Please pardon my absence.

Please pardon my absence. It appears that certain government agencies have developed a greater interest in XM research. I have been part of a study. I believe their intentions are good. I am now out again. I will share more as I am permitted to.

I also did have a visit from Hank Johnson. I do not know if it was related to the journey Jahan sent him on. It was quite a good conversation and mutually beneficial. He requested that I give him a few days before mentioning it publicly. He asked me to solicit opinions from Essex on the whereabouts of Oliver Lynton-Wolfe who has not been explicitly heard from, in my knowledge, since he vowed that there would be 'many' Tecthulhu.

What do we believe has become of Dr. Oliver Lynton-Wolfe?


  1. ┻━┻ ︵ ¯\(ツ)/¯ ︵ ┻━┻

  2. I believe that OLW has retreated to where he worked as Nigels Research assistant in Buenos Aires. Nigel pioneered research on the Tecthulhu and there have been indications that caves near that area may hold some secrets. If OLWs Tecthculhu was destroyed he may be seeking to build another one or to find some more of Nigel's research. Could Nigel have built a hidden functional Tecthulhu?

  3. I believe he has sought out asylum among Hulong or Visure... or he has joined Jarvis in the Ultimate.

  4. Probably trying to get his own funding from the Trump administration so he can build more tecthulhus.

  5. I believe OLW is gathering allies. If the events of Via Noir are anything to go by, he knows that he needs help. Hank offered him this help, but will he accept it or will he reach out to someone who he has more control over? I believe he would seek allies that he has more control over. There are several sensitives out there; some known and some unknown. I also think OLW would be seeking Miskatonic if he doesn't already know where it is. Knowledge is power and can give him an edge. It would allow him to make it easier to make and power up the many Techthulhus he promised. Again, he needs allies; everyone does.

  6. It is nice to hear from you again Edgar. I believe Oliver is in hiding and some one is helping him in keeping off the radar. Who I can not say for certain but with new agencies coming into the light I have to wonder why now and what spurred them into activity. As always, please be safe in your travels and we await the day we hear from you again.

  7. The various corporations involved with XM and CM might be helpful to OLW at some price. Circle K, Hulong, etc. One should also bear in mind that he is close to becoming a wanted man or sorts; thanks to the recent government interest in XM. Allies are needed if he is to succeed.

  8. As much as I'd like to believe Oliver Lynton-Wolfe is not plotting anything bad, when I'm more inclined to believe and give in to my share pessimistic.
    I consider the possibility that all this time has worked, as well as Jahan and Acolyte to one (or more) different types and presumably functioning of Techthulhu is very high. I also believe I have made arrangements with the big Corp.s involved in the research and development of entities by XM to have benefits and facilities in this his (their?) enterprise.

    But it is that all too bleak to get a clear view of the facts.
    I'd like to know what were the key topics of your "[...] quite a good conversation and mutually beneficial. [...]"

  9. OLW is probably regrouping - getting his rest, gathering his resources (as others have said), and planning his next move.

    Personally, I'm curious about the new glyphs appearing during his absence... I think he is tied into that somehow...

  10. Edgar Allan Wright​ it's good to hear from you again. I have my suspicions that Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​ has found his own anomalous zone that he's taken refuge in for the time beingy

  11. I think Oliver returned to his last recursion (2015) and is hidden somewhere in Latin America, where he will make his appearance in the following anomaly where the OLW 2015 medal will be available.



  12. There is one more option that I can think of. If anyone could be considered close to an equal to Oliver Lynton-Wolfe it would be Akira- she had even developed a way to extract memories from the ultimate. Perhaps she was working with OLW? Both have been too silent, which cloud speak to them working together. flint dille you were just in Japan, any sightings or news of Akira? Any dots connecting?

  13. I was talking with the other investigators in the Essex chat and had a thought. Perhaps the question is not where is Oliver Lynton-Wolfe but when?
    What if, during his attempt to bring about Tecthulhu, he created an anomalous zone similar to the Enlightened compound or Jahan's palace?

  14. OLW will not die. Because his thought is the dream of mankind. And although NIA is chronically insufficient funds, OLW is good at collecting funds and stealing it. He will return soon.

  15. It is possible that OLW has some kind of internal connection with Tecthulhu, so he is not a mere human anymore. I've developed this topic here: - We know that #Tecthulhu can take different forms. The Howcraft poem [1] has…

    From the document found during the #Ingress20161210 Event ( we can suppose that Tecthulhu needs to connect with the ABADN chamber ("Minds arrayed in
    a circle. Minds caught in the ouroboros"). Moreover, the destruction of the Tecthulhu machine caused "a sharp spike in XM activity at the Niantic facility" ( Hence, if OLW is connected with Tecthulhu, he is perhaps somehow connected with the ABADN chamber at the moment.

  16. glad to hear from you Dr. Wright. OLW does not seem the one to lie dormant but rather likes to keep his focus on whatever project consumes his attention. He has burned many bridges, but the allure of access to something powerful can potentially rebuild many of those bridges, at least in some aspect.

  17. What if he is behind those government sudden interest in XM trying to get info or start something, fishy

  18. Houssam Eltouny That can be OLW's plan for more Tecthulhu - not to create them all by himself, but to utilize human's curiosity and desire for power, and the plan is already started.
    Just let those government know there's something which exists all over the world and is out of their control, then they will push themselves to explore and control it (for their own power and advantage over the others). Weapons and computing power take a important part in our era's political colosseum, so what will those government make when they get familiar with XM tech? More XM weapon and Tecthulhu (in their own names and forms).

  19. The message gained after the Event at Dec, 10th 2016 did not contain any parts that I assumed to be from OLW. Therefore I don´t assume that he has been absorbed from the tecthulhu or the Ultimate. Hank Johnson was on the lookout for him - giving Hank´s talents I´d say it´s safe to assume that he found him. Oliver Lynton-Wolfe is at a safe place protected by Hank and 13Magnus. Hank will come forward in time when it´s safe for him to do so.

  20. Aah finally we hear from you again
    Dr.Edgar Allan Wright​​​​​!!
    Hmm presumably Dr.Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​​​​​​ has emerged into the portal network like a 'ghost in the shell', he has crossed the bridge over onto a new plane of existence. The Tecthulu idea/technology i assume, melted with him to a yet unknown individual/deity with a collective consciousness.

    Otherwise i've read about an interesting theory from Daniel van Os​​​​​​ in the Essex HO which also could make sense. He mentioned that there have been rumors of a completely overhauled scanner technology and that Dr.Lynton-Wolfe possibly started using it. Daniel assumed further, that this new technology could be Tecthulu itself.
    As for me i would slightly change this theory into following; what if this new technology, what we may think is Tecthulu, will infest our old scanners to a completey new Tecthulu one? 'There was one, there will be many'

    We should be prepared for everything because we all know how uncontrollable and wayward, Oliver is when it comes to his own goals. He has not only crossed the bridge, but rather the fine line which divides genius and madness and it's not the first time that he did it.

    Please be careful within your studies Doc because for the most government agencies count, it's better not to tangle with them for
    too long. ​Stay safe!

  21. Aaron Almeida My question is this. Who would the new allies be?

  22. TrIsten Bordagaray Where would he be better received?

  23. Mario Valenzuela II Certainly there is a renewed governmental interest in XM research.

  24. Ishira Tsubasa Who would hide him and where would he hide? What does he need?

  25. Aaron Almeida Who would he go to as allies?

  26. Melissa Tecthulhus creating anomalous zones. Fascinating concept.

  27. Ishira Tsubasa I intend to check in frequently.

  28. Mariya Shulgina Fascinating... Fascinating that it connects to Abaddon.
    JoJo Stratton Excellent analysis of OL-W. I can not say that I know him well, but your observations seem accurate.

  29. Andreas Decker Yes. I will attempt to be cautious, but at this moment it does not seem that I am working at cross-purposes with the government. Time will tel.

  30. Edgar Allan Wright Based on conversations with other members of Essex, I would Say IQ Tech East and Akira Tsukasa would be the most likely of allies. OLW has always enjoyed a good rapport with various XM corporations and they would likely receive him well because of his expertise. IQ Tech East is probably where he is at this very moment. He needs their resources while they need his expertise. IQ Tech East would also be very attractive to OLW given their recent advances in XM Items such as the SoftBank Ultra Link, NL prime, and the Ingress Android Wear.

  31. Edgar Allan Wright Well certainly not the Ultimate. Unless the Shapers are willing to put aside his actions toward Jarvis...

  32. Edgar Allan Wright​​ considering that tecthulhu was described as a weapon, I wonder if that is where the new interest is going to lead since we know that XM is free energy that can be weaponized.

  33. Edgar Allan Wright​ I think that due to his interaction with Tecthulhu, the amount of people that would be interested in him has increased. I personally feel that he is likely in the need of some help in control of his new found power or disability and thus would be more willing to work, or most likely use, anyone willing to help him. The machine was strong, it could be an asset to many and he has had personal experience with it. As far as where they would hide him, there are a lot here with magnificent ideas. It is very good to hear from you, some of us were concerned. Check in as often as you like, your conversations are enjoyed and challenge us to look further.

  34. Edgar Allan Wright​
    Dr. OLW looked at me at all pictures i saw of him as if he had emptied in his eyes. As if a part of him was missing. Maybe he tried to find answer, peace, harmony... especially in old cultures around the world. Maybe in a ruin/hulk he found something which allow him to use more capacity of his brain. He was now at a level that he can destroy his earth prison (his body). He destroyed his body to be pure energy. Now he can explore other dimensions to find answers or maybe soulpeace. Tecthulhu is maybe something mystical with his help we can freed the soul...

  35. Now OLW is in scanner as voice he said "cross the bridge agents, where was one will be many..."


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