QUANDRY: Now that I am experiencing a sense of 'Better Nodal Integration' as one scientist we are all familiar with...

QUANDRY: Now that I am experiencing a sense of 'Better Nodal Integration' as one scientist we are all familiar with referred to it, my question is this. Should I re-engage with RPE Experiments or remain free of them. I believe it to be much safer now. And, this question is more 'fun' than anything else, but if we were to visit a new RPE Node, (place, time or event) what would be most interesting to you?


  1. Edgar Allan Wright an era I would like to visit would be the time of the Cold war, a little bit of the cloak and dagger spycraft that was going on between the US and the USSR at the time. Though for you, the notion that it would be 'safer' to RPE is a fallacy. You must adhere to the RPE rules to be safe.

  2. To me the most interesting events are those where an RPE-Group would not be able to hide or only with really great difficulties:
    * Hank's time in the cave in Afghanistan.
    * the magic castle incident
    * death of Ken Owen
    * (suspected) death of Ezekiel and Jay
    * Roland and Devra's escape from CERN
    * Henry Richard Loeb's most recent visit to Akira Tsukasa
    * Misty Hannah's visit to the dark xm mine in Australia combined with Hank's search for her
    * Devra's "accident" in the dark xm mine in Australia
    * KlADA's visit to the Acolyte
    * OUR (1218) Epiphany Night

  3. DaVinci and the beginning of the Renaissance, I believe DaVinci experimented with a primitive Techthulu, and possibly with Simulacrum.

  4. Gerald Wolf Hey i am still alive and Not Dead.........

  5. Jay B. I'm sorry, I was referring to Jay Phillips ':D

  6. Edgar Allan Wright If we were looking for historical events, id go for voyages of discovery. Voyages of folks like Leif Erikson, or Cabot to the new world have always had elements of intrigue. Then there are the plethora of doomed expeditions to choose from, like Franklins arctic expeditions. Something about early explorers risking everything to make new discoveries is a fascinating study. What was driving them? The discovery of new land, or ..was it someting more exogenous in nature? New ways to interact with the Nzeer or Shapers, or the collection of new artifacts?

  7. Edgar Allan Wright Personally, I think you should engage with the world of Remote Participation. There has been much work done to ensure that they are much safer than the ones you've done in the past.

    In regards to the second question... Dunraven. I think we could use an RPE to learn more about the Dunraven Foundation and the Project they've created.

  8. Time, events,which have not occurred in our world are interesting. The question of what could have been is infinately more intreging than what was.

  9. One where ingress isn't a game instead Ingress is state mandated. Either you pick a faction or off to hard labor your go

  10. Edgar Allan Wright nodal transfer is hard, i'm finding. Its easy to get stuck in between


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