I am helping to fashion a study on Anomalous Zones and I want to pass some notes on (I have been authorized) from...

I am helping to fashion a study on Anomalous Zones and I want to pass some notes on (I have been authorized) from Henson about the nature of Anomalous Zones. I am not sure exactly what the origin of these notes is, but I would like to see what Essex sees as correct and incorrect in this document:

" 1) The opening of Anomalous Zones are believed to be presaged by the creation of Tecthulhus, though this has yet to be proven. (See Rules on Tecthulhus).
2) A ‘Prime Object’ is needed to Enter an Anomalous Zone. One such Prime Object was the Shonin Stone used at the Afghan Anomaly.
3) Prime Objects always re-synchronize with the world after a short time, so Anomalous Zone portals are open for only so long.
4) Space remains largely the same, but time fluctuates in an Anomalous Zone. For instance, Obsidias appeared at the Enlightened Compound. The location might change if it changed over the millennia and all locations might be open for a time. For instance it is recorded in Recursion texts that Hank Johnson ran through a network of tunnels, some of which no longer exist, some have not yet existed (as of the 21st Century) and some exist now. As time flickers (when a zone is closing) the tunnels appear to change.
5) Anomalous Zones do not look high tech (unless modified by modern humans) because the tech is embedded within stone-like structures (some theorize they can also be biological/plant structure).
6) When activated XM energy patterns form and are observed flowing through the structures.
7) XM Prime Artifacts can sabotage or destroy the functioning of anomalous zones, at least in the short term. (Under certain circumstance Power Cubes and other XM Scanner Constructs MIGHT be able to affect an Anomalous Zone though this has never been demonstrated).
8) A Magnus nest is often present in an Anomalous Zone. It is designed to hold the natural bodies of Magnus Members who have become Simulacra. (Bodies of Magnus members are preserved on the slabs while their simulacra walk the earth). Simulacra are re-spawned from the body every 1331 days with no memories of the last cycle. A Magnus Nest consists of 13 slabs (probably created from the same type of stone/tech substance as the other mechanisms)."

I believe most of this to be accurate, but have some quibbles. Am interested in your opinions.


  1. So, we know for sure that Camp Navarro is the Enlightened Compound now?

  2. Are you assuming that Hank Johnson​ has (or is) a prime object to explain his entries at the Caddo/xPlains, Peshawar, and Sheba sites?

  3. Mike Wissinger I suspect that simulacra qualify as artifacts themselves. The first time, it was Azmati who had the artifact (we know he at least had a dagger, probably more!) and later Hank was already a simulacrum.

  4. These data explain several things.

    How is it possible to preserve human bodies within the anomalous area, without fearing for their decay, while a simulacrum as a substitute is used.
    If time flows in the abnormal area so discordant from the rest of the world, it is possible that it can be considered a sort of black hole.
    A tesseract interdimensional who have access in order to change the network of portals: as a communication hub, a control terminal, only accessible through a network key or access - a primary artifact - and, to operate on the network, you must have a techthulhu module, or similar, and a 13magnus balanced to compensate for the power fluctuations to be entered or released.
    And, to operate with the xm in that concentration and at that particular location to the day of the time and space, it is necessary that the magnus are of pure sensory archetype, and all types of archetype.

  5. Daeniem Loidlan The member of the Magnus becomes a sort of semantic stand-in for a universal archetype.

  6. All of these points make sense.

    Regarding 2/3 Prime Artifacts sound like a technology that are capable of storing (even building/accumulating) XM over time until they release enough energy to breach into an Anomalous Zone ( kind of like Einsteins bridge theory). Once dissipated they take time to recharge naturally or a super charge from XM events.

    Point 5 : i suspect a form of nanotechnology is hidden behind a shell meant to disguise and protect these artifacts.

    Something that I have been starting to think is that these Prime Artifacts are capable of reading human memory/mental thought patterns and storing them internally. Thus if someone were to be a particular Archetype I believe it may be possible for a Prime Artifact to transfer that ability or Archetype to whomever triggers its energy release.

  7. Edgar Allan Wright, I have some theories that go in line with what you've stated above, if you have ever thought of anomalous zones as "tide pools".. I posted this up to Essex under the post: plus.google.com - Let me show you the waves and the water... One of the Acolyte’s favorite phr...

    I hope that you have a look at that Dr. Wright.

  8. Edgar Allan Wright​ I agree with your post and theories but I'd like to throw out there the fact that we may not be the only dimension dealing with all these same effects. The anomalous zone may be stronger in another dimension and have an adverse effects on its sister dimension in the same location. Its much like similar planes of existence with varied reality on each. If you could travel between time and space you could in essence travel between planes of existence. Potentially never being fully corporeal on one plane but mentally acute.

  9. Ammmm
    Dr EAW, you have been authorised by Shaw Henson to pass on data?

  10. On 8, if we consider this has been happening a long time, it seems odd that there is no work around for the memory loss issue.

    For example, if before entering a Magnus, all members were told to keep a journal and on days 1328-1331 to summarize the past recursion(s) for the next version, this would help alleviate the memory loss problem.
    Such a solution is low tech but practical. Considering XM/CM contain ordered data, wouldn't it seem natural for those who can control XM to use XM as data storage?

  11. Does this mean that New Orleans would become a "Zone" ?

  12. your question TrIsten Bordagaray leads me to a further reasoning.

    it is possible to determine a "size" limit in the sense of extension or surface of the anomalous zones?
    In Afghanistan I remember that the entire complex of caves were within the area. But there is a physical limit that must not be exceeded? An entire city? A small island?

    Plus, given the point about the technological regression, you may for this reason that both NWRes and NWEnl have developed variants for their scanners / their technology in use by the pictograms on the skin - ENL - or facilities "cybernetic" - RES -?

  13. Some thoughts on the magnus nest info.

    1331 days as a cycle is an oddly specific number. 1331 isn't really a significant number, except that it's 11^3, so maybe represents completion(or depletion) of a set volume in which 1 day = 1 unit. I don't know much about dimensions outside of the usual three + time.

    Could you have a "volume" of time? Eleven days cubed? Hard to wrap my mind around that.

    As far as bodies being preserved... there are a couple of things that could be going on here, asuming the bodies are still "alive".

    First: is that they are simply comatose - would have a pulse and
    respirations and perhaps be sustained by some type of nourishment from their slab/cradle.
    Pro: If the Magnus' brains are still active, they need fuel in order to keep firing neurons. Hank Johnson is the only simulacra I'm familiar with and he seems to be aging normally? If simulacra are copied from the bodies at their current age/state this would make sense. If this was true, and you snuck in and gave Hank a tattoo on his comatose booty that said "Glyph love" it would appear on his next simulacra. We should experiment with this, for science. ;)
    Con: bodily waste/menses, pressure ulcers, your microbiome, environmental concerns and input/output make this seem messy and unlikely.

    Second: would be if they are alive but "slowed" - cell division, cellular respiration - somehow slowed. If they don't need their meat brains to be active, this would be the most likely solution.
    Pro: no poop or loss of pesky telomeres with cell division - so no aging. Also pro: the loss of memories - if you can't make ordered structural changes to the brain, you can't set memories down. (also why people with grand mal Seizures don't usually remember them... brain's not working at the time)
    Con: Most cellular mechanisms run off plain old organic chemistry reactions/interactions with the speed, timing and regulation all part of an amazing and complex system... of normal atoms. (hydrogen bonds anyone?) Slowing down chemical reactions isn't easy. Also, what about your microbiome, your 3 zillion closest friends? You'd have to slow them down, too.

    Third: weird timey-wimey stuff. Outside my area of expertise.

    But why keep the bodies/brains anyway if they can't learn?

    13 is also a weird prime number. It doesn't appear much in nature - cicada cycles spring to mind, but those are time cycles, not spacial. I've seen the pictures and noticed the cradles have a radial symmetry. IIRC, the feet were medial and the heads distal? Why would that be?

  14. Michell Smith So, a storage "volume" of 11^3 units where each unit is about a day's worth of data? Maybe it's all a squishy organic unit can safely hold? It doesn't seem like much.

    Does the number eleven cubed relate to anything?

    Also, has it always been 1331 days? Be interesting if the number was evolving to reflect improvements in technology or biology.

  15. I think is 13 and 31 combined, 13 Magnus and Anti-Magnus rolled into one.

  16. I never regarded 13 as a unit of time.
    Thanks Isabel Kessler to this reflection that you made me do.

    Indeed, being the xm able to collect and contain ordered information, it would not be unwrapped the idea that the statues can "survive" for 1331 days since, at the end of this period, lose the ability to process / handle / accumulate information .

    When I reflected for the first time on the problem, I was immediately catapulted to the entire numerological references, and qabalistic, the numbers 1, 3 and 13 possess.
    But where what I thought was pure mystical speculation - your choice within the scientific field best combines the two positions (mystical and scientific) that Nia probably has had to want to use.

  17. Typhoon Jim Previously, it had been speculated that the Enlightened Compound was further down the coast near Big Sur. But yours is an interesting theory.


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