Question of the Day 10/15 Answer: The question of Devra's Vault is fascinating to me.

Question of the Day 10/15 Answer: The question of Devra's Vault is fascinating to me. Sometimes, simply asking a question begets answers not only to that question, but other unstated questions.

While technically, the correct answer might be 'A memory from Devra's Childhood', the question in and of itself begets discussion about a secret backup facility for Niantic Researcher memories. I have a very strong suspicion that such a place and thing exists, but I have to revisit that. Do we know that such a backup exists? Is there evidence of it?

And what of the Portal Virus. It is my clear impression that she used the last of it at Hulong and, as you know, she has resisted every attempt I've made to open a dialogue with her. I'm not sure why. We are adults, Devra.

And... While it is not technically the Vault, perhaps the greatest revelation to come from asking this question was the existence of the Miskatonic Library. We now know that although it was believed to be fictional in our plane of existence, it does exist in another plane and that that plane can be accessed from ours.

Does the ensuing madness of the so-called "Necronomicon" really come from the Glyphs or does it come from clearly seeing what I'll call for the purposes of this discussion an 'Alternate Plane' from our plane -- that the madness comes from the cognitive dissonance of simultaneously experiencing two realities?


  1. Humans evolved in a 3 dimensional space (4 counting time) that while not truly Euclidean (if it were we'd have no gravity. Relativity requires non-Eucludian space) is effectively Euclidean at the scales we live in, and planet we live. As such our minds have a blind spot toward higher dimensions and curved space. We can probe them with mathematics, but our minds weren't built to experience them.

    Every computer system needs to have it's inputs sanitized. In part because of the halting problem, which says you can't computationally predict whether a program will halt for a given input deterministically. Thus you need to limit your potential inputs to stuff you know to be okay to prevent lockups.

    Human minds are computers in a way. Perhaps experiencing non-Eucludian space or space beyond 3 dimensions causes a mind built for 3 spacial Euclidean dimensions to lock up and crash or become unstable. It never evolved for those inputs.

  2. I need to digest this, but consider another possibility. Maybe Akira wasn't his student, but she gained access to the memory vaults via Susanna. This is only a partial theory, but Akira seems young for Whydah, but all else seems plausible.


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