I am presently researching for the 13MAGNUS: Rewakening event.

I am presently researching for the 13MAGNUS: Rewakening event. Why do we suppose that the Booneville name for Camp Navarro was 'deep-end?'

For the record, I fully believe that in answer to the Question of the Day that the RPG will be a Remote Participation event. My memory is failing me. Was is Waratah or Marie Celeste? I just can't remember, but I do remember clearly that we experimented a great deal with Remote Participation and I am a firm believer in it. I also believe that once you are involved in a Remote Participation, you leave part of yourself there.


  1. Jay Phillips recently commented on this. Whydah and Marie Celeste are what you are after.
    (http://investigate.ingress.com/2017/04/14/universe-state/) Whats more, Devra Bogdanovich made noteworthy contributions to Marie Celeste, she may have some more insights there- it might be worth it to inquire of her knowledge.
    investigate.ingress.com - Universe State

  2. I am puzzling over a fascinating fact about Booneville, a town near Camp Navarro. It seems that they developed a secret language there. They called Camp Navarro: 'Deep End.' I am curious as to why and what does it foretell for events at the Anomalous Zone.

  3. I'll go fishing and see what I can snag on google

  4. Wikipedia for Boontling shows "deepend – Navarro, the 'deep end' of the valley" could this mean it's the lowest point in the valley like the deep end of a pool?

  5. Edgar Allan Wright are you refering to Boontling ? I found a few references. From the 1880s to the 1930s, most people in the town could speak Boontling. Could this language have a connection with glyphs?? I found a reference article that stated:

    Some words were based on people.
    “Bearman” is the word for storyteller because the best storyteller in town was a bear hunter.

    Other words were based on how something sounds. To milk a cow was to “charl.” When a
    stream of milk hits the side of a pail, it sounds something like charl.

    A third way was to run
    to words together. So, for example, a schoolteacher was a “schoolch."

    Fascinating indeed. There must be more out there..

  6. Deep End. Based on how the language functions, deep end could have a literal parent interpretation. Deep end is an expression that denotes heading to dark, unknown waters, the deep end of a pool is where the water starts to go above your neck. This Deep End location may signify an area where people enter another world where they are not meant to be, where there is unknown and fear- best be prepared for such a place.

  7. Abigail Aragon I saw you were deployed over by Boonville. Have you ever heard of the Navarro area referred to as "Deep End"? We have been told this is the case... not sure if it is or not, and if so - not sure why... :-)

  8. Myrtle R. Rawles explains that Boontling was started by the children of Boonville as a language game which enabled them to speak freely in front of elders without being understood. It is believed that the jargon originated from Ed (Squirrel) Clement and Lank McGimsey, in or about the year 1890.

  9. JoJo Stratton I will endeavor to find my presentation on 'Poetry of Unknown Origin.' I must confess that I have little recollection of it.

  10. Yik Sheng Lee As usual, insightful analysis. As only an experiment, I will attempt to Remotely Participate in 13MAGNUS: REAWAKENING. It will be most interesting.

  11. Edgar Allan Wright understandable, but that would be awesome! Your theory of Gravity of Narrative is wonderful and would love to see more.

    Also - with Yik's and other's thoughts - are archetypes to people what prime objects are to artifacts?

    And is Tycho and Felicia then Archetypes of a sort?


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