Forgive me for being off the grid.

Forgive me for being off the grid. I can not tell you why this is of interest to me, but I am very interested in the Acolyte. When did she first appear on the scene and in what context? I have reason to believe that she has gone under a number of identities. Do we know any of them? And what do we know of her real relationship with Jarvis?

It seems to me that she has been hiding in plain sight in our investigation since the beginning.


  1. Nice to hear from you. There are some who have theorised that the Acolyte is an impostor, that she abused a special rank she had during Jarvis' physical demise to obtain control over ranks of Enlightened agents. Others view her as a steward of Jarvis throne. Jarvis has called out to her on occasion, indicating he is in direct contact with her somehow.( ) Honestly, her existence has been a source of debate for some time. It is quite clear though that she has both access to Jarvis remains and some line of communication with him even though he is outside our dimension. - The Circle of Obsidius

  2. Could... Is it possible Mazz never drowned? That she went on to become the Acolyte?

  3. TrIsten Bordagaray​​​ Mazz appeared on a video with hank. Acoltye is not her

  4. Mario Valenzuela II It wouldn't be the first time the Acoylte has changed her appearance.

  5. Edgar Allan Wright I believe she's been an acquaintance of Roland Jarvis for some time now.. I do not believe she is Mazz, but you are correct she more than likely has been hiding in plain sight for some time now. I suspect we might be able to find her within the pages of Ingress: Origins as well if we look hard enough.

  6. It should be mentioned that H. Richard Loeb​​ did dig up some dirt on the Acolyte ( however, it did leave some unanswered questions like how did she learn about the Enlightened and Roland Jarvis? How dis she gain his trust when it seemed that Mazz was being groomed to be his successor? And is her comment about the waves and water a reference to Mazz's death?

  7. A quick search will tell most that the word acolyte has been used since Nov 2013 when Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​ was talking to one of his acolytes about shards. The word was used again in Sept 2014 when Roland Jarvis​ was talking to one of his acolytes about the Ultimate. However, I do not think these previously seen acolytes are The Acolyte that we know today.
    She makes her appearance doing Shonin. In Feb of 2015.
    And you are right. Little is known about her past. It's plausible she may not even be of this time, but that depends on when she arrived at the ENL compound.

  8. It's been a while ago, so forgive me that it was deeply burried in my mind, that I shared some possible further thoughts about the Acolyte, the historical character of Thaïs and the connections between both. Is it only coincidence that Thaïs [Acolyte] wanted Alexander the Great to destroy Persepolis, the Anti-Magnus Nest?

  9. I'd say it's very possible she murdered Mazz. Either in an attempt to grab power by becoming Jarvis' chosen successor, or perhaps she was jealous that Mazz was Jarvis' number one choice.

  10. She made her first appearance to the public in 2013. The Acolyte is one of many personalities. I can say That for sure.
    Her and Jarvis were close. She saw him as a mentor, a friend, and a leader. That's why she wanted to take his place if necessary. She cared deeply for Jarvis as well. Willing to do whatever it took to save him. The Acolyte is quite good at hiding the truth. Especially who she is. We've learned that over the years.
    She's been in our view, though, in our blind spot so to speak...

  11. Edgar Allan Wright​ what do we know of Marla, the woman who was killed alongside Jarvis?

  12. I had utterly forgotten about Mazz. I doubt that she is the acolyte. Fascinating possibility.

  13. I believe her name is Amanda. According to the info we do have, she studied theology and learned about XM from professor Kureze.
    There was an Amanda in the lecture hall the day +victor Kureze was abducted before joining the Niantic project.
    She and another student, Charlie, were stopped by NIA agents. That night Amanda disappears.
    If the acolyte has been with us since the beginning, then it's possible her name is Amanda.

  14. I believe there's a strong possibility that the Acolyte is the same person as Twyla Klippe, the woman who was shot with Jarvis on Epiphany Night.
    1. She resembles Devra in appearance, whom she was mistaken for.
    2. Her body was not accounted for.
    3. It's possible she went through a similar experience that Jarvis did or could have already been a 13MAGNUS simulacrum at the time.


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