As I was not present for the Remote Participation Expedition (Experiment?) (RPE), it would be most excellent to have...

As I was not present for the Remote Participation Expedition (Experiment?) (RPE), it would be most excellent to have some first-person accounts of what took place at these events, focussing on the locations, events, objects, unexpected encounters, secrets and revelations of RPE.

Second hand accounts would also be useful. These are best chronicled before memories morph.

Was anybody reading this actually there?


  1. What does that mean, are we allowed to use multiple accounts now? Isnt that against tos?

  2. Sven W The RPE was an event at Camp Navarro that appeared to be a paper Roleplaying game, but might well have been a Remote Participation event which explored and, in fact, changed events in multiple anomalous zones. It did not involve the Ingress Scanner.

  3. I was not onsite but a friend of mine was. As she played she relayed images and events to me which I shared to Essex. Her session focused on rescuing PAC who had vanished in a blue and green vortex. I can do a full report on what happened and interview her for Essex. She is still traveling though- so the interview might take a few days to complete. I have plenty of pictures and source material.

  4. Edgar Allan Wright, so you're implying that adventures that we play through the RPG are capable of manifesting in other dimensions and actually happening to other people?

  5. I would be interested in sharing with you the details of the two events I was in. The area was overloaded with xm which made it very hard for us to communicate with people outside the event...

  6. Agents, where can I learn more about the Remote game??? I find it very interesting.

  7. Well if you follow the theory of gravity of narrative, the more you are aware of something, the greater the well of influence.

  8. I was on site and while I did not participate in the RPG, I was exposed to pieces of information from that. The major thing that stuck out for me was there was data in the game sessions that indicated cities that would become future anomalous locations this year. We had this information early, but didn't know what it indicated at first (e.g. Dead drops? Media? Missions? Portal control or other activity needed? etc). It was at closing ceremonies that we learned that information actually pertained to upcoming anomalies.

    At the end of session 1, I remember PAC also saying that it appeared the activities of the "game" were manifesting and influencing reality.

  9. Edgar Allan Wright​​​ i had the ability to have been part on all three sessions or I think I was.

    It's wierd, I think I got glympses into multiple realities as a result since I was myself.. or multiple alternate versions of myself in each session. Strangely, there seems to have been gaps in what I remember from the session which mysteriously align with actions and and observations of mine and things I heard from others about there own.

    For instance, when the LH was being loaded back onto a truck a small bracket came loose and I was allowed to keep it. Since I was the last from LH to leave the site I contemplated burying the piece I ended up with at the site of the camp. Although I did not discover it in my own sessions, I learned from of the other participants that they discovered about there being buried pieces of tecthulhus within their own RPG session.

  10. Aaron P That would be very valuable. Please keep me apprised of your progress.

  11. Kosh TheRipper Precisely. If you remember the 'Remote Viewing' studies that numerous intelligence agencies participated in for several decades. It is the opinion of many that they indeed bore fruit and that with with the advent of mass XM harvesting (along with Chaotic Matter) we are now not only capable of traveling geographically, but in time and the manifestations actually split time and produce alternative branches or shift our own branches. The question is, if we have shifted events, how would be know it?

  12. Daniel Beaudoin It appears that there are a number of schools of thought on the RPE. Some want to expand the experiments. Others want them shut down immediately. Others want more controlled testing before it is released to the wild. I am personally formulating an opinion.

  13. Edgar Allan Wright​​​ from what i know transpired during the expirement, the events took place on at least two different time lines but affected the present.

    Part 1 took place some time after this upcoming friday but had a time jump to the 1500s. At the end of the adventure pac told us we needed to save ADA but due to the artifact handoff its assumed that part 2 occured right after part 1. After all the events of the rpg occured, during closing ceremonies, Pac said ADA was saved which suggests the events of part 2 were concurrent but Hank was at CERN in part 2 suggesting if we saved ada in the present than the HANK from part 2 was on a different timeline.

    Here is the kicker: Because of the number of tables involved in each session and the total number of sessions, and the fact that we ourselves represent one timeline, our actions affected 13 different realities.

  14. Edgar Allan Wright My report will be completed this evening. I will share it to essex.


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