It occurs to me that Essex's Birthday is coming up. What would be a suitable present?


  1. A mind blown badge for everyone who posts here. 😇

  2. There are so many open questions we are looking at right now, any guidance would be a great gift!

  3. How about a live hangouts? To share your thoughts of the past 4 years in the investigation? Edgar Allan Wright​

  4. Mario Valenzuela II too good to refuse

  5. How about a weekly installment with a challenge or a brain teaser?First one to solve gets a reward and some intel on the investigation.

  6. In truth, investigate has already been very helpful. I think investigate should solicit a guest post a week about lore elements.

    Sure, badges, whatever

  7. Mind Blown... that's appropriate in a few different ways. 😲

  8. Edgar Allan Wright

    Ok, badges. We've already got one and that's fine enough. Please.

    I like Typhoon Jim's idea for guest articles on Investigate. Some sort of special event, maybe a Hangout or something would also be nice.

    Andreas Decker's idea of special challenges are also a unique twist.

    But please. NO NEW BADGES. It's been done before and the last thing we need is a round two. That's just too easy and too predictable. Let's do something unique.

  9. I would like an Essex badge. New or original, just to show I am proudly part of this community.

  10. It would be great NOT getting a new badge.

  11. Good question... What do you get the Doctor who has everything? 😂

  12. How about a hardbound copy of your ingress research anthology with personal notes in the margins? (Not that dislike badges...)

  13. A badge for every member of Essex would be worthless. Remember that everyone can join this community without having done anything for the investigation. The Essex badge given out right now is good as it is. I agree with Mustafa Said​ here.

  14. More access and opportunity to earning the EAW badge. There are many contributors to story, research, and community growth & integrity, etc., many styles and pieces feeding into a larger, amazing whole. Acknowledge a wider range of styles of contribution 😄

  15. Knowing where we stand as to obtaining an eAW badge would be great. I would love to do more, as would many, But its challenging to know where we are or if what contributions we make matter. Either way, being able to be involved is a great privelage and i love seeing where and how things work out.

  16. No new badges, Edgar Allan Wright​, as much as I would love to earn the already existing one... No new badges.

    Honestly what I would love to know is more about Project Whydah and your involvement with it.

  17. A puzzle which requires input from many participants around the globe. Almost everyone I have spoken with in Europe has never heard of Operation Essex or has little idea of what it is / how to get involved. Raise awareness, foster community, provoke intrigue, gather minds, ignite excitement.

  18. An answer to a few questions would be nice. Questions that riddle the brain and brings some sleepless nights.
    Don't get me wrong, a badge would be nice, but I think answers would be better.

  19. All members get one of your beautiful badges 😃

  20. i still need a regular badge, don't do a new one. lol

  21. The ability to store media items in key capsules 😀 or not have them count towards the 2000 item limit.

  22. Melissa Excellent point Melissa. What would the top three questions that we want answers to be? I've got some candidates, but will hold my tongue (fingers) for now.

  23. Edgar Allan Wright a party - we need to celebrate community and what has been and what can continue - Let's have a 24 hour all time zone Telethon of Truth :)

    Oh, I'd also like a Niantic Project convention that has online workshops and events AKA Let's recreate Waratah - boo-yaa (ok, calming down now)

    Back to party ;)

  24. Typhoon Jim Mustafa Said I like the idea of a series of lore guest posts - maybe even work on a collection that could be released ala Niantic Files style....

  25. Hrmmm everyone has such good ideas! Let's celebrate the way we always do! Investigate and have amazing moments with everyone :D

  26. Daniel van Os Id totally buy Media Lockers, and hope they do come out with them! Bill Kilday​

  27. Roundtable discussion among as many Niantic sensitives as are willing to participate discussing the current state if the XM research community.


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