradimensional entities?

    Why would Syphax need to wear some sort of XM contructs as talismans?

  3. Cybella's eyes. The radiant color of the sky. Blue. N'zeer. Resistance.

  4. Sarah Rosen​ If she was Resistance, who would have been the enlightened members of the trio? Obsidius? Syphax?

  5. Mustafa Said My guess would be Syphax. Obsidius seems to be somewhat "on the outside looking in" and reminds me of Hank Johnson​.

  6. Is this New Wave connected to the name and goal of the new anomaly series?


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