I have one further thought on the Question on the author(s) of the Howcraft document: Did they believe they were...

I have one further thought on the Question on the author(s) of the Howcraft document: Did they believe they were writing fiction when they wrote it -- and beyond that, is fiction possibly just reality watched from a different dimension?


  1. Fiction is inspired from something with a basis in reality. We can only write understandable fiction by building off of our own knowledge and experiences. True, uninfluenced creative fiction- is such a thing even possible? I doubt it, otherwise it would be so out of sync with what we are capable of thinking that we would be unable to interpret it with accuracy. Therefore, when it comes to the Howcraft document, i would conclude that they simply didnt know what it was. What they saw was so vivid and shocking to them that they had to write it as detailed as possible in hopes that one day it could be interpreted accurately.

  2. Felicia Hajra-Lee​ seemed to think her work was unusually vivid imaginative work. Lovecraft has mentioned obfuscating research before, though, so it could go either way.

  3. Please share what you're all taking, it's been a rough week.

  4. Anthony DiRuggiero  Lengthy tale, but it starts with what is mentioned here and continues on investigate.ingress.com


  5. Alastair Gilfillan​ I told you when I was on DMT that fiction is considered reality. Edgar Allan Wright​ is onto something here...


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