After reading H.

After reading H. Richard Loeb's latest post, I am concerned. It is evident to me that the creation of a Mind Palace in an Anomalous Zone, probably with the help of a Tecthulhu is really the creation of a Dimensional Note -- a state of reality -- a world. What can possibly be the intention of Misty creating a world for the purposes of 'summoning' (manifesting?) an Exogenous Entity.

Isn't that simply a modern moustache on 'Summoning Demons?' Has this ever been a beneficial practice?

I want to believe that Misty's intentions are good, but, at the risk of straining the metaphor, isn't the road to Hell paved with good intentions?

What should we caution Agent of in the upcoming anomaly? Or am I overreacting and reading something into this cryptic post that is not there?


  1. Wait.

    So a Dimensional Node is...a world? In the compromised XM Briefing, someone referred to our entire universe as a Node.

    So is Misty Hannah trying to make a new world? Is it going to be a prison for the Exogenous?

    Obviously we should exercise caution to Agents towards assisting her but let's be real. They either won't care or don't want to help. They're going to be responsible for this.

  2. I have followed this investigation for a while. Often times more questions arise than answers. Which side,N'zeer or Shapers, care for the future of humanity? Ive seen contradictions from both sides. What if she is simply tired of all the shadow-play? Trying to put a face on this invisible conflict? I welcome her actions. Lets see what we are up against.

  3. I do not think we can answer these question yet. Not until we find out more about what Misty who do.
    It worries me, but I know it should go alright.

  4. Interesting thoughts and makes me slightly worried about the Portland Event... Since we will have Navarro portals there..... and Tecthulhu modules

  5. Ishira Tsubasa be careful with use. Techthulus act according to influence around it. As long as you have good intentions, it should be fine.

  6. I think we shall caution agents no to enhance their own mind palaces even unintenationally. I believe interconnected mind palaces in Anomalous Zone can be really dangerous. Agent shall cover the most of the area not to stat too much on one place familiarizing them selves with object in close area too much, thus creating and enhancing their mind palaces

  7. The creation of a mind palace within an anomaly zone? Thinks

    Wouldn't that be like a recursive loop?

  8. Can we factor in that Misty may be a bit of an adrenaline junkie? Look at what she has lived through and done? I mean the Jamba Juice hyperthreading, escaping from the Niantic Project, her Vegas and con days... Also, sometimes I get the vibe, sure we should not do it, but we can do it so let's do it, from Misty :) One of those, "We never know unless we try" mentalities.

    Lastly, Misty has a top hat, can you imagine pulling out instead of a rabbit an Exogenous Entity? (yes I have to add a video meme for this) - - Bullwinkle 1 0001

  9. As someone going to the Ann Arbor anomaly, I do plan to be on the look out for strange happenings, esp. with Ann Arbor being in the same state as Hell.

  10. Ariel Diana​. I thought hell was in New Jersy.

  11. I have considered more than profoundly the possibility that Misty Hannah is trying to recreate in a modern way what the evocators of all times - the shamans of the oldest, exogenous epochs - to medieval magicians have always made: to evoke entities that do not belong to our plan of existence. Which in the past centuries have been called in many ways, with many ethical and moral meanings; We, in some cases, know them as demons.

    Hank Johnson and H. Richard Loeb have done several times that she was pursued by demons, by her demons - something personal, something that had fought for so long.

    You use the word evocation, not by accident. And the fact that it serves them to do it - to penetrate the veils that separate the worlds, the nodes - is something common to every evocation practice. Have catalysts.
    Energies - sexual, spirited, mechanical or alchemical - that release enough energy to allow contact.

    If we think of abnormalities as particular periods in which it is easier to collect energy, for the over-excited motion of exotic matter then yes, it seems likely that Misty's action will be something very similar to a ring of evocation.

    More events, arranged in a geometric way on a world, our real world, which has been able to be inscribed in geometric grids several times since the times of Helios, and that it can therefore give each geolocated "place" its precise position within A glyph map, then the hypothesis becomes almost certainty.

    Using Mind Palaces as a safe place for access to other planes of existence is, in a simplified manner, what is already described in the Bible about the Jacob's Ladder and his Teomachia.

    The patriarch in his dream has witnessed the presence of a link between the divine / astral and the material plan, and the movement through that "palace" of entities that defining exogenous is not wrong.


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