This was forwarded to me by Linda Besh.

This was forwarded to me by Linda Besh. It is quite fascinating. Where I differ from the researcher is that she tends to view the observation of XM colors and unusual sounds around portals as a kind of 'hallucination.' Not to be Contrarian, but I believe these phenomenon are caused by the release of XM which allows 'Sensitives' to see the true nature of the Ingression.

I have had such experiences. It would be of some value to hear any reports of similar phenomenon from Essex members:


  1. Indeed. There is an phenomenon I'll refer to as mind-bonding that seems to occur. On occasion, I will discover that I have come upon a thought that I thought was absolutely unique, and based solely on my ideas, only to discover that somebody has already posted it. I do not believe this to be an accident. There are other forces at work.

  2. There are just two possibilities.
    First. The sounds and colours are real. This would mean that there is a interplay between XM and usual materia. The materia partikels get charged somehow and emit this energy within the EM spectrum (light) or as movement/heat (Sound).
    Second. The sounds and colours are hallucinations. This is the same as "just sensitives" can notice it. That would mean this people have to be different somehow. May they have already accretion of XM at their synapsis, which interact with their minds. (Excluded this People just pretend to notice something to get seen as something special).

  3. My current theory very much alines with your theory. The sounds and colors are real. Sensitives, charged with XM see them. It would be very interesting to see people artistic representations of what they've seen.

  4. I had posted a while back a pic taken of a natural phenomenon during the recent meteor shower. To me it captured exactly how I perceive xm to look.

  5. Edgar Allan Wright , I've read about a similar occurrence, often referred to as the "Universal mind", where we're all mentally connected on some level.

  6. I've heard screeching come from portals once. Only once. I ran.

  7. I was drawn to a portal that didn't show up on the scanner. Drove right up to it, XM was highly concentrated, it was an old church I didn't even know existed and I could feel the XM all around. It felt like a very sacred place and very old, I am certain it had to be a place Native Americans used. I have often seen the energy and felt it. To me it's always a glow, not moving and muted in color, if it has any other than very soft pale white, it has always been a light green. Sometimes time gets distorted and a few seconds can feel like hours or 20 minutes can feel like a few seconds. There are only a handful of places like that I have been at.

  8. I have never heard any sounds coming from portals but I have always been visually oriented.


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