Ah... And on a separate note: Yik Sheng Lee and Mustafa Said have already offered 'happy birthday' wishes to me.

Ah... And on a separate note: Yik Sheng Lee and Mustafa Said have already offered 'happy birthday' wishes to me.

My appreciation. May there be many more years.


  1. If you only had an agent profile in the scanner system, you would not be saved from a comm bomb.

    Again happy birthday wishes.
    And yes, I'm whining deeply - with friendship, but deeply ;P

  2. There are a several more in the chat. Buried under several hundred posts.

  3. Edgar Allan Wright​ if you want you can say that the impromptu RPE session we threw last night (Enter the Party Magnus) was in honor of you. 😇

  4. Happy birthday Doctor Edgar Allan Wright

  5. Happy birthday Edgar Allan Wright​ may your brilliant kind keep in shining on us for many years to come!!

  6. Didnt happen to turn 31 did you? 13-31? because i did..now if we were the same age that would just be crazy

  7. Happy birthday Edgar Allan Wright​! Hope you enjoy many more investigations to come!

  8. Happy birthday Edgar Allan Wright​ ! I got you a few Glyphs last night :)


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