Quick inject: I believe that it is a good time for us to begin contemplating our personal archetypes.

Quick inject: I believe that it is a good time for us to begin contemplating our personal archetypes. I have asked Chapeau to poll agents on this subject, but it is an issue we should give extended thought to inside Essex for, I believe that our abilities will be in great demand shortly. More later.


  1. Edgar Allan Wright​
    This is actually something a few of us have been looking at since the discussion of archetype came up

  2. This is something i will take some time to meditate on. 13 Archetypes.... most likely we all fit into multiple archetypes, but finding the defining one requires thought.

  3. i think the same, but exist the divergent

  4. Do we use the similar archetypes that the researchers are also classified under?

    Also-out of fun, which one do you think you are, Edgar Allan Wright​?

  5. Referring to the wonderful work that a colleague ( Ariel Diana ) has suggested long ago,

    plus.google.com - I did some research into the traits of the different MAGNUS archetypes asked ...

    I feel that I can identify with the archetype of the Catalyst, both as regards the type of game that I carry, both in everyday life, away from the scanner .

  6. As for me, I'm not sure which one I am.

  7. So if I am reading this right, our stats will effect our game play more drastically?

  8. B-dub 7ER4IAY8 that's an interesting way to look at it.

    Maybe these archetypes are like classes in a RPG?

  9. Mustafa Said more than classes, I would say alignments. In the end, these categories shed light on the way that people have to approach life, their "idea" of how to behave.
    Classes - for my opinion, of course - would mostly be assimilated to a "work."

  10. false positive ban archetype. niantic not communicating ban reasons archetype. spoofers still spoofing archetype. multiaccounters still upgrading their couch portals archetype. niantics communication is shit, unban innocent players and help us getting rid of real cheaters!
    #free42 #free_j3n5 #freedaluko #freederbluthund #freeallididnotmention #GiveBackOurRESAgentsAccounts #NoMoreDiscrimination #StandUp #TurnOffScanner

  11. Mustafa Said​ point based RPGs often use "archetypes" instead of character classes. They essentially are treated as suggested blue prints for how to make certain kinds of characters while classes are considered predetermined skill and ability packages.

    Daeniem Loidlan​ alignment would be "Enlightened" or "Resistance"

  12. Mario Valenzuela II I'm not so sure that the choice between the Enlightened and Resistance it can be considered the only parameter that goes to consider the alignment as we were in d&d. However, it can be part of a broader set of variables.

  13. Edgar Allan Wright Has someone put you up to this? Asking essexians of their own theorized archetypes? Who wants to know? The NIA? Someone looking for new subjects for their own MAGNUS???

  14. To me, Mustafa Said, you're a Catalyst conjunct Omniscient.

  15. Let's play... looking over players stats we will get some choice to chose general archetype. This archetype will be combineted with 2 or 3 archetype... new levels and maybe some other stuff...scanner 2.0

  16. If I truly had to pick one archetype, it would be The Explorer.

    (But Dreamer, Spiritualist, and Visionary don't sound terribly far off..)

  17. Dr. Edgar Allan Wright, the answers to the questions you ask seem like they could be particularly useful to people like Shaw Henson, and Jay Phillips.

    I recall you were not very happy when you were not allowed to be a part of the original Niantic Project research team.

    Now that there seems a likely chance that government research into XM will resume under the new administration, are you positioning yourself to be able to take part in the next government sponsored XM research project?

    Have you been contacted by Henson, Phillips, or other interested parties that would want the answers to these questions you are asking? Are you asking under duress, or is your cooperation your guaranteed ticket into the next Niantic Project?

  18. My archetype would be somewhere between OLW and Hank Johnson. So that would probably mean Alchemist, Dreamer, Visionary or Explorer.

    Wait... That sounds wrong (though I'm certain some agents would love to have that as their "alignment" on Valentine's day).

  19. I wouldn't mind being between Hank Johnson and Oliver Lynton-Wolfe , Mario Valenzuela II  😐

  20. I wonder if there is an actual connection to psychological testing for personality types (note: I am not associated with this site). 16personalities.com - Free personality test, type descriptions, relationship and career advice

    | 16Personalities

  21. Dear Edgar Allan Wright​ in my opinion there's only one answer I can give you. Let me quote some words by Roland Jarvis​: "Once you have begun to see the true world and hear the true message, your life will change. You will become a rock, a cornerstone. You will find calm where before, there was chaos. You will resonate with the full and complete energy of the universe. You do not have to communicate such things to those around you for they will feel it too. By meeting them and sharing your joy and happiness with them you can strengthen each other. This can help you progress to the ultimate with sure and steady steps."

  22. Aaron P I suspect that there is an array of Archetypes inside every person. My further suspicion is that the Zodiac might have been a post-prime knowledge manifestation of the Archetypes from the Exogenous groups (Shapers and Resistance). And though Zodiac has dominant signs, there are other influential signs. Of course, this is just a theory I am experimenting with.

  23. Mustafa Said That would make sense to me. It seems that there numerous potential Magnus'.

  24. Mario Valenzuela II The question is have you ever felt archetypical shift? Are you always the same thing or do you transmogrify (if that would be the correct term for this)?

  25. Alastair Gilfillan Which gets to an interesting question... Can you will yourself to become a different Archetype.

  26. I consider myself to be a Trickster.

    I don't take the expected path and am most at home in the unfamiliar. My posts are very, very bad, but you read them anyway.

    Can you become a different archetype? I don't know, can you draw a different significator from the deck?

  27. Personally I feel that each person has traits of several different archetypes and which archetype is dominant depends on the phase the person is experiencing at that particular time. For example when I was a child I can see myself as primarily a Trickster, during my late teens and early adulthood I was more of a Spiritualist and currently I see myself as more of a Dreamer. However I still see traits of the Trickster and Spiritualist in my everyday self.

  28. As a show of good faith, perhaps you should share your own archetype before we hand over our own.

  29. Edgar Allan Wright Is it possible that the signs and Archetypes align? Example the Libra may be Dreamers, or at least more likely to be Dreamer?

  30. TrIsten Bordagaray​ ohhhhhhhh I like that question.... I might need to research futher because I'm now interested to see if what I view my archetype matches with my astrological sign....

  31. Ariel Diana I think it's an intresting concept... however I can't imagine it would be entirely reliable, as there is no evidence Zodiac signs or the time of birth and stars alignment have any kind of affect on personality.

    I.e I am probably not a spiritualist XD

  32. TrIsten Bordagaray​ ahhhhh but it's still an interesting concept. Plus I subscribe to the idea that any label we apply to a person has many, many shades and tones of grey to it because everyone is unique and there is no mold for the human condition.

  33. Edgar Allan Wright, if the will is strong enough - perhaps necessitated by change or events - I believe it's possible for one to shift their archetypal alignment - in astrological terms; to #Ingress

    TrIsten Bordagaray, I think the alignment of researchers' Archetypes in a Magnus is what ensures success through unity.

  34. Alastair Gilfillan Ah you, like your New Wave Resistance, believe there is something to be changed. I believe we must not defile our bodies or minds, but rather allow our friends path to be walked. If I have been born to be an Explorer, why then should I become a Visionary?

  35. Edgar Allan Wright​​​​​ for good or bad, I think an individual's archetype can change overtime. I think everyone has the potential to assume one of a limited range of archetypes and it takes effort or extraordinary circumstances to adopt a new role. For instance, my existance seems to be cemented within the archetypes of the dreamer or visionary. Every so often I find myself pulled toward adopting a spiritualist archetype, but strangely, whenever I receive the call I find myself becoming somewhat of an alchemist. On second thought, I might be missinterpreting a "call" to become a alchemist as a call towards spiritualism which may be why my attempts to venture into the spiritual realms always ends up with my meddling with alchemy.

    A more concrete example would be my dabbling with shaper sequences. On the surface it seems to be inspired by a visionary (maybe a dreamer) archetypal yearning towards the spiritualist archetypes. However, it is possible that I'm unknowingly unleashing shaper/N'Zeer energy by doing so which is in alignment with my alchemist tendencies.

  36. Catalyst. Know it now, like I was drawn to Enlightened Edgar Allan Wright​

  37. According to Ariel´s in-depth Analysis, I´m a Humanist with conjuction to the Sceptic.

  38. Andreas Decker I wouldn't have considered "labelling" myself with these before but with a better understanding of the Archetypes from Ariel Diana's description, I think Sceptic conjunct Omniscient/Spiritual/Alchemist might come close. We have to know ourselves (inside) first.

  39. To get to know yourself is a continous process which never ends, Alastair Gilfillan . I´ve discovered parts of my personality late in my life I never would have dreamed that they existed inside me. That includes most recent events. But I have always been a sceptic all of my life with an scientific approach to things (No theory can be proven, only falsified) and Ariel´s Explanation of a Humanist (The Humanist has a tendency for self-reflection and searches out information and knowledge about the world around them. They struggle to find a balance between studying the details of a problem or Situation  and being able to connect with others and interact with Society.) fits me almost perfectly.

  40. You can start by using actual tarot archetypes if you are going to reference a published tarot deck.

  41. I think the matter of "alignment" was covered a few weeks ago when the grid plotting feelings regarding technology use and outsider involvement was posted.

    Let it also be said that "what are you?" as a question of archetype can be further complicated by the difference between nature and demeanor. A smart person may give you both as a way of showing their self-awareness; a wise will make you work for them.

  42. Edgar Allan Wright I feel like I'm a mix of a few of them... Interpreter, Dreamer, Spiritualist, Visionary, Patron... Many of them have traits I relate to and I think at times I am more of one than others depending on the situation. I don't feel like I fit one completely yet but maybe further in the future I will.


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