While I admit it might sound superfluous, I was fascinated by the results of the Archetype poll.

While I admit it might sound superfluous, I was fascinated by the results of the Archetype poll. I do not know what category I am. I am fascinated by what Archetypes Essex members consider themselves to be in. I suspect I know the answer, but I have found that inquiry is good. Do not answer if you prefer to keep it private.


  1. I wasn't too sure what my archetype was, at first. I thought dreamer, due to personal experiences. Then I took a few, different Archetype tests and Patron popped up, so I figured that was it.
    It wasn't until someone, Kosh TheRipper, pointed out something to me that makes more sense than any test I had taken.

    I am a skeptic.
    I question everything.
    I accept nothing at face value, until it is screaming, "I am truth."
    There is a reason for everything that happens and "just because" isn't it.

  2. I think we're all a little bit of several categories, but Explorer rang out the most to me. My favorite aspect of Ingress is roaming around and discovering more of the world I haven't yet seen. I'm restless and need to wander. To this point, I will hit the 30k unique portal visits in the coming months.

  3. Melissa Well, you DO question everything! That's never a bad thing at all! :)

    I myself feel like I am split right down the middle, as a humanist and a spiritualist. Hopefully my cloud of confusion will clear with time.

  4. I occasionally throw the explorer, visionary, and alchemist archetypes into a steel cage and see which one manages to survive the ordeal.

  5. Yik Sheng Lee  I also questioned his categorization as well, but then I remembered that Devra conducted fatal experiments on humans so that could have disqualified her from the distinction. Maybe Yuri going "native" is what helped classify him as a humanist.

  6. I've always had visions or dreams in XM rich environments. Under Enlightened fields my third eye would open and I'd see incredible truths. I see all possible paths, and wonder at which path we will walk down. I am Visionary.

  7. I'm not too fond of copying other answers but in this case, Dr. Edgar Allan Wright, you and I are in the same boat. I do not know what my Archetype is. I'd wager it's because I don't think I classify myself within any of the 13 Archetypes presented.

    I've never bothered to give any thought as to whether I fit a particular model or role. I just operate in the manner I believe to be the best for myself and for those I trust within this Investigation. To this end, I'm unclear as to what Archetype I could fit into.

    If you are available, I would like to speak to you in private.

  8. Ive tossed around a few ideas in my head. It was after my wife reviewed the archetypes with me that she clearly identified me as a Dreamer -and it makes sense. My goals and ambitions with Ingress have always been to imagine whats possible and to see if I can make it happen.

  9. I have said this many times before in many places, but I feel everyone has multiple archetypes they relate to in thier life. Depending on where they are in any given point during their life they could represent one archetype and at another point represent something completely opposite.

    Currently I feel I relate more with the Dreamer, however if we look just at occupations then I would relate more to the Listener, so narrowing anything down toone specific answer is almost impossible.

  10. Still missing the illegitimately banned archetype

  11. Essex member here and I say spiritual for me


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