I can think of almost no other challenge better for Essex than to figure out exactly what this picture shows and who...

I can think of almost no other challenge better for Essex than to figure out exactly what this picture shows and who is behind this. I realize we have very little information, but this is certainly a significant development.



  1. Well Edgar Allan Wright, let me try my hand at this, in the background above the glowing green bar, you have a container with the XM glyph clearly on the front if you zoom in. To the lower left above the laptop which has an intel map pulled up of the Navarro valley there with the portals listed, are several Arduino Yun rev 3 boards with the corresponding shields laid out close to them. The current shield laid out close to those Arduino are the RFID shields. Center Right on the table is an oscilloscope measuring the gamma wavelength, above that is a power supply which is cleaning power to the devices, and above that looks to be an image of some sort of brain scan. :)

    My guess is that these are techs who are in the process of building the Techthulu modules.

    I hope this helps!

  2. Houssam Eltouny I imagine a Techthulu module has a good amount of XM packed into it, it may be some kind of protective suit. That being said I think that whoever is working on this is aligned with the Resistance, my money is on IQtech.

  3. Guessing it's a pair of scientists with some degree of tech knowledge creating a Tecthullu.

  4. TrIsten Bordagaray i agree with you it is a Techthulu module
    But the coat is not place to contain the XM, whatever is under is exposed from the other side, but just the coat is out of place in this pic, everything else kinda match, the white normal looking coat at the mid bottom of the pic, it might even not be a coat just a cover as u say, or even a coffee machine under it, it is just out of place

    And the label on the pic HUMINT, all i can think of that it stands for human intelligence.. Maybe

  5. Houssam Eltouny​ you're right about the HUMINT bit.

    Thing is, I wonder who took this pic and for whom?

  6. Don't forget they are using IITC to look at the portals at camp Navarro and not standard Intel.

  7. Mario Valenzuela II that might be just to hide the agent name using the intel

  8. ViridCascadia Was talking about this recently... Im confident this is related to the upcoming event...

    #ViridCascadia #MagnusReawakens
    viridcascadia.com - ViridCascadia – an Ingress Magnus Reawakens team

  9. Mustafa Said​

    But seriously this pic look like a prove of work, like we working on it boss , and the intel map working there is just to see the effect of the work ASAP, so my guess is they are at site right now working on something from the way the mobile lap look, as it is not the main facility, so whatever they are doing they expect to see fast results easily spotted on the map, a Techthulu portal maybe?


  10. TrIsten Bordagaray​​ it's not a RES scientists. It's two XF scientists. one guy is in a green suit and that green light suggests that a green link is being established between the cannisters (temporary man made portals?). So unless these two scientists are blatantly cheating by multi accounting, on of them has to be Enlightened.

  11. My comment from PAC's post: They could be creating the interface pieces for the 13 pieces that the teams will bring to the Camp. They're supposed to enable the projects to interface with the portal network, so the ENL green may be just a testing phase.

  12. Houssam Eltouny​ it's possible to do that on standard Intel by loading the mobile client on your desktop.

  13. Mario Valenzuela II sorry, i meant just for the pic, to show the location without any agent names as the standard intel map wont allow it without some cropping

  14. Houssam Eltouny​ this is the standard ingress Intel mobile client (centered on Camp Navarro). They were not using IITC to censor out agent names it was because whoever set up the computer for the shot was too lazy to click off tampermoney and type ?VP=m and or they wanted portal names to appear on the shot and didn't want to admit Ingress's intelligent website is shitty.

  15. Mario Valenzuela II i see, u have a point,
    Or maybe using IITC have another meaning to it?

  16. Well, that's clearly Camp Nevaro, where the Magnus Reawakens event will be held. google.com - Camp Navarro

  17. The image, (unless is leaked from one of the other participants) is possibly a glimpse at the Niantic team creating their piece of the Magnus..

  18. the suits seem like an enhanced Cleanroom suit - en.wikipedia.org - Cleanroom suit - Wikipedia so why the mask... Also XM is mentioned, does Chaotic Matter fit into this picture in any way?

  19. also is the researcher on the right just backlit from a blue station perhaps happening off camera to the right? And what does the 6902 mean? Just a random setting?

  20. JoJo Stratton
    HUMINT IMG 6902, that is the name of the pic, in some Android phones instead of the date u can pick a name and it will keep repeating it in every pic, 6902 is just the number of the pic

  21. > IITC in screenshot

    Official support for IITC confirmed.

  22. regarding the torus shape - could that be linked to the microwormhole associated with the original peru and lima Niantic labs - https://plus.google.com/u/0/+NianticProject/posts/bsdigqap4cD
    plus.google.com - A loaded moment in time filled with surprise and panic...

  23. They are using explosive substances..dark XM. To construct the Tecthulhu module. Something tells me Akira may be behind the construction of this device using knowledge gained from OLW and NL Prime subjects.

  24. Could this be a team dissecting the remains of the Techthulu after Via Noir?

  25. Ryan Schoon i thought they were pringles 😂

  26. I am really leaning toward that back image being electron probability clouds for carbon in a SP3 hybridization... it looks a little off, like maybe there is another charged particle pushing or pulling the orbits.

  27. Just for research completness - here are some of the items identified - investigate.ingress.com - HUMINT IMG 6882


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