
It had occurred to me, after meditating on the Trickster Techthulhu from 13MAGNUS: Reawakens, that it would be very valuable to re-establish contact with +Misty Hannah, both in her present incarnation and through remote participation in the Tiki Bar somewhere in 2012 or perhaps back the Whydah and Marie Celeste as I seem to recall that both of those symposiums delved into Remote Participation. For reasons that might be obvious to some, I hesitate, because of my own fragile psychic condition and, of course, whatever disruptions I might cause in this or other versions of our dimensional node.

I need to ask this. For those of you who participated in the remote participation event at Navarro, I ask this: are you having any unusual experiences has your node seemed in any way unstable?


  1. Where is Misty Hannah anyway? No one has heard from her in a long time.

  2. I do like Misty Hannah and know she's use to keeping off the grid.

  3. Yeah she's a favorite of mine and been so quiet of late .. not like her at all!

  4. Edgar Allan Wright
    So, now i undestand more clearly what do you mean with "remote participation".
    And it's definitely not something I had considered before.

    It would be very nice to have the opportunity to experience something similar to your, well, "experience", meditating on one of the "nodal" portals of each agent's network, or simply using portals they are familiar as ways to reach distant Anomalous Zone, both in space that over time.

    Only then can all of the agents really answer your question, that is, if it was possible to project their perceptions through the far portalnetwork, in time and space, thus contacting other "great" characters in this, our, Ingress story. Or special events related to it.

    Personally, the only chance I've had, immersing myself in meditation at the portal that is often described - Engraving Rocks, located in Capo di Ponte village - was to reach the natural environments that reminded me of Obsidius's adventures in Gaul, the forest in which he received his investment as a Valadian dispatcher.

  5. As a part of Team Enigma​ I can definitely say that things felt different after returning. It is difficult to describe though. My my aura felt cleaner, much more stable. I'll confer with the other teammates and see how they feel

  6. Lynn Creager​​​ we need cosplay-misty-hannah over here!

  7. It's hard for me to say since I recursed twice since the begining of the first rpe session and as an alchemist who we as part of the humanist #luminescentHeart camp, I embraced more dark xm than I should have.

    How ever, I can say things seem to be materializing into my existance peculiar ways.

  8. Mario Valenzuela II​​​​ I set out to channel the lovely Misty Hannah​​​, not so much as to cosplay her.

    But the result was something entirely unexpected, as I, too, feel changed in many ways after opening myself up to her and all the energies that flowed forth from the #CampTrickster portal. It was an intoxicating experience that has left me craving more.

  9. Also as part of Team Enigma I have felt more playful and mischievous than usual...like Misty had some type of influence on my daily outlook...and I fully embrace it.. 😘

  10. Lynn Creager​​​ you misunderstood me. "Cosplay Misty Hannah" is my new nickname / tite for you kind of like how I gave myself the title of "Poor Man's hipster Hank Johnson" 😂

  11. I was on Team Enigma as well and find that my observations during and after the events at Navarro are hard to describe. Not too long ago I acquired some glasses that allow me to perceive some colors in the same way that most others do. The words to describe both events don't seem to exist in the English language.

  12. Mario Valenzuela II​ I like and will embrace your nickname then! 😊

    I still feel remnants of her and the Trickster energy, much as Diane Stirling​ seems to be. And the childlike part of me that's been stifled by attempts to pretend grownup for so many years is screaming in the back of my head so loudly now - I'm not sure if I have the energy or desire to fight this (fight her?). I don't feel there's any malicious intent behind it, and I'm more inclined to fully embrace this. But where is she leading me? What new rabbit hole is this? Dare I willingly follow?

  13. yes but i can't saw, devra say me that keep silent

  14. Was proud to be part of Team Enigma, you can definitely feel the energy and magic of the camp. The spirit of Misty Hannah was definitely there and I feel like that spirit has followed all of us back home after leaving the camp!

  15. Edgar Allan Wright​ I played a role in the Remote Participation event and without a doubt have been permanently affected by the experience.

    For a solid week after returning from Camp Navarro​ I was only able to sleep a few hours at a time, despite not getting much sleep leading up to the event. The closest thing Id ever previously experienced was a "runners high" during the months of training that lead up to the culmination at Obsidians back to back GORUCK​ events. Yet I did not physically train for Navarro so how could it have been a runners high?

    Additionally, music seemed more important afterwards. (Noteworthy is that music once occupied a primary focus of my life.)

    Furthermore, the character I played is now seated at the table in a very exciting, but highly [redacted] future project, that I hope to be able to talk about after 13MR PDX transpires.

    These are certainly unusual things recently experienced. However they do not feel unstable in anyway, just the opposite. I don't recall a time in recent history of being so focused.

  16. Played a Trickster at Navarro. Felt like it fit. I stuck to my normal alignment, although I did make sure to use the aura-concealing Trickster ability. Was as confusing as I expected.

    I camped with ViridCascadia, which was interesting as the portal was originally conceived as a Trickster representation but became an Omniscient in the course of design and construction.

    I made sure to interact with every portal node to its fullest, including discussing construction details. As the evening of Saturday went on, a plan came to me to represent that same situation explicitly, and given the opportunity you'll see it at a future gathering like this.

    Ideas involving this that seemed hard to realize before the event now seem simple, given time.

  17. I'll go along with Lynn Creager​ I was intoxicated with XM and some pliney elder too. I had some most unusual happenings on my journey to that forest and returning from it. I do believe we opened some XM chasm of sorts. I ran into one of my long distance teammates from Camp Navarro in Knoxville, and Holger Eisold​ too spoke about a strange interference of sorts that he had been experiencing since he left the Magnus site. I believe it gave us the fortitude to walk over 14 miles Saturday to complete our GORUCK​ Operation Clear Field missions and follow up with the Mission Day missions.

  18. Edgar Allan Wright​​ I was able to participate in the remote participation event and it has changed things for me permanently.... I see ingress differently... Possibilities seem limitless...

    I would say there's an edge of instability because for the longest time after I was completely disconnected with my scanner.... Even now I find myself having to remind myself to open my scanner and glyph instead of doing it without thought before.....

    The portals are different to me now... I can't really explain why other than I see them more alive then I did before and to me that's difficult to imagine. I'm an artist and a Spiritualist, I have always felt and noticed portals for more than what they were on my scanner... But now that's shifted, I would almost believe I could interact with the portals without my scanner....

    Glyphs have changed for me too... Having to walk out the trail of harmony/peace and then creating liberate on a glyph grid I could actually touch outside my scanner... I miss it horribly... I want to be able to interact with them again outside my scanner....

    My sleeping patterns like Matt Stevenson​​ have changed, I have felt as if I am younger again more willing to take more risks... Navarro has changed me and I am not sure whether or not it is a good thing.

  19. Just a visitor, the experience at the "big hat" was definitely an amazing one and I stayed connected wearing the necklace through the rest of the event. And during Saturday evening I fought a battle keeping the Luminescent Heart connected to the XM Source, with so much energy around the camp this was truly an anomalous zone. I still think often about the camp which has changed my perspective on many things.

  20. Yes... I think it is time to begin a search for Misty Hannah, both in her pre-and-post teleportalling iterations..

  21. Mario Valenzuela II It has occurred to me that what is referred to as Cosplay under certain precise conditions is really a form of channeling. Maybe even recursive channelling. To what extent it causes or reflects Remote Participation is something that should be studied.

  22. I am interested in the concept of hyperthreading Edgar Allan Wright other than Misty (such as the Juice Club event) has anyone else really used hyperthreading in present day?


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