It would be hard for me to express how helpful your answers were, yesterday.

It would be hard for me to express how helpful your answers were, yesterday. I have been in touch with Hank Johnson and he has asked me to submit some other questions for you. They involve the Original Niantic Project scientists.

Obviously, we are aware of the doings of Hank Johnson, Devra (though I have had no recent updates from her, she does not seem to have returned to Strathmore College), we've already speculated on Oliver Lynton-Wolfe. I have reason to believe that Lightman, Schubert and Nagassa seem to have returned to some semblance of their prior studies, though their exact names do not turn up any specific information (I am aware the Lightman has continued his study into the Glyphs).

Calvin has returned to IQTech and appears to be in control. I suspect that Lorazon has moved on.

Its the others I am hazy about. While you may not know any more than I do, insights are helpful:

Carrie Campbell: Does she remain dead or did she return from Abaddon?
Victor Kureze: Same question.
Enoch Dalby: Is he recording under another name? Is there music like his out there.
Misty Hannah is believed to be performing magic under another name. Does anybody know more?
ADA was an honorary member of the team and while her condition is murky, I do not need an update on her.

Who am I forgetting and what do we suppose has become of them. I must say, my memory is a bit scrambled after some of the tests I have been put through?

More later. Must meditate.


  1. do you feel good? sure? Do you know if you have any side effects from the tests you have done? Do you remember everything?

  2. We have not heard from Felicia Hajra-Lee in a long time. Her Exotic Matters blog has been silent for over a year. She seemed to know everything that happened to the researchers and had unprecedented access to the Niantic Archives. Did she find a new assignment perhaps helping/documenting the researchers after Abaddon? Also, we heard the voice of Roland Jarvis in the scanner not too long ago, sparking rumors of his return, did he speak from the ultimate? Could the Tecthulhu have opened access to his memories?

  3. From Felicia Hajra-Lee's writing 'Realisation', we can say with some certainty that Carrie is alive again

    "Carrie wanted details about how she had supposedly died... she inspected her arms and legs. No tattoos."

  4. We can only assume the same is true of Victor Kureze, as he is also referenced as being alive in the same account.

  5. Edgar Allan Wright,
    To answer a few of your questions...

    Carrie Campbell: Does she remain dead or did she return from Abaddon?
    I believe that Carrie Campbell returned as a simulacrum after the events of Abaddon
    Victor Kureze: Same question.
    I believe that Victor Kureze also returned as a simulacrum after the events of Abaddon.
    Enoch Dalby: Is he recording under another name? Is there music like his out there.
    I believe that where you find Carrie Campbell, you will also find enoch dalby. There is wonderful music like his out there, I've done research into musical meditations and believe that musical meditation is what enoch dalby used to fully feel the effects of XM
    Misty Hannah is believed to be performing magic under another name. Does anybody know more?
    Misty Hannah is a stage performer at heart, she would be back to doing what she does best, more than likely as you suspect performing under another name.

    I hope this helps.

  6. If you write to Yuri Alaric Nagassa​ a message ( you'll still receive an automatically answer...

    He is working for Petsov and Visur within this think tank?

  7. I had made a post a while ago about Yuri ( What happened during Abaddon would have struck a cord with him due to the story of Ichtaca he had heard as a youth- also he has connections to the Tecthulhu with Nigel. I suspect he is seeking clarity as much as you are. I imagine the previous events surrounding Ichtaca must have struck him as a prophecy about his own experiences.

  8. No reason to believe Campbell wouldn't have recursed with the ABADN reset, but I believe there's a strong possibility her autoillumination with glyphs and glyphlike symbols might have altered her new simulacrum. It's entirely possible she either has her full memory or is under some compulsion to act on behalf of a dead self her current incarnation never knew.

  9. I often wonder what is on Stein Lightman​​'s mind considering how many glyph related research projects have sprung into existance in his absence.

    I'm finding that the some of the sequences I make each week have been strangely prophetic... I wonder if concentrating on glyphs like Carrie Campbell​ has may be affecting my reality.

  10. Out of curiosity, why doesn't Hank Johnson ask of us directly instead of using you as a medium, Dr.? I doubt we're going to bite. :) Perhaps he's in a bit of a tough situation at this moment and can't do so?

    Onto the researchers.

    My suspicion, based on what you've provided about how some have begun using alternative names and identities to hide themselves is that they've awakened with all their memories and, after coming to terms with the world they don't remember playing a part in, they've decided to move on and try to stay out of the world of XM.

    It's a shame if so. Their insight and knowledge could be so useful now more than ever. We're running out of people we can trust these days and having more knowledge, more perspectives from those who played such a fundamental role in this world would be so vital to have.

  11. Jarvis is the only one I think you are missing. He ,I believe, remains in the Ultimate. However, I stand among many Enlightened agents who would love to see his return in 2017. As for Enoch Dalby, a personal hero, I believe he is holed up somewhere, surrounded by music and trying to reach Carrie. They are two lodged together...

  12. I suspect someone is trying to put the band back together again. The NIA's constant request for funds from the government is further proof of the same. If Calvin is at the helm of IQ Tech, then I would suspect some of the old researchers and sensitives are all getting together under his wing. Calvin might not approach OLW, Jahan or the Acolyte given the messy nature of dealing with them.

    At the same time I see Akira as a more independent individual with her own control at IQ Tech East. OLW would definitely approach her as he would see her as more of a risk taker.

    This could cause some fractures.

    I also want to point out that XM events seem to be cyclic in nature. Are we going to see a similar turn of events as we have seen in the past?

  13. Lightman is continuing his studies? I would love to see them.

    There are quite a few people in current glyph studies, including ones involving music. Achim S.​ did a study on them here along with many other studies on glyphs. tetsuo takahashi​ has also started something called the glyph music dairy in the Game Society.

  14. Here's the first of six so far that tetsuo takahashi​ has done. It's a little different than enoch dalby​ but I feel it would strike a similar cord for him

  15. I wish I had information on the other researches, I do hope all turn up well...

  16. Edgar Allan Wright, I beleieve enoch dalby is performing under another name. I will ask (whom I believe to be) him next week. :)


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