Congratulations to Nancy Something.

Congratulations to Nancy Something. I will be very interested to see how Operation Essex interprets the document. My sense is that as with other retrieved Howcraft documents, there is a deeper meaning to it. Perhaps I am wrong.


  1. Thank you, Edgar Allan Wright !
    Stories are fun, and here’s mine in relation to the finds:

    @Debora (AstralDreamer1) shared your earlier post to a Slack server I was in, which flagged me to this potential find (I was still in anomaly recovery mode). So I weighed the amount of time it’d take to go out to Cross Plains, and tried to determine if anyone knew if others were already on their way. It seemed like no one was en route, so I decided to go. To actually collect the media drops, it took 8+ hours round trip. About 6-6.5 hours of that was for actual travel (the return trip was slower with so many deer out).

    I went straight to the REH Museum, given all the history we’ve had there. I hacked the portals while starting a search for any physical dead drops on site (very conscious to respect the property of course). I found the media for “3” – which suggested there were at least 2 more items to find (though whether they were media or physical drops, I wasn’t sure, so I kept looking).

    When I found nothing around the house, excavation site, or adjacent park, I chanced searching the field Hank Johnson had been in with the glyph he’d discovered there (which you can still see in Google Maps). I only got covered in burrs. I needed food and fuel, so after another sweep of the property, I went to a gas station with it in mind to go hack the portals throughout Cross Plains just in case.

    The first few portals gave nothing out of the ordinary, but then two did produce media (as noted in comments on the dead drop posts). I searched the rest of Cross Plains portals, hacking everything a few times just to be sure.

    Then, to my delighted surprise, I got an in-scanner response from John Hanke to an earlier message I'd sent! I may have also left an Old Hank bio card in Cross Plains... muahaha. I am happy to emulate such an explorer-investigator!

  2. Edgar Allan Wright something tells me you are far from being wrong. This is from Rhyme of Salem Town and Other Poems, retrieved in Cross Plains last June:

    "Free the philosopher’s stone, gates of a temple
    Oracles across the earth roar again
    Man of the Shadows, the lesser gods of the earth.
    Enshrine Chiron
    Within the hour
    Flashing fain lodes reap the Sign the green face
    Night will be red the mighty deep; to sleep.
    Their own ship berserk the force of a wolf at bay god of battle
    Lonely watcher they rushed out into the street
    Rose a poet the savage sage
    The spectre
    Red field horror thunder death a shade surges
    Ancient phantoms
    Beneath a thunder-tree. The night-sounds called to me.
    Tall masts grey fiends wave evermore.
    A tall ship where splendors are.
    Two ancient foes have met at last. The sightless blind hands lock.
    Roared the mighty phantom"

    It was put together by joining underlined words in the book. I can see some parallels with yesterday's findings already.

    Operation Essex

  3. Yes, I think you are. There is nothing like a deeper meaning to any of this Ingress related stuff coming up. It's all a big fat load of nonsense.


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