In my inquiries I have noted a number of different opinions on the nature of the Tecthulhu.

In my inquiries I have noted a number of different opinions on the nature of the Tecthulhu. I have a suspicion that more will be emerging, but I am going to be inquiring not only with Essex but also Hank Johnson , H. Richard Loeb , Devra Bogdanovich and others. It would be fascinating to know what the corporations think. I am quite sure they have been doing research on this topic. And what of Oliver Lynton-Wolfe ? He seems to have been curiously silent on this subject. And for that matter, what of Agent KodamaSmiles .

But first, you. What do you think?


  1. You should also include Akira in your inquiry. We know that she has a history with advanced Xm research with weaponry, and that she also had ties with Nigel. The latest information reveled about "Sumoya" contained a description of an outfit that sounds a lot like what Akira is wearing in her bio card picture- so she may be more involved than previously thought.

  2. So many ideas so many thoughts, i think all of our missing and silent friends will come out in this 'darkness'.

    i agree with Aaron though, i believe that Akira has a little to do with the construction to Tecthulhu, but i also believe Susanna, Ada, and Klue are part of its construction as well. I am not sure how, but there are many loose ends i am sure will be tied together at the end of this.

  3. I think the Niantic writers should stop bastardizing good authors work for their D Movie quality storyline is what I think.

  4. I think also that the tecthulhu is a work of Susana Moyer​ father. That's the reason of the disappearance of Susana. And Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​ knows the truth

  5. I think Susanna has been transformed into a simulacrum when Nigel dosed her with XM. The Tecthulhu is a means to undo this, that's why she has to go there. Which ever faction wins Via Noir will be the one the New/Old Susanna will be aligned with.

  6. To understand speculate about Techthulu you have to know about Cthulu. So, what do we know? It's about an immortal entity. Human Destiny has been for thousands of years the hunt for immortality. Pyramids, mummies, occultism - all were in some way technologies to achieve human immortality. If we accept our mortal body and copy our immortal mind and soul into a machine....what will this entity be? An immortal god? A nightmare? Techthulu? Just thoughts about that.

    Edit: Maybe Dr. Martin Schubert (white coat sorcerer) could tell a bit more about.

  7. More inclined to believe Hank Johnson that this is a weapon. The question then becomes who has the ability to obtain and use this weapon.


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