This is speculation on my part, but I am beginning to believe that as more Howcraft and Felicia fragments surface,...

This is speculation on my part, but I am beginning to believe that as more Howcraft and Felicia fragments surface, we will discover that they are both accounts of the same series of events told from very different perspectives. It seems that Felicia has 'mental access' and can see into the thoughts of others in more or less present tense and reality (NOTE: we need a word for the Apparent place and time in which we perceive ourselves to be living) for brief glimpses while Howcraft sees events, but interprets them through the eyes of asynchronous viewers.

Is that correct?


  1. Felicias document was written in 3rd person, and Howcrafts was 1st. This difference of perspective could account for the multiple vantage points- but it does add a bit of question as to what Howcraft saw- as typically 1st person viewpoints are limited to that persons own understanding of events.


  2. Edgar Allan Wright

    So she has psychometry, then?

    And the word you're looking for is a portmanteau, "presi-verse." That is:
    the present reality that one is experiencing within that particular universe/multiverse at that particular time.

  3. coentanglement with other sensitives to ride along with them during key events vs remote viewing of specific anomalous sites? We've seen many instances of XM sensitivity having varying effects based on the mental predispositions of the sensitive. Is that the case here or is there more to it, like the means by which Felicia, Howard, and Lovecraft came by their information?

  4. and as to Felicia Hajra-Lee ability - is it similar to - the "same" as Tycho C. and what perhaps enoch dalby possesses?

  5. This means that Via Noir will dictate depending on the faction winning, who will see who's death?


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