Forgive me for being out of contact.

Forgive me for being out of contact. I am working on an exegesis on what I believe the implications of Obsidias' journeys are, but I find I must digress strictly to a summary of what I believe is happening now. Things are happening too quickly... Will be posting more often during this mysterious period and the longer work will have to wait. Here are my quick thoughts.

When the Nova Exploded at Aegis Nova, the Shield Was destroyed the true meaning and implications of the event were not apparent to us. Obsidias has left the implication that the destruction of the Vesuvian Shield allowed the Shapers and the N’zeer more direct access to our world -- to inhabit people in unprecedented manner (I am interpolating here). Prior to the ancient event the Transdimensional Entities (and I am not assuming that the Shapers and N'zeer are the only ones) were influencing the human race through 'shaping' and only worked with sensitives and was heightened through primitive (though not necessarily less effective) portal resonation. Now, with the breaking of the shield, shaping and its N'zeer counterpart can occur in any individual exposed to enough XM and what we’ll call ‘Fresh XM’. This is the term I am using to describe the XM one receives on first contact with a new portal. It is my belief that the Acolyte and others are aware of this, hence the call to visit new portals.

Certainly, this provides a huge opportunity for exploration of the transdimensional, but with opportunity, comes danger. So explore carefully. Note symptoms and changes as you venture new places. I shall do the same.

It is my belief that the transdimensional entities can directly influence people to amplify the ingression into their bodies. Of course, once they are inside of us, we risk the possibility that they can begin morphing us, I urge research into personal firewalling, though I do not know how this can be accomplished.

So my advice is to explore carefully and even as I write this, I realize the inherent oxymoron in what I advise. Exploration is, by its very nature, dangerous to the status quo.


  1. There are a few portals in my area I have yet to visit, maybe this would be a good time to see them and gather the glyphs they give me.... Thankyou Edgar for taking the time to share this information :)

  2. Good observations. These findings explain me to myself a lot more. Thank you Edgar Allan Wright​​
    Things make sense now.

  3. So how do we stop it? How do we resist it? It seems all of our actions have only resulted in increasing the power given to transdimensional being, and none of them have had any lasting protective effect. The shield was broken...

  4. We have, still, Aegis/Ancile/Ziph. I don't know how to use it, if it is useful at all. But I too wish to shield off the inter dimensional. If my relic can help, say yay or nay. If yes, tell me where to go and what to do.

  5. Edgar Allan Wright you mentioned firewalls, which i know you meant metaphorically, however that does bring up the question of how to protect oneself? With the augmentation of man and machine prevalent among New Wave Agents, could they have known this and taken steps to protect themselves from this threat?

  6. Hmmm. We know that each portal is unique in certain properties, including the capacity to establish quantum entanglement with intelligent entities who engage with them. It seems reasonable to hypothesize that each may have a unique or at least distinct set of relationships with remote entanglements - be those inter-dimensional entities, other channels on Kureze's pixel, or other portals here. As individuals establish entanglement with more and different portals they become part of a broader web of competing influences that could render them more resilient to outside influences by virtue of dynamic equilibrium or, in the event of non-random selection in portal entanglement choices, subject to greater influence by some subset of co-entangled whisperers.

  7. I think this is an universal rule, the most connected you are, the most you can achieve, the most you can become and the most you can be screw by abusive individuals which look to get more that what it belong to them.
    Also probably Aaron P​, the mention of firewall is not completely metaphorical. Something that allow you to get out and get what you want without unwanted guests acceding your core and modifying information

  8. Thanks for the insights, Edgar Allan Wright​. Does the alignment of a first visit portal matter or is 'Fresh XM' always undirected?

  9. N'zeer Ambassador Syphax​ it's the portals is it not? The direct effect of the shield was reduced XM at the portals, coming from the portals. I'm not sure why the XM away from portals is different, but it appears to be. Is the XM away from portals terrestrial and the portal XM extraterrestrial? Perhaps I missed a discussion on this around the time frame of the shield because I was busy with anomaly planning...

  10. David Timothy I'm not sure myself. I can ask the N'zeer, but their message may be too cryptic as usual. Give me a second

  11. I'm not sure the n'zeer are going to give you a good answer for how to shut the door in their faces, N'zeer Ambassador Syphax​ 😉

  12. Here's what they say to me David Timothy​​:
    The collective portals are a mystery. Recharge ME (?).
    Use after you repeat your evolved presence.
    Your question....
    Forget individual civilization and hide the resistance.
    -- N'zeer

  13. Is that something like "lather, rinse, repeat"?

  14. David Timothy hey, you tell me. I'm lost like I said I'd be.

  15. I do know that once a "collective" comes in, they don't go back. Only shut in and "destroyed" later

  16. Edgar Allan Wright thank you for your insights!

  17. Oh... the thought of a forewall - is that what we need to develop? Is that what Devra Bogdanovich was trying to develop with her vaccine? But, can a true firewall ever exist in these cases - can you let some in but not all (Devra's answer was an all or none solution).

    Also Edgar Allan Wright you mentioned, "Transdimensional Entities (and I am not assuming that the Shapers and N'zeer are the only ones) " Not the only ones??? Ohhhh wow, do you know something about there being others? How might we detect them? I am very intrigued - I remember Devra and Hank talking on the bench in NYC and Devra saying we might be overhearing discussions not even meant for us... could there be a way to tune into these and could they have been messages from another group? What more is coming?

  18. People have been protecting themselves forever by learning to control their thoughts and actions and by metaphysical means of drawing in their auric field and using protective amulets that are charged with power through metaphysical means. Intent is the main purpose behind all of these things. We are not powerless against outside forces. If we were we would have been taken over ages ago. Besides the fact that we have a direct link to the creator of everything we also have our own power through thought which is an energy in and of itself. By directing our thought into intent we can create powerful personal shields which not even the Shapers or N'zeer can penetrate.

  19. Edgar Allan Wright, I have to question what "status quo" means at all to a scientist. By their very nature, scientists are exploring, investigating, and changing the world through their insatiable curiosity, which is why it's vital to retain records in the first place. If what science wanted was the status quo, technological and societal progress would not even be possible in a scientific context.

    Rather, we must delve into the realm of the simple. We must have an observation before forming any hypothesis. We must look before any leap is wise or possible.

    Defense against the influence of the Shapers is precisely what the Resistance is about. But to learn, we must observe.

    Treading carefully, eggshells will always be broken by a foot, regardless of how careful. The trick is not to hurt yourself in the process.

  20. I think the other transdimensional beings are those assuming cutesy animal forms that can evolve.....and alot more mobile phone zombies have been sighted on the streets, in the parks lately. It's taken over many societies like a viral plague..


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