We have begun to hear quite a bit about Devra's 'Vault.' It was so long ago that I really 'knew' her that I have no...

We have begun to hear quite a bit about Devra's 'Vault.' It was so long ago that I really 'knew' her that I have no idea what it means. Is it my imagination, or is anybody else hearing echoes of Krakow in Wroclaw?

And I do not ask this to distract from the investigation into Susanna Moyer's disappearance, but it seems to me that it is not a coincidence that as Susanna and Klue vanish, Devra re-activates.

So let's get to the real question: If you were Susanna after Brooklyn, where would you go and what would you do?


  1. Edgar Allan Wright well, if I was Susanna Moyer and someone had killed my father, I would go after them as well and take any aid that I was offered to get that mission done... But I would be sure as heck that I wouldn't do it alone.

  2. Going off the grid would be a necessity. Jahan would be a fool not to expect her, or to try and keep track of her. For Susanna that means only her closest allies would know where she is. For Jahan it means sleepless nights until she sees her face, that is if she sees her coming at all.

  3. I'd go where I knew I could get what I needed to hurt the person who hurt me. I believe Susanna said that when she met up with Jahan again, they would "talk." If it were my father murdered, I'd do whatever I could to hurt Jahan where it counted. What is Jahan's focus? I'd make sure that never came to pass.

  4. Revenge is a dish best served cold.

  5. Hmm. I agree with Jennifer Brozek. Didn't Susanna, after...Aegis Nova in...San Diego(?) get help from the Acolyte, who offered support in the form of information she could use to find Jahan?

  6. Mustafa Said Moyer said in her post: "The Acolyte has offered to connect me with a network of Enlightened and 13MAGNUS operatives " ... Im wondering who the 13MAGNUS operatives are and what they have to do with it.

  7. Aaron P Ah! Thanks for that clarification.

    Well, we know one 13M operative. But that's not a guarantee he's the one who helped Susanna.

    I mean, we didn't know Azmati was 13M until it became revealed he was. For all we know, there could be 13M operatives in our midst that we're unaware of.

    Not to mention, who's to say it's someone we KNOW? What if it's just a grunt or a nameless assistant, a supporter or field operative? The informant could be just that-a nameless informant.

  8. "Nobodies" and the overlooked make the best informants. I would like to know where Susanna is and if she did have her meeting with Jahan. I wonder what "weapons" she took with her.

  9. I think Moyer will do worse than kill her, I think she's going to give ADA a new host and effectively repress Jahan's consciousness to be a living prisoner of an AI construct. But that's just me. Hey Susanna Moyer​ ... if you need a few key artifacts to complete this goal, you just let me know. All I request is that you look into Klue S.​'s whereabouts once justice is served. Maybe check some of the aliases she's traveled under in the past: Katy Townsend, Cait, or most recently 'Mission Control'.

  10. I'd stay away from the other Niantic sensitives, but dig deeper into other groups that knew about XM. Try to find a counterweight to Jahan that isn't the Acolyte. Then, see what my options look like once I'm secure with freedom to act.

  11. and no, it is not your imagination - it is a sort of déjà connu and Jamais vu

  12. It seemed really odd for me that someone with Moyer's background would telegraph what she was going to do. Particularly when Jahan wasn't even 'home' when she took off for India.

    The idea that she might find a way to hurt Jahan indirectly -- either by hitting her allies (and hey, look what happened to ADA), or by gathering new assets for the real attack...

    Well, it seems a lot more like the smart play.

  13. I'm sure that Devra Bogdanovich​ would prefer that you didn't talk about her "vault", Edgar Allan Wright​

  14. What about the mysterious person with initials J.P. who was supposed to meet Susanna in Tokyo but couldn't as he went to Akihabara to investigate New Resistance? Maybe she wants to meet him after all. Maybe New Resistance is the way how to get hold of Jahan.

  15. Susanna was searching for those responsible for her father's death when she went underground. If she has contacted anyone it would only be allies she could trust and we won't hear from her until she is ready to be heard from. I am not worried in the least. She is a highly trained operative that knows how to hide in the shadows and perfectly capable of handling anyone or anything she comes across.

  16. Can simulacra merge? If bad things happened to Sussana AND Klue... could they have returned as Kodama?

  17. I don't believe they can merge, there hasn't been a case of that happening as of yet. Closest thing was ADA and Klue and of course ADA was not a simulacrum.

  18. JoJo Stratton I had not heard the term Deja Connu before. Is that the phenomenon in which a person forms a first impression based on other similar experiences, such as meeting a similar person before?

  19. Edgar Allan Wright it is a concept that is used to better identify a Deja Vu type of experience. It is used more specifically for - already known (personal knowing) - basically it is a Deja Vu of having the sensation of already knowing a person (whereas Deja Vu is just the general term for experiencing something and having the sensation of already experiencing it) - so the term is more specific to a person. As to what is the trigger, some believe it is as you describe where it is similar persons, others advance it is related to something along the lines of reincarnation, and then there are the other theories of where the perception could be coming from (dimensional shifts, etc.)

    Many researchers are finding that the common notion of Deja Vu maybe something more than a simple "trick of perception". These researchers work to refine the sensations and experiences that are connected to altered perceptions overlaying current perceptions. They try to identify specific changes as they may be caused by different triggers. Here is one overview of some of the work on better defining these experiences - deja-experience-research.org - Categories and types of déjà experience

    You know - I wonder - with simulacra - what is Deja Vu for them? Do they have an entirely different type of Deja Vu - OR is Deja Vu more tightly linked to Simulacra than realized?

  20. Edgar Allan Wright​ I live in Wroclaw. Here you can't hear echoes of Krakow. It's impossible.

  21. Joanna RychterIn Kraków we hear echos that you have stopped playing. We hope they are fact and not fiction. I guess it will be better for everyone if it is in fact a fact. Pozdrawiam wszystkich grających graczy z Wrocławia :) keep play'n and have fun :)

  22. Kosh TheRipper Excellent point. How would you do it? We know that the Acolyte gave her forces. What other forces could she call on?

  23. Edgar Allan Wright I would call upon local indigenous forces that I know have good ties with people I am in contact with and would devise a small strike force that way.

    This is a common practice used by special operations units today and has proven time and again to be very successful.


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