Gr33n Wra1th's comment has been haunting me ever since I read it.

Gr33n Wra1th's comment has been haunting me ever since I read it. We really don't know what happened to Susanna Moyer and Klue after Aegis Nova. After Jahan's comment that something 'sad' (I forget the exact term), there is nothing. Did she say anything about it in Denver?

I'm trying to reconstruct the circumstances of Susanna's last days (if they were her last days). Her father was found dead off Brooklyn and she took off to find out who did it. Do we have any theories as to where she went, and who, in fact killed Nigel Moyer?


  1. Somebody shared a post of what appeared to be ada and the sound signature of jarvis' redemption speech, but, there was a woman who appeared to have makeup on her face whose facial structure resembled Susanna Moyer's...I suspect this isn't the last we've heard from her

  2. Last we heard of Susanna Moyer​, she was going underground to find the people responsible for her father's death. She was also looking for Jahan's complex, thinking she was also involved. I do not think anything has happened to Susanna Moyer, she is entirely capable of taking care of herself. But, if she doesn't want to be seen she won't be and I am sure she is hunting people down.

  3. I miss her reports and hope she reappears soon. But, if she happens to need replaced I would happily do so myself.

  4. Nigel Died of an illness according to Jahan. Susanna Moyer was last heard from when she landed in India and was preparing to follow the Acolyte's team in attacking Jahan's fortress. I hoped Jahan would gloat over Susanna Moyer as a prisoner but alas there has been no news that I have seen PAC's posts or the posts of Hank Johnson - I fear the worst and that Ethan Lepouttre in NLE is un-wittingly repatriating the XM riddled corspes of both father and daughter to the UK. :(

  5. Mustafa Said This is a most curious conversation. I am not entirely sure I believe in the theory of The Ultimate, but I can not rule it out. I need more evidence. It would be interesting to see if somebody could figure out how to get a copy of Akira's paper. Could that be what Susanna was trying to get? Or was she trying to either get or deliver something of her father's?

  6. Brandon Adams Could somebody acquire a link to this? UPDATE: Found it from post below on this thread.

  7. Mustafa Said It certainly does seem to prove that Smith might have been culpable. Unless, of course, there's some factor we're unaware of.

  8. Gr33n Wra1th Grotesque 1331 Theory, but perhaps worthy of further inquiry.

    If you have easy access to the post where Susanna landed in India, I would love to see it. I'm afraid I can't put my finger on it right now.

  9. Itonaga Naohiro Extremely helpful series of links. I am now searching for the newspaper reports and other information about Nigel Moyer's death. The purpose of my inquiry is 'Why Nigel? Why now?'

  10. So vialuxadventure is merely an XM gathering tool for both the Acolyte and Jahan to comb the ultimate for Nigel Moyers essence and secrets?

    300 portals each to the power of millions of agents. You see the water, I see an XM tsunami

  11. Edgar Allan Wright​ I'm no betting man but I'll wager Akira's paper is an academic one. Might be floating around in academic circles.....I remember Martin Schubert​ and Devra Bogdanovich​ both returned to the academic community after Abbadon. Perhaps they've seen it?

    Also, I might be wrong with my next assumption but I believe you hold a doctorate and I assume you've held academic lectures before. Is it possible that you could try to leverage any contacts you have within the academic world to see if they may have seen it floating around?

  12. Think of it as a distributed computing project much in the way SETI may use screensaver time from volunteered computer users to process scanned signals. This is the same but were combing the portal network looking for the key to Nigel Moyers secrets with our New wave modded scanners. As we know when agent activity in the same areas spikes it affects the portal network and an XM event follows.

  13. What would the opposite of an XM drought look like?

  14. Yik Sheng Lee If Susanna is being held captive by Jahan, it is very, very distressing news indeed. Further more if she could be the new body of ADA.

  15. Brandon Adams I believe that is a perfect match for Susanna.

  16. Also, what secrets of Nigel is Susana holding that she is being held captive possibly by Jahan

  17. We know that Antoine Smith was strangely unaffected by Dark XM in Saba Mines. Is there a connection if we could believe that Nigel Moyer was killed by Dark XM?

  18. Jozef Zubricky Sensitives are more easily affected by Dark XM

  19. Edgar Allan Wright apologies for the late response. Switched phones and have had a few issues connecting. But glad you found the image i mentioned. Its definately something that +Kadomasmiles would be interested in looking into...


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