Excellent scholarship from Yik Sheng Lee.

Excellent scholarship from Yik Sheng Lee. The premise that the Niantic Project and Die Glocke were the first XM investigations is dubious to me. I too suspect there have been others. I am exploring the alchemists as obvious ones. And, of course Ada of Caria and the Tomb of Mausolus, but there must also be many others. What would they be? What characteristics are we looking for?



  1. Have we thought about the ancient Egyptians? Could the pyramids have been failed attempts at abadn chambers? We're the pharos really dead when put in the chambers? Was jarvis's body described as mummified when it was in the Hut with klue? I might be way off here but just a thought

  2. The Minoans are also a bloodline of Endgame. Could the Bloodlines produce powerful XM Sensitives?

  3. Edgar Allan Wright​, there are instances throughout the Eastern religions of something referred to as a "death meditation", where a monk would enter into a meditation close to the moment of death and passover while meditating, remaining locked in this meditation and there's instances of the body not decomposing for a while. A good starting point is en.m.wikipedia.org - Ego death - Wikipedia

    It's also referred to as the "Hero's journey", with the subjects rebirth into the world with a different spiritually driven point of view.

    Also called a "tukdam", this one of the instances found in the news. Could something similar have explained what happened with Roland Jarvis​?


  4. Edgar Allan Wright Yik Sheng Lee We must look for something who is know because its benefits that end in no to much info. Also it must have some of myth, as Hank Johnson mentioned before. Finally we should seek to have and non common territorie... those ingredients (criteria) can give us places and investigation expeditions. I want to postulate the "El Dorado" leguend, an exploration which seeks for gold in the new world...

  5. Maybe it's all about immortality. Even celtic tribes believed in their immortal soul and recursion. Therefore they built amazing places. These ancient places and their portals are surrounded and flourished by exotic matter.


  6. Immortality was a driving force behind the obsessions of many ancient cultures. The Ancient Egyptians especially were obsessed with the concept of the afterlife/immortality. Consider the state of Jarivs currently, he is a living embodiment of mummification. They called those in charge of the process 'Priests", but perhaps a modern equivalent would be an XM Scientist? Their ancient buirial grounds could have been nests, for example consider Umm El Qa'ab (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umm_El_Qa%27ab). It would not suprise me in the least that these ancient sites and rituals were inspired by the gods- who were simply what they called the N'zeer or Shapers.

  7. I believe many old civilizations or legends had Xm artifacts involved in their demise. Like with the shield and Pompeii, I think it's possible Tecthulhu has also traveled through our time lines and that Sacrifices were made to it as it may have been perceived as a god. Many cultures made sacrifices to God's for numerous reasons, for a good year of crops or because they felt they angered a god for example. I think it's possible these civilizations made sacrifices to artifacts...

    We have so many lost civilizations, its hard to just narrow down one that may be involved. I'd personally believe the ancient Egyptians, Atlantis, and the Mayans may all be tied in. Civilizations that flourished but suddenly disappeared. That sounds more like an involvement of an artifact or xm to me

  8. If the Tecthulu is truly shaped by its creator we may have seen it many times in history. The Celts Horned God. The Koori's Rainbow Serpent. Even Annuki of Sumer are possible.

  9. I see the human glyph on that disc in several places that's pretty interesting

  10. IMO, Immortality is an interesting concept that isn't as simple as it seems. There are a number of ways one could be immortal.

    Simulacrums, use the reincarnation as a means to be immortal.

    Some beings could extend their longevity through enhancements. Could the NWR and NWE be doing this?

    Traversing the boundaries of time and alternate realities would be another means to keep ones self alive through the ages. ADA and the Acolyte seem to be able to do this.

    All of these are interesting ways of manipulating XM.

    Some popular culture even suggests immortality through legacy or memories. Maybe that's why it was so important for the Shapers to wipe out every single trace of the N'Zeer. It also brings another question up. Could the Miskatonic Library be more than just a library? A final bit that the N'Zeer held on to?


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