Melissa had a fascinating comment.

Melissa had a fascinating comment. What we want are answers. As there is no authority to determine correct answers, perhaps we should become that authority. I am not sure how that would manifest, but I am fascinated. Let's think about this.

For now, if there were three questions Essex wanted answers to, what would they be?


  1. 1) What is the purpose & intention of the shaper/n'zeer conflict?

    2) Why humanity's involvement in the aforementioned? What value is there exactly to these entities? Ally? Resource (e.g. xm batteries)? Perpetuated accident?

    3) Was it actually possible to restore original humanity over simulacrum state to the researchers during Obsidian? - If so, is it still possible even now for a. simulacrum or b. future individuals lost into the portal network?

  2. Edgar Allan Wright Actually, I only have 2.
    1. Who are the seers in The Summoning and Sumoya Beneath the Waves? They cannot possibly be the same person. The stories are the same but from different perspectives.
    2. The Vault. Has it been accessed?
    Edit to add 3 question.
    3 Devra Bogdanovich knew a lot about what was going on with Oliver Lynton-Wolfe the night of #ViaNoir, Is this because her location and his location contained a portal bridge, so to speak, due to Die Glocke being located at both of those points?

  3. My questions are:

    1. What really happened to you, Dr. Edgar Allan Wright​​, that costed you your memories?

    2. Who really is Klue S.​​?

    I don't have a third to ask but if I come up with one, I'll edit this response to include it.

  4. The third question of Yik Sheng Lee​ is indeed a good one: Why do far more advanced species need us?

  5. 1- What caused your mind to be in its current state and why are you hunted?
    2- Who really is Klue?We know she was in Origins as someone else, but who exactly is she and where did she really come from?
    3- Are we forever destined to be pawns of the Shapers and N'zeer or is there a way for us to be in charge of or own destiny?

  6. With all due respect, but I don´t think that Essex should assume authority about anything. We are investigators and we are searching for the truth. But this is a never-ending process, because the truth of today may as well be the absurdity of tomorrow. For example, there was a time when people thought the earth is flat. That was their truth. If you say something similar today, it would be regarded as an absurdity.

    And who are we to judge what is right and what is wrong? Sure, we look deeper into matters than others, but do we look deep enough to pass judgement? For myself, I would never be 100% sure. "A theory can not be proven, only falsified" is an important motto we should adopt. And to pass judgement on the opinions of others elevates above others, a place where nobody belongs.

    Essex should strive to answer the questions as they come up. No question is more important than the other.

  7. Answer for 3. of Yik Shen Lee: Technic
    Answer for 1.: What about our Origins
    2.: Answer for 1.

  8. 1 Shaper/N'zeer conflict origins
    2 Who is Klue really?
    3 Origins of the faction ideologies. Where did they first start? What led to the creation of 13/Anti Magnus

  9. My first and only question:

    What is the Niantic Project?

    I think we don't even know by now exactly the relations to Project Whydah, the relevance of the Shaper glyphs and the involvement of the companies.

  10. 1. Who is Klue S.​​ and what role did/will she play? The Acolyte implied prior knowledge of her 'transitioning' which suggests she expected the events of Via Noir and would've planned accordingly.

    2. What is the nature of the relationship between the a Shapers, N'zeer and humanity? All have a shared past and perhaps a shared future, maybe one that has already occured at least once.

    3. What happened to all the other researchers and investigators who have gone cold? We have the more well known researchers from the Niantic Project but also the likes of Ben Jackland or the agent that hit L17.....I'd also include you in this group Edgar Allan Wright​​

  11. 1. Before the scanner existed, how were anomalies fought?

    2. Why are the big corporations so quiet in these matters? It's always Jahan vs. The Acolyte, or Devra vs. Jarvis.

    3. Will we ever meet you?

  12. As a student of cell biology and neuroscience, I'd like to understand the physiological basis of sensitives and recursion. How does XM influence the fundamental physical and chemical reactions that mediate a living cell?

  13. is human being effected by XM required to build/run tecthulu?
    that is why the shapers want XM in this dimension ?
    so XM alone does not work, it must be mixed with something, a action to get the reaction u want,

  14. 1. Where does ADA come from and where to go?
    2. Who raised "Epiphany night" and why was it necessary?
    3. Is N'zeer the technology itself? Or is there a specific existence

  15. Yik Sheng Lee My suspicion, Yik Sheng Lee is that you are eminently qualified to do the scholarship on these questions. I think there are certain things we can speculate on and infer. Either the Shapers and N'zeer were simultaneous Yin/Yang creations, or they were one entity that divided, but they are obviously groups that relate to each other. At the end it is almost a theological question. Might not be a bad idea to see what the mysics say.

  16. miu2d4r ミウツー 1) We know the prosaic explanation for ADA's creation. She was built off of Omnivore by Bowles and Turinged by Loeb. But your deeper question is fascinating. Were they acting under transdimensional commands and/or was ADA affected by XM herself. As to where she goes. That's an excellent question. My suspicion. She now lives not only in the infonet, but in the Shaper Substrate, the Portal Network and the N'zeer matrix. She is master of multiple worlds. Once again, that is only my opinion, but it seems that every attempt to co-opt or destroy her has simply made her stronger. Do others agree with this?
    2) Ostensibly, Lynton-Wolfe raised Epiphany Night. Think of him as Prometheus or Pandora or Innana (these analogies break but work with me). But all of the others enabled and maybe encouraged him. Certainly Calvin and the NIA and maybe even Ada. In mythological terms, Epiphany Night might have been like the destruction of Atlantis or the fall of the Tower of Babel. It spread the knowledge from the confines of the Niantic Project to the world. The problem with all great questions is that the answer always leads to other questions.
    3) N'zeer Technology. Excellent question. The N'zeer might be the blueprints and the instructions and it is human will that is realizing their technologies. Some thinks that the XM is the Shapers themselves, but that is a fringe theory. We might have to re-define our idea of existence. Does 'the cloud' exist or is it a construct. Yes. There's an infrastructure manifestation of it it, but what is the cloud?

  17. Isabel Kessler It sounds like your theory on this is far beyond mine. Brilliant thoughts. Expand. My only suspicion is that XM is either to change or optimize humans. Humans might be much more important to the universe than we suspect. The question is why and how?

  18. Can I still ask a question? If it's not late...
    I want to know about simulacrum.

    1) What is the environmental condition that a dead human becomes a simulacrum?
    2) Although the simulacrum does not die even if he had be shooten, others seem to be able to touch him. Does simulacrum involve entities?
    3) Can the simulacrum who lost his physical body return to humans?
    Jarvis' body is already like a mummy, but can he return to a figure like when he was alive?

  19. My questions are more on glyphs than anything else... Like whether or not the new sequences were sent from Tecthulhu and if they weren't then who and why were they sent before Noir?

    Everyone has amazing questions! They all make me want to dive into investigations more.

  20. MailEater Never too late. Truth is, I think Yik Sheng Lee or Mustafa Said or JoJo Stratton can answer this with as much credibility as I, for they've all commented on this, but here are some places to look. It would be good to have some definitive scholarship on this, however.
    1) It seems that Simulacrums are created when people die near nests or ABDN chambers. It is not random. In fact, it might always be contrived. (Was Hank lured to the Afghan anomaly. If so, by whom?). The Niantic Researchers were deliberately turned into Simulacrum by Calvin with at least the complicity of Ada. We don't know what Bowles knew or Ni for that matter. Somebody had to lead them down there and kill them? Was it faceless IQTech or NIA officers or somebody closer to home. Unknown, but an interesting piece to fill in).
    2) It seems that simulacrum can take damage, but as they are transdimensional entities, the damage 'syncs' to prime form over time. I point to Jarvis' body after the Zurich Train Station, but I am speculating here. Am open to other theories.
    3) It seems that most of the Niantic Scientists were returned to a human state at the conclusion of Abaddon. So the actual bodies are preserved. What residual remains from being a simulacrum. Unknown.
    4) It seems that Jarvis did return to physical form at 13MAGNUS, but was he prime form or simulacrum or something else? I leave that for others to speculate on. It would be interesting to see a chain of custody on Jarvis Body from his death at CERN, to the Train Station (was he always a simulacrum?) to the 1331 transport van, through 13MAGNUS all the way to the Enlightened Compound. I have not harmonized my own thoughts on this.

    As I said. Additional scholarship and understanding are necessary.

  21. Houssam Eltouny You are asking very good questions. There is a lot to be learned about the Tecthulhu. My suspicion is that the so-called 'Moyer Tecthulhu was but one of many past and future.

  22. MailEater​​​​​

    In my opinion, to become a simulacrum there needs to be a high level of xm dosing of the individual and that individual needs to be an xm sensitive. I don't believe we've seen someone become a simulacrum who wasn't previously a sensitive. Regarding the dosing, whether this needs to be directed in a particular way (eg at a nest/ABDN) or purely has a function of degree of exposure would be a point of discussion.

    The second question you raise seems to imply you consider simulacra intangible or ghostly...this is not the case. In my opinion, a simulacrum is a physical copy of an individual created with exotic matter rather than 'normal' matter. They are as physically real as any other person but react in different ways to certain stimuli eg xm artifacts such as Azmati dagger.

    The last question relates directly to the outcome of Abaddon. The 2 potential outcomes were, in part that the Niantic researchers would be either returned to their original organic bodies or retained as simulacra. As such, I would say yes.... you can return a simulacra to their original body. This was done in the case of Hank Johnson​ during Darsana in fact.

    Edgar Allan Wright​​​ Yik Sheng Lee​​​ JoJo Stratton​​​ Mustafa Said​​

  23. Edgar Allan Wright the annoying question is this picture, why would they just put it out there, all i can see is alpha with green xm like it is a ENL field, why put it out there alone without any info... What message are they trying to send and to who?

  24. Houssam Eltouny As of now, it's believed that it was a special signal being sent to the Enlightened Agents of New Orleans, who obtained a special case after the Anomaly there.

    The signal was telling them to release everything they had obtained.

  25. Mustafa Said interesting, how did u got that from just that pic?

  26. Think I'll keep asking questions here.
    How old was Susanna when her brother and mother died?
    When is Hubert Farlowe​?
    And where is 855?

  27. I have another question - as I am researching and working on some wiki stuff about Devra - I reviewed this post - - D3vra’s N1GhTM4R3

    Devra mentioned verbal glyphs - have we heard (pardon the pun) any more about these? What did they do to Devra and others?


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