I will be involving myself in an experiment at 13MAGNUS: REAWAKENING.

I will be involving myself in an experiment at 13MAGNUS: REAWAKENING. As I will not be able to attend in person, I will be experimenting with Remote Participation. In good conscience, I am not sure I can recommend this for others, but it is fascinating to contemplate how a massive Remote Participation event would manifest and what the implications and results of it would be.


  1. I wonder what the rules for "remote" participation are. Are the tos allowing that now?

  2. I would be willing to volunteer for a remote participation experiment or to help with documentation, archival and/or coordination Edgar Allan Wright

  3. I'm very interested in seeing what the remote participation would be and if us at the event will be able to know who contributes what.

  4. Sounds like an incredible experiment, i would love the opportunity to assist as well. Im curious if this will involve any interactions from the scanner(such as folks need to work build certain amounts of MU), or if this will be research on the fly... very cool!

  5. If there is any way people from all over the world could join this remote participation experiment I will gladly volunteer...

  6. I am volunteering my remote participation time as well.

  7. Sounds intriguing. Would it require some sort of interaction from people at the Magnus event with remote participants?

  8. Reconnecting what happens by modifying and using the exotic matter of quantum theory as it has been formulated, I would say that it is not surprising how a "remote participation" can affect events and places that are far apart in space but not in time.

    Ingress also allows this. And surely, for what we can see, Magnus Builder has involved agents from all over the world massively.

    Camp Navarro's Event will benefit from a higher latent energy quantity - I think - than it has also been for global anomalies up until now.

    I see friends propose themself for this experiment.
    Surely, if there is any possibility, count me also in.
    Edgar Allan Wright

  9. Complete #LuminescentHeart missions. We have over 250 locations around the world. Upon completion, submitting scanner screen shots of the completed missions and/or photos of the remote mission participation to our hashtags is our team's way of experimentally tying remote global agents to our project. We'd be honored to have your involvement as well. (Note: LH Mission involvement is unofficial participation, our team will not have official swag or badges to issue, though we do have unofficial swag as well on our site for purchase. Just clarifying as people do ask about these things)

  10. Edgar Allan Wright​ Ill be on site, with the seashell that was given to me by The Acolyte Society for the Ethical Treatment of AIs​ , if that can aid your experiment...

  11. Fair warning, remote participation in Ingress events is a violation of the terms of service and may result in the termination of your account.

  12. Like JoJo Stratton​ i would also be eagerly willing to volunteer for this remote participation experience if possible and i also offer my help in every sense if demanded!
    Edgar Allan Wright​

  13. JR Moore they do not refer to THAT KIND of remote participation.

  14. Nancy Something there are no such missions in my country, sorry

  15. Catalina Reyes Tongue planted firmly in cheek, don't worry ;)

  16. Edgar Allan Wright una sesion de taichi para mover las energias? o de meditacion para una proyeccion astral a traves de la red?

  17. Edgar Allan Wright​​ I hope your remote participation does not involve location spoofing. And instead involves watching a live stream (how can this event not have one?) Or finding your local #luminescentHeart #magnusReawakens mission / banner / mosaic, completing it and sharing a screenshot.

  18. Mario Valenzuela II I think he means RPGing somehow

  19. Catalina Reyes​ that was my other guess but I don't see him sharing a ruleset. :P. But then again, most gms would turn the event​ inti a cult gathering, undead incursion, murder mystery, or have monsters attack it.

  20. If it will help to understand the effects of XM, I am more than willing to lend my being and mind, to help further our knowledge.

  21. I for one will participate on the on site expirement. I'm bringing my dice bag and added two new sets of green dice into the mix.

  22. Mario Valenzuela II​ make sure you document any and everything you can! Me living the on site scene vicariously depends on those being on site documenting everything.

  23. Mario Valenzuela II​ I look forward to participating in the rpg with you :)

  24. Ishira Tsubasa​ I'll sarn you, I tend to play chaotic neutral characters who have a tendency to run head first into battle like Drax the Destroyer but with a rogue or assassin character class. 😎

  25. Lol I'm always a mage class in other rpgs or necromancer

  26. Ishira Tsubasa I'm usually the most war-mage or gunslinger character the game would aloud. When not, I'm an investigator/professor of some kind (sometimes both, usually some sort of academic who learns either magic or gunfire along the way)

  27. Mario Valenzuela II​ I'm with Ariel Diana​ document as much as you can please :)

  28. I'm all in. I love flying by the seat of my pants. Edgar Allan Wright​


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