I am not, and do not claim to be an Astronomer or Astro-Physicist, but I find this fascinating.

I am not, and do not claim to be an Astronomer or Astro-Physicist, but I find this fascinating. Stein Lightman and Yuri Alaric Nagassa took it upon themselves to inform me that it was an eclipse that proved Einstein's Theory of Relativity. It gives me pause to ask whether the exogenous world emerging after the Eclipse is different than the one that went into it.



  1. Dear Edgar Allan Wright​, I'm not an astronomer either, but just take a look at this picture of gravitational lens. It's quite interesting that this "wave of light" that is going to hit, lets say an "anomalous zone" in the future causes effects now. So is the #IngressEclipse today only an effect of the upcoming #13MagnusReawakens anomalies?

  2. alotroladodelarealidad.com
    Could it be a door? But there has not been adequate resonance. Edgar Allan Wright

  3. 92% Eclipse in Seattle. Agent BigMatty reporting ;-)

  4. It would be fascinating to know what the relationship between eclipses and anomalous zones is.

  5. Edgar Allan Wright Now the current state of the research, with the considerations we have in regard to Dimensional Nodes, agree that it has clear answers to the interactions between eclipses and abnormal areas, as well as on eclipses and xm - although in part, this question has found and is still Finding answers, given the scanner's reactions to the phenomenon - would be absolutely fascinating.

    Yik Sheng Lee So far we have seen a famine of exotic matter happen.
    However, I find it difficult to conceive of a phenomenon whereby energy and matter blur each other in order to make visible parts that are not normally, as in "traditional" eclipses.
    Yet, think that cosmological phenomena such as these - planetary alignments - are at the basis of something more articulate than just a star that is hidden from sight is remarkable.
    The more you love Lovecraft has linked his "visions" of terror - because his writings are not, especially, the latest discoveries about Remote Participation - if not just such phenomena as happened to the writer in the past, Diaries of what he could see in his dreams. Just as - I hope to interpret correctly - it has already happened a couple of times to our colleague investigator Ishira Tsubasa

  6. Interesting enough, the day the eclipse happened Project Lycaeum, a Japanese group, asked me if anything had happened during the 2012 annular eclipse in Ingress. When they dug they found the Tycho was also active that year but nothing much else has been found yet. They do believe there is a connection as well and are looking for it. Thank you for confirmation that we should be looking into the eclipses.

  7. in Project Lycaeum, 後日明 said Tycho first appeared during the two total eclipse of 2012.


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