This is DEVELOPING RESEARCH, but I am trying to understand what I am calling THE EXOGENOUS PERIOD.

This is DEVELOPING RESEARCH, but I am trying to understand what I am calling THE EXOGENOUS PERIOD. This is a period of unknown duration that existed between the pre-historic period and the early historic period when some scholars speculate that the Exogenous (Shapers/N'zeer and maybe others) were actually in our world on Planet Earth. The Exogenous Period explains why Prime Objects are still on Earth and still functional. It might also explain odd commonalities in ancient mythology and the flowering of early civilizations.

What is unknown is the why of it. Why they arrived when they did and why they apparently vanished and were only able to communicate through XM in portals afterwards.

My research is very preliminary, but with the oncoming 13MAGNUS REAWAKENING event (I believe that is what it is called), it would be wise to explore the first awakening period.

would be quite interested in hearing theories either in support or opposed to the Exogenous Period theory.


  1. Instead of exogenous you could say unnatural. But isnt it a term mainly used in the financial business world?

  2. Thinking about some of the elements we are aware of, like the Aegis Nova Shield, I cant help but wonder if these were put in place to protect us from the influence of Exogenous Entities. In which case, i can see humans themselves responsible for the banishing of these entities from our world during the end of the first awakening period. Motivators for this uprising could have been to stop their influence over mankind, to break free from a sort of tyranny, or out of fear of their technology. Another aspect is that these Entities may have found a way to exist in a different material form and used early man in accomplishing this task, thus leaving the physical world(and their technology behind) and existing in the Ultimate. Places like Göbekli Tepe could have been centers of power for these societies. Akira once was able to extract Nigels memories from the substrate- since little historic data exists from the first awakening period perhaps some memories of that time could be extracted?

  3. Likewise your way H. Richard Loeb, even Lovecraft and Howard theorized a possibility of this type.

    Their ancient migrants, of the myth of the first "historic" time for us inhabited the earth. According to the two authors, some of the possible reasons why these ancients had abandoned our Earth there were some stellar alignments and favorable action of cataclysms.
    Another possibility - always given by the authors - is that the Great Old Ones are simply asleep - as well as the literary Cthulhu, a dreamless sleep like death, but death is not - waiting to awaken when the weather and the stars the are propitious.

    Surely, through the exotic matter, the knowledge of these stories is penetrated up to the two writers, that there have left traces.
    Or, more simply, the two were more than fabulists; very talented psychics.

    Are we witnessing the end of the time of peace? The period in which the ancestral monsters that ruled the earth and now live in our nightmares are about to awaken is next?

  4. Edgar Allan Wright​ Could the myths (Greek, Roman, Japanese, Maori, etc) be the exogenous period?

  5. I wouldn't say it's impossible. I know there are legends and lore in many places about beings that have come from the sky and how in some areas it's more predominant than others. An example would be Area 51. Many people claim to see things and in fact, where the Reawakening event is we have legends of orbs of light within our forest that people believe cause numerous amount of things or even represent many sorts of things. One local lore even says the orbs are signs that an earthquake will happen. I know here where I live there's lights in the sky or large booms that are unexplained so many beliefs run with them either being extraterrestrial or some government cover-up.

  6. Edgar Allan Wright​, does this fall along the lines of the ancient astronaut theory?

  7. I don't know, it seems a little too firmly anchored in pseudo-science. It undervalues the intelligence and moxie of Homo Sapiens. I feel 99% of prehistoric mythos were focused on explaining natural phenomenon, which is why they have common themes. When you're part of the evolution of language and arts, I think it's hard to see where they "came from" so you invent a mythos, and language and arts become "gifts of the gods". We have the advantage of a longer perspective on these events. There are very few that really stand out as "anomalous" to me.

  8. Does this connect maybe to Hank Johnson's Nomad Theory? Were the Anazktec somehow connected to this?

  9. The Anunaki, Kemetic (Egyptian) gods, and European pre-Christian deities all have those deities who are elements of nature. But then there are those with striking similarities to deities in South and Central Americas. These seem to predate known contact, and either we no longer share the same psychological archetypes that our ancestors had (which is absurd, if these archetypes are by definition archetypes) or there is room to question just how interconnected​ the ancient world was.

    The expulsion of the gods is not sufficiently explained. It is a gap in history. Why?

    The recent viral video of the girl who escaped North Korea offers this clue: she thought the Kims could read her thoughts. What if this same kind of belief existed in their time? Wouldn't this imply by archetypal framework that the Shapers are not benevolent, but in fact dictators?

    More information is needed. But also more discernment.

  10. The is a common trope in modern/urban fantasy/sci-fi which has been called the masquerade. It's the notion that in the past "magic" was common place but then almost completely vanished. The very existance "magic" then becomes veil and hidden in secrecy to the point where fiery hell hounds look like oversized Dobermans, a dragon flying overhead looks like a 747, and a bunch of people taking over a city by taking over extra dimensional nodes look like they are playing a cell phone game.

    Maybe what we are witnessing is not the arrival of entities from the beyond but the opening of that veil.

  11. Aaron P​ Mario Valenzuela II​reminds me of the plot of Babylon 5


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