SNAKES, SERPENTS AND SLITHERING: Our discussion of the two snakes at Siwah brings back the Carrie Campbell imagery.

SNAKES, SERPENTS AND SLITHERING: Our discussion of the two snakes at Siwah brings back the Carrie Campbell imagery. I don't know why, but I suspect that snakes are going to be important. This is just something to think meditate on for when the moment is right. What is the meaning of the snakes and how do connect Recursion, Darsana and Abaddon?


  1. Ouroboros is the snake of the endless time, we know this icon very well. Snakes are the changing, they leave old skin for a new one.
    In every mithology we have snakes, since the ages - norse, aborigen, celtic, judaic, greek, roman, cristhian.

    The snake is like the crow, in some cases - a trickster.

    Plus, merging science with mith, snakes are - for someone - the simbol of DNA, when they are in couple.

    About Recursion, Darsana and Abaddon, i suppose one of the thought can be see snakes like bridges, or passage. A way to link and connect different loci, in time and space. A starway, or a dimensionsway.
    If with Recursion and Abaddon we have a simple linking with the snake life - their skin change - and so, reborn and be simulacri, with Darsana we can took the common meaning of the term - see trought - and think snakes like the personification of whom can see the inner thing, the real, intimate nature of the phaenomena

  2. The yearly medal that will be awarded to agents this year is an Oroboros, symbolized by a snake biting its own tail. It is often used as a symbol of rebirth. Fitting for Recursion and the #RecursionPrime series at least.

  3. Supposedly the ADA interface at Cassandra Prime said that Hank had files about snakes that she wished to view.

  4. This has me coming back to the cycle of reincarnation over and over.

    Alright. I think I know which hole to dive into.

  5. Edgar Allan Wright, as the others have stated, this applies to the recursion. Looking at things from a programming perspective a lot of these events do make sense. What I am trying to figure out is to see what the result of the recursive algorithm is and what problem this Niantic recursive function is looking to solve.

  6. There was mention in essex of Alexander the great in the essex chat, adding that into the mix I came up with the false prophesy cults that Alexander made in the name of Glycon .

  7. Anáil nathrach, ortha bháis is beatha, do chéal déanaimh the charm of making translated means 'Serpent's breath, charm of death and life, thy omen of making.' That's what snake symbols always make me think of. No relevance at all really. Unless of course the recurse is the bringing to life the old spirits from their slumber.. Lol 🤣😂🤣 Excalibur.

  8. Remember Jarvis called the N'Zeer "dragons" during Helios. If we are reliving an echo of our past, but in another universe, than Serpents can be an allusion to both the N'Zeer and the Shapers since Darsana was in many ways the point of no return.

  9. The first Uraeus is believed to have been made from earth’s dust and the spittle of Sun-God by the Goddess Isis who used it to gain the throne of Egypt for Osiris, her husband. Besides being used as a royal emblem or adornment, Uraeus is also an important hieroglyph referring to a priestess, Goddess, or shrine of Goddess. It can be seen in the ancient Egyptian relics, artifacts, manuscripts, tombs, and temples.

  10. Fond this in Linz and i have goosebombs when i meet this place and dont know why untill know.........🤔

  11. Edgar Allan Wright, in this case i believe it refers to Recursion. In one mystical tradition, it is also the life energy of a person (kundalini) , that when risen, that person is more in tune to the world around them. Snakes can also be seen as dragons. Snakes coming out of one's mouth is interesting, as in the Tycho poster revealed during Cassandra, and i don't have a lot of insight into that image, except perhaps, as a warning to take Carrie's pronouncements with caution.

  12. Edgar Allan Wright, its also the double helix structure of DNA, which brings to mind mutations and mutagenic properties of our favourite particle that carries data (xm).

  13. Snakes have various meanings, and the important ones for us are the concepts of continuity, fertility, connection/guidance and protection.

    In Recursion we have continuity/fertility.
    At the Darsana Point we have the connection or guide to the source.
    And at the Abaddon Chamber, we have the protector or guardian of the chamber.

    In essence, they all lead back to those that are setting things in motion. Maybe it's the NIA or N'Zeer or Shapers, we'll find out soon.

  14. Edgar Allan Wright
    Der Ring des Nibelungen

    Portal in Linz... and Carrie was in Linz...


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