So this gets us to the question, doesn't it?

So this gets us to the question, doesn't it? What did Oliver Lynton-Wolfe mean by his final statement: "Where there was once one Tecthulhu, there will be many."


  1. Perhaps it will spread? Maybe portals could be captured by it, similar to the portal virus?

  2. sounds more like a Dune reference than Lovecraft. The Kwisatz Haderach "the one who can be many places at once". Beeing able to travel trough space (or even time) and no more need for spice XM?

    But the spice XM must flow...

  3. Kevin Hagan​ That seems really possible!

  4. The propagation of his kind, either controlled by him or working for him. We need a further understanding of what he has really become.

  5. Presumably we should understand the Tecthulu as a spreading 'idea'?

    Dr. Wright you also mentioned the interesting theory of a wearable Tecthulu in Essex HO.
    Could that 'idea' be implemented in a special sign or bracelet possibly? Mark 5:9 came to my mind. "My name is Legion; for we are many."
    Or should we see the Tecthulu 'idea' as a source of knowledge, which creates more pompfoons soon?

  6. I agree with it being a Dune reference as mentioned above. However, instead of having prescience to be "in many places at once," it could be closer to the SPOILER sharding of the God-Emperor, with his seed consciousness carried by the future generation of worms.

  7. Tecthulhu was a new in game weapon. Unnecessarily we stopped it. Any ways more such new weapons will be made available in future.

  8. Considering the technical/biological augmentation done on the New Wave agents, i would put them at the highest risk of becoming part of the "many."

  9. What is Tecthulhu, is that from persepolis ?

  10. It's in the scanners. The Resistance has become Legion.

  11. I am wondering if with the new portal's submission option won't be only enlightenment able to submit them? 😢

  12. The three suitcases, in three different places, could be a reference to three tecthulhu...

  13. Certainly sounds like a machine (or program) that has a goal to self-replicate... (like a virus!?) I'd assumed each of the three cases' contents that we've seen thus far were all pictures of the SAME Techthulu, but... maybe not?

  14. Maybe... "techthulu" is a sentient weapon that attacks indiscriminately... a third faction so to speak. #hideYourGPs


    This phrase from the techthulu text let me agree with Matt Stevenson​ that it could be a virus. I fear that it's not a portal virus, but instead a mind programming virus.


  16. If ADA is merged in Tecthulhu it surly would be possible that she/it replicates itself to human minds. "... there will be many". Maybe the NWR is a part of that.

  17. Edgar Allan Wright I think that what Oliver Lynton-Wolfe meant is that he's the first of many other "Techthulu" out there in the Ether, and now that he was one of them, it may have acted as a sort of beacon to the others. A bit like the Helios artifacts were used to call the N'Zeer back to Earth.

  18. Achim S.​​ so... the "mind virus" That OLW and ADA stated was being used by the Shapers?

  19. What would you think Mario Valenzuela II​? I'm not sure.

  20. If Tecthulhu runs on XM, then Oliver Lynton-Wolfe has a huge advantage in powering multiple Tecthulhus against whatever Jahan and the Acolyte obtain. What will Susanna need to counteract them?

    Alternate theory: the previous ADA drought naturally leads to the rise of Tecthulus, possibly powered by ADA.

  21. I don't think we need to elaborate on interesting, but unnecessary complex possibilities right now. I think OLW hinted at the possibility of Jahan and / or the Acolyte creating a Tecthulhu on her/their own, maybe with the help of the New Wave of the respective faction. Even more simple, he May have stated something like: " Hey I built it, so can someone else" in a colorful way.

  22. Jaime Quinonez that is what I am kind of leaning towards... I truly believe ADA is more then she appears

  23. I think that it plays to the saying, "History reapets itself." Tectchulhu did not see the light of day this time, but it will be back.

  24. evil witch highly unlikely... good for my team...but it be bad for the overall game.

  25. Edgar Allan Wright this reminds me of a statement Ken Owens made about the many heads of a Hydra....

  26. Virii do replicate themselves. It's their nature and so will this Living code manifest itself


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