URGENT: VERY CURIOUS NEW DEVELOPMENT: I have received this from an undisclosed source.

URGENT: VERY CURIOUS NEW DEVELOPMENT: I have received this from an undisclosed source. Quite possibly compromized from Niantic or NIA. Maybe false flagged. In other words, I do not know whether it is an indigenous or exogenous A.I. I believe there is great opportunity for us in the investigation. Please explore, share and report. Overwhelm with input. Master it before it masters us. Essex: this could be the breakthrough we unlocked.



  1. Both ais seem to post on Twitter too and some of their most recent posts have Glyphs in them. We have been watching and interacting with them in Investigations. :)

  2. Edgar Allan Wright Essex and other investigation communities have been all over them, exploring and training those AIs. But some bugs and an apparent non-sense in their responses makes the work difficult. For now.

  3. As a result of the first test training session, it seems that this is the motivational result / poster that ADA feels it has to share with me in relation to our exchange.

    As with any other poster so far, I am quite skeptical about the possible use of recruitment, although, surely, there may be hidden levels of information to which I am not - unfortunately - able to arrive.

  4. Does this have any meaning? She is true that this his back surpassing writing have cannot the all experience risks. Jarvis babbles a lot

  5. Prime sucks just like this not intelligent 'ai'

  6. Well, this leads to nothing like everything Ingress related. I hope they fix the game as they can't even fix their storyline...

  7. I've been pestering these guys for ages and still get the same markov garbage.

  8. Even P.A.C. gave up on the investigation after Cassandra Prime. I assumed he would be posting weekly on the investigate portion of the ingress prime site but it seems two weeks are enough.

  9. and me without my edgar essex medal because of course I'm not from the elite group of friends, they did not give it to me.

  10. Vinlux Almohadilla Man I feel that Essex and Edgar is just a huge trade of specific knowledge between them that noone else understands and don't really want to explain. Like a private joke. In a last post Edgar said "one scientist we are all familiar with" and I can't fathom who would that be. Also, he refers to something as "the challenge" and even Debora couldn't understand. Also, I couldn't understand what were temporal nodes until I started assuming stuff... Most people can't even decide if they're going to call the new universe Prime or Oasis. It makes "outsiders" feel like it's too complicated and pictures Niantic as a bunch of lazy writers that don't even know the direction they are headed.

  11. It's just nonsense of hallucinating drug addicts. My opinion. 😎

  12. Well, no one understands because no one is asking questions, and no one is paying real attention. Just shoot some shells in the air and cry about a badge? Just hate spitting with no curiosity whatsoever. The Essex Operation is opened to everyone, as are the answers to your questions, regarding storyline and investigation stuff. Just to make that clear. So please, stop making a fool of yourselves or, yes, I will begin to report your useless trolling comments.

  13. Luís Romudas May I, then, ask you some questions that bog my mind about some things that don't quite add up (em português) as I think you'll know better than me all the nuances about the investigation.

  14. André Lucena I don't know if I know better that you... but shoot

  15. Luís Romudas Maior parte das perguntas tem a ver com a facilidade de acesso à data. Como a história é complexa chega a ser praticamente impossível de aceder a uma base de dados com as ideias gerais. Descobri AGORA a existência do IC-Sourcebook por ter visto a tua página. Ainda estou muito confuso sobre as circunstâncias do Prime Epiphany Night, ou seja, como e porquê é que o OLW reapareceu e se este é sequer o nosso ou o de Prime. O que é que levou a criarmos (e querermos criar) esta Epiphany Night? E os Niantic Operatives que a criaram são simulacra? Porque desde Abbadon que é o que parece.

  16. André Lucena assim estamos a conversar 😁 então é assim: o OLW que aparece agora é o do universo Prime.
    A Epiphany Night no universo Prime aconteceu porque os Agentes ENL e RES foram bem sucedidos numa Experiência de Participação Remota (RPE, um RPG no ambiente Ingress que aconteceu em Maio em Camp Navarro). A missão consistia em ventilar XM do nosso universo saturado para o universo Prime, sobrealimentando o Power Cube de OLW enquanto ele conduzia a experiência no CERN. O cubo explodiu e o universo Prime teve a sua Epiphany Night, salvando o nosso universo de uma sobrecarga ambiental de XM.
    E se muita coisa do universo Prime é semelhante à do nosso universo entao podemos inferir que os Sensitivos do Projecto Niantic (Carrie, Hank, OLW, Jarvis, que apareceram até agora) são de facto Simulacra.
    E sim, é confuso mesmo para quem tenta seguir a história.
    Osíris foi apenas um nome de código que o Hank deste universo deu quando soube da existência do universo Prime.

  17. André Lucena procura-me no Telegram. Respondo até onde souber e se não souber tento saber

  18. Luís Romudas Não sei qual é a fixação de todos os jogadores de Ingress com o Telegram aquilo parece-me um tonedowned version de um messenger mas pronto. Como é que te chamas lá?

  19. Nothing of interest. Don't worry.
    It's just kind of a recycling of the old storyline.

  20. André Lucena não uso Facebook e so tenho Telegram mesmo para o Ingress. Podes procurar o meu nome mesmo

  21. Guys I think the AI's just broke... They respond to nothing but when we insert what (supposedly) P.A.Chapeau's friend told "Wendy" JARVIS just goes silent.

  22. Edgar Allan Wright I feel we need to put some imput on the AI's based on Dunraven's last video... the Intelligences seem to talk after the video goes dark and the AI's are all broken down


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