I have been researching the logs from Aftermath of Via Obscura and I came upon an unusual phrase: "Touched by the...

I have been researching the logs from Aftermath of Via Obscura and I came upon an unusual phrase: "Touched by the Lima." What does this mean?


  1. in the city of lima is very important the old touches of old civilization

  2. I like that Mario Valenzuela II - with Lima - it could have been a variation of Limina - plus.google.com - JoJo Stratton - Google+ which is often interpreted as threshold, doorway or a connection to another "place" - there is also this meaning - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liminality which could go to a disorientation, a median between in a ritual or similar. And there is a similar concept to what Mario shared - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liminal_being

  3. YAY!!! Via Obscura forever! lol Nice to hear from you again Edgar Allan Wright

  4. I totally share the thought of Mario Valenzuela II​

    The touch of Lima is referring to Latin deities, home's and good fortune's gods, one of whose other exponents is Janus, the god of thresholds, two-headed, which later in tradition became - together with Egyptian vision and mysterious cults - God of the time - of the future and of the past, linked in some texts also to the Ouroboros , and the Miðgarðsormr

  5. There was also an Oracle that visitors called Limaq, which was later destroyed and replaced with a church.

  6. I was thinking touched by the lima as in being (divinely/cosmically) inspired or influenced by entities from outside this reality. However, the oracle notion works considering the nature of one of the characters I created as an NPC who had an Archetype of a Muse.

    Of course there is also the spoiler reason which parallels recent ingress related events.

  7. This is fascinating. I had suspected that it was a reference to November Lima (aka 1331). But these possibilities were quite interesting.

  8. upon further research i found that oracle was believed to be a wooden idol representing a two-headed humanoid.
    Not many of those laying around

  9. Could it have something to do with November Lima? If so why?

  10. Edgar Allan Wright​ I am glad to hear that you are reading through our sessions. You mentioned before that you felt that Essex is ready for a new step. Well, you have at your fingertips a group that is getting better and better with Remote Participation.

  11. Can't wait to bust open the doors of creation even wider. 😎😇

  12. i will closed the doors ¬_¬ we not want inmigrations of the space or other dimensions ¬_¬

  13. Edgar Allan Wright​​ It could be a November Lima​​ reference, but Ethan Lepouttre​​ might have some misgivings on everyone wanting to get touched by the Lima.

  14. found another possible "touch by the Lima" reference. A town in Portugal called Ponte de Lima sits along the river Limia(Lima in Protugese).
    The Romans identified the river with the mythical Lethe. One of the 5 rivers of the underworld Hades.

  15. Trevor Grimm​​ i suggest you read the RPE session in question.

    Melissa​ Hades... i can see how it works given the plot I wrote.

  16. In phonetic alphabet (NL = November Lima) Lima replaced Love for L only recently. Than it could mean Touched by Love.

  17. Touched by the light. Light in a way could man XM. Maybe ancients had a better understanding of XM than we do. The Shaper-N'Zeer conflict might have wiped out this repository of information.

  18. Alternatively it could mean touched by another race. Maybe Lima was a name for a sect of exogenous beings.

  19. I am happy to see you have read our Remote Participation Event Edgar Allan Wright​ ! I hope you enjoyed the reads on them, they were certainly interesting for us.

  20. Mario Valenzuela II​ and I suggest you bone up on double entendres

  21. Trevor Grimm​ those double entendres you used, sad to say, were not something to pat yourself on the back over due to their predictability.

  22. Trevor Grimm​ wait, you're calling me a haters?!? /Facepalm. Whatever, I'll got back to planning my next RPE session I'm going to run in the essex rpe room.


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