A few thoughts on the current status of events after the last anomaly.

A few thoughts on the current status of events after the last anomaly. It is not my stock and trade to comment on Anomaly results. There are others who are much more informed and better at this than I am, but I do not believe we have ever resulted in a tie before. Could this be the result of some form of a Shaper/N'zeer treaty, not unlike what appears to have happened after the destruction of the Vesuvius Magnus and their Shield?

Is this call to fan out and investigate new portals part of a joint effort by these factions to spread, what I'll call XM genes around the world?

Via Luxe means the 'Way of Light'. Is it leading to another way? These are fascinating times?


  1. Edgar Allan Wright​, I think that this call for discovering new portals is a means to spread out the parts of A Detection Algorithm​ that are within the #NewWave further into the world and the portal network as a joint venture to bring her back online without the need for the amount of energy contained within an anomaly

  2. Every conflict has its ceasefires. These can lead to improvements in the situation or make things worse.. interesting times..

  3. Already investigating new portals. For both leaders are seeking this information I hope this brings some insights.

  4. Unfortunately both leaders have proved completely untrustworthy, although on a personal note I like them both. But, that being said, anything they want usually isn't for our good.

  5. As we move out and explore new portals, it makes me wonder why, now, the portal I capture come up in blue text in the scanner. Is it just for better contrast or does that mean something too?

  6. Via Lux mean "way light"... Way of light in Latin is "VIA LUCIS"

  7. Another aspect with the call to visit more portals - if portals are a means of creating patterns (plus.google.com - *UPDATE: Susanna Moyer's Daily Burst Report just went live: INGRESS REPORT |…), then would more portal visits and to "new" portals act as a way to strengthen patterns, and even more so, what if the network becomes fragmented, the more nodes a pattern exists in, the more likely it is to be preserved if other parts of the network "crash".

  8. You sound very confused, Edgar Allan Wright. You sure you're ok?

  9. I don't believe anyone has a clear idea what's going on - its almost as if the characters are all in separate worlds - no one seems to give a stuff that Susanna Moyer is missing possibly Kia - Klue S. Is lay next to a rotting corpse or is one ? - Devra Bogdanovich is trying to find herself and fell into the hands of PAC after a close brush with the NIA - Hank Johnson god love him is more interested in San Saba mines and two dead authors than Three ladies that may need his help - Now EAW admits he lost bah !

  10. Douglas Sines I am self-admittedly perpetually confused. Some say it is part of my charm. But in fairness to me, this situation is quite confusing.


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