I came upon this in my research.

I came upon this in my research. I have a suspicion that the New Wave Enlightened and Resistance have drunk deeply of this well:



  1. How & why should it be illegal for someone to alter their own body? There are plenty of cases where this has been significantly beneficial--even life saving. Why should this be any different?

  2. The only objection I can see to this is that the "clinic" where they're doing the work is decidedly not sterile. They're risking some very serious infections.

  3. The Enlightened (Even the New Wave) would never drunk from an obviously poisened well.

  4. How many augementations does it take to damage the soul? To the change the inner self?

  5. There's not much of any note beyond the truckstop in Tehachapi, so I'm not surprised.

    If they want body mod implants that could possibly do something other than make them look different from others in the cosmetic modification community, more power to them.

    What I take issue with is the attempt to legitimize what they're doing by comparing it to science meant to save lives and poohpoohing the laws, regulations, and protocols people in those fields must follow. They exist for a reason. Arguing against that or pretending it's the corporations while cutting on people in one's garage is dodgy.

    Also: has anyone actually seen a New Wave ENL? I'm starting to suspect the last few months of panic (New Wave! Hackers! The sky is falling!1one!) was little more than a ploy to keep us busy while the real threat made a move.

  6. Are you suggesting this has something to do with the new wave resistance?

  7. Argh I need a street Doc, my cyber eyes have an advertisement in Hindi for roach powder permanently playing in the corner

  8. The core element of the new wave is the Human+ aspect..

  9. New Wave Resistance was about bringing back ADA from her weakened state. I believe they have nothing to do with experimenting with human bodies to achieve so called evolution. This certainly looks like the stuff from Shapers. Not sure. Future will tell.

  10. Darshan Parab I tend to agree with you, though I have heard rumors that some Resistance new wavers are using themselves as vessels of Ada.

  11. Edgar Allan Wright​ this isn't new. We have seen ADA expressing herself through Klue. I'll not be surprised if ADA does that again. I'm actually waiting for it.

  12. Edgar Allan Wright​​ Are they 'using themselves' or are they the eyes and ears of ADA in the physical world? Or the hands (control)?

  13. Martin Zehetmayer If we hold that logic true then both the factions are travelling in a same boat.


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