Most fruitful discussion, yesterday.

Most fruitful discussion, yesterday. Thanks to all of you. I am now pondering more questions than answers? Why was Nigel kidnapped and why then? Did Smith 'accidentally' kill him or was there some other agent involved?

This reference to Akira's Paper is of significant interest, but it is best that I do not explain my interest in this forum.

I was contacted by somebody who called themselves Kodama? She seems to be very curious about Susanna's Absence. What do we know of her? Should I cooperate with her?


  1. I think she might be a canidate to take over the INgress Report or something like it - with Moyer declaring Enlightened and even PA having declared resistance - we have no real gray - neutral - truthseeker party - except perhaps you. Someone who is, to some degree, outside and can help others look in....

  2. With moyer being NIA..err i mean MIA, another reporter would be needed to help bridge that gap. If she is fluent in Japanese, would she have any ties to Akira Tsukasa?

  3. Keep an eye on her. She might have connections to the NIA.

  4. One does not really just arrive at a NIA / IR role with full innocence in tact. (My opinion, not citing any real data.) You should cooperate with her to the degree you feel your safety is not compromised...

  5. Keep in mind. Susanna was targeted just like all other Truthseekers during her time before being exposed. It could have been a cover for her to better appear as an Investigator to gain trust.

  6. The timing of her appearance is weird. Mostly with Ada situation and Moyer's disappearances. Be careful, just be careful.

  7. Agent name is KodamaSmiles. I can verify she was on the ground during Via Lux Denver (based on her Twitter posts, and being there nyself). Her agent profile shows she's ENL aligned. My guess for that is that anyone who wants to access the scanner has to choose a faction.

    I suspect, given Suzanna's disappearance, that the NIA may be lining up a replacement. Tread carefully though Edgar Allan Wright​. As many have said, there are few who don't seem to have an 'objective' these days.

  8. Alastair Gilfillan​ I believe smith killed him


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