It appears that I am far from the only one contemplating Mind Palaces.

It appears that I am far from the only one contemplating Mind Palaces. Excellent Scholarship. Currently, I am analyzing the relationship between individual and shared mind palaces. Mr. Dille had an idea that a magnus was a way to cojoin mind palaces to form a dimensional node (world) representing each of the Archetypes. Is this plausible?


  1. Edgar Allan Wright​​​​ you should read some of the #ingressRPEs that Kosh TheRipper​​​​ and I have been running and even some of the associated media I posted in regards to them. Kosh and I have been exploring similar paths to your discussions and to what yik posted (that being the thought that az/mp are part of a nodal network one can transverse).

  2. If we wanted to extend this theory to the group of investigators in the Essex Project, I find myself think about a shared Palace, a beehive of minds, where every single investigator - who we know has an archetype, since we started playing to attribute one (or more than one) to each other - but has its own place - a "room", a small Mental Palace, which, as the three wise men say, can be "embellished" with constructions to help in remembering and in storing information and memories.

    And that's exactly what we do: to exchange thoughts, memories, ideas, proposals and projects.

    Edgar Allan Wright I take this post for a sincere, though late, happy birthday wish.

    Plus, it seems that our acquaintance - your friend - flint dille suggests that you will try to take credit for this work.

    You do not want to make an injustice to Yik Sheng Lee, right? ;P

  3. Edgar Allan Wright​I would greatly recommend that you check our the transcripts of the RPE sessions that Mario Valenzuela II​ and I have been running. We've developed and fleshed out not only a few characters but a few worlds together. Ideas are shared collectively between us and then further extrapolated upon by our players. What do you think?

  4. Short answer? Yes.
    Long answer?
    Everyone has skill that they contribute to a community. The hunter, the gatherer, the farmer, the tailor, the story teller, the leader, the protector. The same could be said for Magnus or the Essex investigators. Each member has a skill (archetype) that furthers thought along.

  5. Edgar Allan Wright​, do you remember the virgo zodiac map related to the Queen of sheba? Ancient greeks connected astrology with mythology, telling a story by each zodiac. Do we see connected mind palaces during the nights when we rise our heads upon the sky? I believe so.

  6. Mind palaces of individuals, say neighbours walking along same path every day are definitelly overlapping. That means they are somehow interconnected but people do not realize this connection as everybody knows only her mind palace. Maybe with the help of XM people can realize those connections. Maybe that was the Nianatic Magnus. Maybe that was the Epiphany.

  7. Jozef Zubricky I agree with you.

    I strongly believe this is to be attributed to the loss of value that our society encounters thinking of sharing and community.

    The community is only seen as a useful tool to increase YOUR possibilities, OWN occasions. And not, on the contrary, as a tool to help our neighbors - perhaps even strangers.

    In the first human communities it was not possible to think about the survival of the species unless it was through a mutual aid - the species would be lost if it preyed on individualism.

    Unfortunately, I do not think the creation of a Magnus can change this trend. I fear that it takes a lot more to change human thought.
    As you say, perhaps, a new Epiphany Night


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