My answer to the October 14 Question of the Day is complex. Would you expect anything else from me?

My answer to the October 14 Question of the Day is complex. Would you expect anything else from me?

The Narrator is unknown, by definition, because he does not identify himself. So that answer cannot be incorrect.

As to Obsidius (Obsidias to some), he has been identified as 1st Century Roman. However, it seems that he has an ability to visit other times. However, there is no mention of either Syphax or Sybella. That, in and of himself does not rule him out, but it does not support the case that it is Obsidius.

It seems fairly clear to me that the observer was looking at a technological object... Quite possibly the Tecthulhu itself and I would suspect that Hank would be able to identify it... Or maybe if my theories about his mind-hacking at the Miskatonic Library are accurate, maybe he couldn't. The jury is out. But Hank is not my first choice.

Josiah Harlan... Interesting. Mysterious character who was both present in Afghanistan and aboard the Niantic. Did we ever find out what his mysterious stop was? Still, he is the wrong era, but he came from a time when he probably would have recognized a technological object, even if he could not discern its purpose. Or would he have? Not sure.

My working answer is 'All of the Above.' I am beginning to suspect that the same people return in different times. I can not support this theory, yet, but I strongly suspect that this is the case. I've often wondered whether I have previous versions.

But my tentative answer is 'All of the Above.'

As to today's question about Kodama.... I have not come to an answer, yet.


  1. I'm of the opinion that Kodama isn't just a random Agent who is looking for Susanna Moyer.

    After all, Susanna herself popped up in our Investigation in a similar way. She emerged via conversation with H. Richard Loeb​. Then the Ingress Report simply....appeared the next day.

    I think she's operating on the agenda of another force. She could have been hired by the NIA to find Susanna and all this is just a cover.

  2. I tend to agree MuMu... The question is what force?

  3. Soooooo we have one type of simulacrum that the initial memory patterns are put back into a new body but the body pattern is the same. Do we have a second type of simulacrum where the memories are put into a new body that is a different pattern? Or can the memories of a simulacrum only be put into another simulacrum body.

  4. TrIsten Bordagaray​ of Hank might be Obsidius, that could explain a connection between them

  5. JoJo Stratton​ could there be a "natural" recursion of the soul and an "induced" XM Recursion via simulacra? It could explain why we're deeply drawn to people. Because we knew them before.

    I hesitate to call it reincarnation. At least not in the popular definition. More a restructuring of the same pattern.

  6. Edgar Allan Wright Well, can we conjure a list of potential suspects?

    I came up with the NIA. Yik Sheng Lee thinks that Jahan may have recruited her to go find Susanna. Is there anyone else we can think of?

    Who would want to find Susanna so much that they'd hire an outside individual to Investigate into her disappearance?

    Also, just for random thought. I just read the info you gave H. Richard Loeb. So, did you read the document that Agents assembled? If you are the one that Susanna may have seen in the library, what did you find? Was it Lovecraft's famous Necromicron? Or was it the Glyph-inspired books that gave him the idea to create it?

  7. Good Morning Dr. Edgar Allan Wright​​​​​, your Theorie about the return of the same people in different times, is a really interesting one and made me think.

    Last night i had the opportunity to read about the 'Grand Race of Yith', they were mentioned in Lovecrafts Book 'The Shadow Out of Time'.

    Lovecraft referred that the 'Great Race' are beings of enormous intellectual and psychic powers, that once dwelt on the dying world of Yith. They escaped the destruction of their home planet by transferring their minds to the bodies of a species native to the Earth in the far distant past. They lived on this planet for 200 million years or so, in fierce competition with the flying polyps, whom they initially subdued. However, this enemy over time increased in number and near the close of the 'Cretaceous' era (about 66 million years ago), rose up and finally destroyed the civilization of the 'Race of Yith', forcing the Yithians to flee en masse to other bodies located far in the future. (the Coleopterous Race)

    The unique ability of this scientifically advanced race was to travel through times by swapping minds with creatures of another era.

    There's also the short story "The Challenge from Beyond', Lovecraft describes a race of grey worm/centipede -like creatures the 'Yekubians' which have similar abilities to the 'Great Race of Yith', but without the power of time travel by mind transfer. They use an odd hieroglyphic-engraved cube, sent out into the cosmos, and once landed on a planet, it's activated by biological interaction and light. This then engages the life form in a similar process ot the Yithian's mind transfer.

    Don't want to go too far with my assumptions, but could the 'Grand Race of Yith' have their hands within 'the game'?

  8. Edgar Allan Wright I wanted to ask you about the PM you shared with H. Richard Loeb - you mention this - "It took me a long time to return from the psychic wilderness. I hope that Hank has not damaged himself in the process. He should keep close check on his sanity. It is also my suspicion that at least one of the two authors of the Howcraft Document gazed on that page, too. And it makes clearer what the Tecthulhu might be. It is not a color out of space, but a thing out of time."

    There is much to break down and would love to discuss this more - but your mention of Color out of space - there are people who see color for taste and similar switching of sensory information - it is called Synesthesia - do you have this and is this condition?

  9. Be assured, I am doing my best to safeguard my sanity. Part of that safeguarding is a quest to find the cause of what we will call 'the insanity.'

  10. TrIsten Bordagaray Fascinating concept... Or perhaps Misty or not impossibly Carrie Campbell.


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