Forgive me for being absent for a couple of days.

Forgive me for being absent for a couple of days. I've had a chance to debrief with some who were present at the EXO5 anomaly and it is quite obvious that much was revealed and there is some to still be revealed. So let's start with the most basic question of any crime. Who benefitted from the murder of Calvin and Phillips and how did they benefit?

Of course, the purely logical question would be, 'who thought they would benefit at the time of the murder, because they might not have attained the result they were hoping for?'


  1. For whoever is behind, there are 1331 reasons for it

  2. I know with whom Zatara was maintaining the discussion, the identity of that person is

  3. I was at the event and was very lucky to be able to talk to multiple people including Loeb, Devra, Misty, Acolyte, Akira, and your friend Flint. In the time i was there, we had many discussions and i worked together with many agents. From what we gathered, i think a person of interest is definitely Oliver Lynton-Wolfe.

    Our search hasnt been who killed them, but rather who ordered them to be killed. Oliver is not completely here, thus he couldnt personally kill anyone and would have to have some one else do it. We know Oliver has had no issues with sacrificing others for his own experiments whether it be getting in his way or the death proving to be useful as they were when it came to the Tecthulthus.

    It was shared with me that Akira had a large benefit to the death of Calvin as she gained control of the NL. But when PAC asked me who i thought the person behind it was, and i brought up Akiras benefit, I was told that it was believed the person who ordered these deaths was some one who disappeared. That limited the number of people it could be in my opinion and Oliver is definitely on that list.

    Later on i was told i needed to ask some one else for more information Pac talked to another agent with about these deaths at mission day. From there i found an agent he had spoken to and in our discussion i found he had asked the same question to the agent as he had asked me. The agent Emmy Ramirez, brought up Oliver could possibly be behind the deaths and there was a discussion had about the past between Oliver and the dead which may involve their days together in research. It was said that Oliver may have been jealous of Calvins success though this was not confirmed it could be a motive.

    I think its more complex then that. With the information gathered, it would seem to me that Oliver would want to come back to our reality completely, thus needing help to do so. Oliver has always messed with things of great power and we know the NL vehicles are objects of great power. I feel they would be a way for him to return but he couldnt use them because of Calvin and because of how he used the Tecthulthus. I doubt many people would help him knowing that his experiments and research has led to the death of Susanna and the loss of Klues physical body.... So who could help him?

    In a conversation between Mario Valenzuela II , Ariel Diana, and I, Mario revealed that in a discussion between him and Akira, Akira had praised Oliver. He said in essex even, that she Idolizes him and his brilliance. So if anyone could help him come back it would be her... The person who gained control of the NL vehicles after these deaths.... I feel it would not be out of the realm of possibility for Oliver to use one of his followers to come back to full existence here. Akira i do not feel ordered these deaths, but Oliver did because he knew some one who would be willing to help him would be taking over the NL projects if the current person died and then in turn give him control over the NL projects....

    I think this is why Olivers Dosser followed NL this year even as he wasnt fully present, because he was there, just not physically and when he gets back he will be either using or working with Akira on the NL vehicles.

  4. I should also state at the Anomaly i and other agents were told Oliver is not completely of this world right now, implying that he is stuck like Klue and trying to get back.

  5. I suspect the murder has something to do with the advancement of Ingress Prime. I suspect Phillips was holding back the new scanner technology from being released as he wanted a better understanding of what it was capable of. But that obviously didn't sit well with IQ Tech and others because their investments in exploring XM/CM would benefit from any new advancement in scanner technology. Bring more people under the influence of XM via Ingress Prime would allow them to profit further. In steps in Hank, and while he's in transition, the new scanner technology gets leaked/stolen. Hank becoming the head of NIA was accidental I believe. And this forced the hand of others into stealing the technology as they would have feared Hank would follow in Phillips' footsteps by holding back Prime. Akira and Oliver (IQ Tech) seem to be the biggest winners in this.

  6. I can see why OLW would be the most interested in getting the new scanner technology out. It could be a renewed bid for him to merge the substrate and the ultimate in the fashion he would like.

  7. It was my belief that it was OLW. Infact, I came up to that conclusion after talking to H. Richard Loeb​​​​​​​ during the PAC Crawl.

    Here is how:

    We had a discussion about monsters. How monsters / Kaiju 40+ ft tall aren't scary to him. The real monsters he's afraid of are people and even animal's like pethulhu who seem innocent.

    From the ENL PAC crawl investigation and the leaked docs, we learned that OLW was not fully here, in our node. Acolyte was Tywla, and Akira was in San Francisco to check out November Lima​​​​​​​, and the murderer was someone thst disappeared.

    Acolyte, may have been a grifter in the past but were she truly reformed from XM exposure and resurection as a simulacra she would have everything to loose with Hank Johnson​​​​​​​ being in control of the NIA. Why? Two of Hank's former love-interests are on the resistance and his close friend, Misty Hannah​​​​​​​ doesn't trust Twyla due to their sorted past. As a former swindler she would know that pulling that job would have not been worth the risk as the benefits it granted could be easily passed off to a third party. Also, last year at Via Noir, I had a smurf on a rope. She got disgusted by that effigy. She told me "death is not my thing.". She isn't a murderer. She's a grifter. But I still wonder about Mazz...

    Akira did in deed benifit from the changes of fate the murders brought about. She had no more governmental red tape to worry about and no one trying to peddle her research off as meerly a video game to covertly track individuals around the world. But someone else would have benifited.l by the age of scientific discovery that would be available as a result of Hank Johnson becoming the head of the NIA... Oliver Linton Wolfe!

    Oliver Linton-Wolfe had the most motive behind the murder. He hated what Philips and Calvin did with the NIA. He stated back in Cassandra how they turned xm research into a game of espionage and robbed it of its abilities to gain http://true.knowledge!! He even stated he would turn them, and his enemies, to ash under his gaze; a prophetic claim knowing they died in a fire. Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​​​​​​​ is that monster that PAC fears. An individual who appears innocent and innocuous but is capable of horrendous acts due to scientific curiosity, gross negligence,and a thirst for revenge.

    I asked myself, what would Oliver Linton Wolfe do? My answer was: BURN THEM ALL!

    But how did how do it? Easily... The desire he had when he built his tecthulhu was to create a means of bridging the dimensional nodes so he could gain true knowledge. That bridge was in the process of being rebuilt, all he had to do is send data packets to get the ball rolling.

    So who invited them all to San Francisco? Well... It was Twyla the Acolyte. She like Jarvis, sought redemption in the city of St. Francis. If my hunch is correct; Ben Jackland is one of her partners in crime, just like Klue. They leaked the original scanner, they decided to leak the next one.

  8. I would have to say I believe Ishira Tsubasa and Mario Valenzuela II have captured everything that I remember hearing or being discussed over the course of the anomaly and I have to say I also believe it is Oliver as well. Yes it's possible he sent the EXOPRE shards as a way of reaching out to bridge the gap between dimensional nodes, however I personally can not jump to that being the only conclusion for them showing up after day one.

    I now have one other question, Has OLW finished taking out those that would prevent from obtaining his primary goal or will there be more? I personally think enough blood has been shed in recent months.

  9. Ariel Diana​​​ remember, 13MR day one allowed Shaper aligned exos to enter into Misty"s mind palace. Day 2 allowed shaper aligned exogenous precursors to enter our node using NL. The murders goes back to after day one of 13MR to the day of the RPE when we went to find out what was lured into her mind palace...

    Oh damn. Misty said it wasn't Jarvis in her mind Palace... She also said she felt Oliver's presence since he vanished.

    Holy crap.

  10. Mario Valenzuela II I was speaking of the shards that showed up right after the November anomalies finished that was after 13MR was done

  11. Ariel Diana​​​​ I know. The murders all predate the exopre shards, meaning those shards were not the specific "data packets" OLW sent out, they were not the kill orders. The exopre were something that were capable of entering in as a result of OLW's work.

    Think of it like Oliver leaving a window open after shouting out of it, then a wasp flew in and started building a nest.

  12. Mario Valenzuela II well seeing I was in the middle of work I may not have made myself clear... I was saying maybe he sent them as a way to bridge the gap to help facilitate his coming back to our dimensional node. For all we know he could have reached out to Akira though the portals or through XM to facilitate the murders. Sorry, hope that clears it up a little as to what I was thinking. Now where's more coffee??? Lol

  13. I agree that if he sent the exopre they may exist to bridge the gap (Akira hinted at that possibility in the 13mr anomaly docs).

    It might be possible, though she didnt seem to have anything against Calvin, Owens, or Philips

  14. Edgar Allan Wright welcome back in my personal opinion the person who gained more publically has been Hank Johnson but as he was ENL at that time it is quote possible that Twylla (who call herself an acolyte) could be the mastermind behind this


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