Its been nearly three months since Nigel Moyer died.

Its been nearly three months since Nigel Moyer died. I have a feeling that if we're going to get to the bottom of Susanna's mystery, we have to re-assemble Nigel Moyer. If he were to have hidden his information, and let's say it is not available on-line... Where would it have been? If Susanna didn't go directly to India, where did she go? And, the larger thing to ponder is what secret did he have and did it have anything to do with the new wave?


  1. I thought the only Intel he passed to Susanna Moyer​ was the knowledge of the Aegis Nova.

    Was there anything else he may have given her?

    And why have we not checked places like Bletchley Park in London, which is a portal and has ties to Nigel as a person? Jahan tried to obtain knowledge from the Ultimate. Perhaps information on what Nigel knew is in the Portal Network.

  2. He would have been copied into the ultimate. We could recover him in theory...

  3. I guess he's dead like Roland Jarvis. Turning into human jerky somewhere.

    Nigel Moyer Global Shards?

  4. He seems the kind of person to leave behind his info in book form

  5. Don't forget 13Magnus Anomaly. Suzy was down in Buenos Aires (Argentina) prior to the finale at the end of 2013, and there have been ties to the Wunderwaffe in places like Villa Gesell, Bariloche and La Falda. Moreover, an undisclosed study about chaotic XM may (or may not) link ancient artifacts in a La Plata museum to Nigel's research.
    Why would Susanna encourage latin American agents to hype around her possible appearence in Santiago, Chile, just to leave them dry?
    All of the sudden, a Via Lux satellite site becomes Primary, another satellite hasn't fulfilled an omen by an iconic character, compelling evidence that leads to nowhere...
    #Calvinball #BlameMuMu

  6. Keijo D. Putt yo I didn't do nothing :p

  7. Mustafa Said Yes. And what lies underneath the knowledge of the Aegis Nova? That's my question. I am receiving tips from a source I can not name that perhaps Susanna went many places before she arrived in India. And I have a suspicion that Die Glocke is going to figure into this.

  8. If he's entangled with any portals I'd expect them to include Bletchley Park and Echelon facilities. I wouldn't be surprised to learn he'd put in time at Verum Inveniri listening posts, too.

  9. Edgar Allan Wright​ Hmm. So from San Diego, where would Susanna go? I recall that in Felicia Hajra-Lee​​'s novel the Niantic Project: Ingress she had written of NIA safehouses that were tapped into by Hubert Farlowe​​. Maybe she stocked up on supplies? She already had the Intel from the Acolyte. But what else could she have gained along the way?

  10. TrIsten Bordagaray Yes. It would be fascinating to know what the powers of the Ultimate are.

  11. Edgar Allan Wright  We all have significant portals in our lives. We have learned that memories are stored in some. For Nigel, perhaps his portal of significance is something he shared with Suzanna. Perhaps she traveled there to see if anything was left behind for her.

  12. I am receiving cryptic, un-sourced accounts that Susanna's journeys after San Diego were global in nature. Will tell more as I know more.

  13. Looking forward to learning more of her journey.

  14. I'm hearing rumors that kodama doesn't even think she's on our channel anymore. Not alive anyway.

  15. Per Phillip in the Essex chat:. Kodama told us that Susanna left this stage of human beeing but everything she told us was really vague unfortunately.


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