While I do not participate in factional divides, I do wonder what the implications of Hank Johnson becoming...

While I do not participate in factional divides, I do wonder what the implications of Hank Johnson becoming Resistance might be. What of his relationship with . Azmati? Jahan? Is there a Butterfly effect to this?


  1. It means well have to put up with his nattering on about how Shapers are responsible for all ancient architecture, and we'll have to constantly remind him that humans are perfectly capable of designing their own pyramids.

  2. Tbh, the writers messed up the story too much for me to try and make a logical assumption from all of this...
    I dunno..... Will leak limited access items to the resistance for a while till jarvis figures out how to make same items for the ENL... Yeah? Maybe? Why not....

  3. Be part of the Resistance is nothing more than feel the free will of menking more important than the possibility to control or lead it on a pre ordered path. Resistance is not a political movement, nor the n'zeer's army. Is just a soul mood : search of personal, own way in everyday life.
    Maybe now HankPrime sight will be much more clear. Much more uninfluenced. Or, at last, i hope so.
    'cause this is the real, true, unbounded, simplest Resistance.

    Plus, let me ask if we are thinking about 1218Terrae Jahan and 1218Terrae Azmati, or the PrimeTerrae ones. I think this make things much more different.

  4. Edgar you came into Essex yesterday with a vision of Hank. I think it's possible that vision could have shown the difficulties Hank will have in the future and that it is not entirely about his past. I do not think that Azmatis group would be too thrilled with Hank becoming Res.... In fact I suspect there may be some backlash on that considering how much Hank has looked into 13Magnus.

  5. I however do think it's possible for Hank to do what many Investigators do and even with his Faction Title, be able to push that title aside to focus on his goals. Others may act differently with him, but he can still be the same.

  6. While the relationship with Azmati will likely sour, the one with Jahan may get stronger. But anyway, let Jahan enter the stage first. Surely we will see a butterfly effect on this, but probably a 1218 ENL moderate Hank will be a Prime RES moderate Hank with all the implications that it carries in terms of his choices.
    On the other hand, the tiniest interdimensional differences can give birth to colossal rifts and colisions... afterall is that what "butterfly effect" is all about, right, Wright?
    No predictions on this side, but sharp eyes and steady hands. Darsana Point aproaching. I am more curious on what will be Hank's reaction to the N'Zeer, for example.

  7. Hank has always had a wanderlust and drive to explore - he's always stayed true to this no matter what. I would think Hank Prime shares a similar drive and regardless of faction he will stay true to his self curiosity.

  8. It is a defector, it is as if Donald Trump obeyed putin orders. Me, as Ente of the resistance fused with the xm, I do not want it

  9. Edgar Allan Wright, I think that it should not have a major effect on how things are going to progress. We have a general idea of what Hank will do, it's just in this instance of the Niantic recursive manifestation, Hank will be RES for a time. I do not think that this is a bad thing. History will sort itself out and things will return to some semblance of normalcy, but will yet be a little different.

  10. Edgar Allan Wright perhaps in his searching Hank will now be drawn more toward anti-magnus sites and will delve more into their history.

  11. New Hank is not my Hank. This person calling themselves Hank and expecting others to believe is potential proof of his dishonesty and untrustworthiness.

  12. Henry is a genuine person seeking the truth. Discovering and seeing the World of Ingress in a different way.
    He is already a product of the shapers influence. But now with the resistance caution and not absolute Fear.
    We will see his path and truth.

  13. Michael Flood does have an interesting point, there. It would be very interesting to uncover more about the Anti-Magnus side of things.

  14. Edgar Allan Wright we now have two major shifts of the Osiris universe events AWAY from our own (1. Carrie lived 2. Hank is shifted to Resistance) I suspect this will have HUGE implications in future interactions, For instance - is Devra from Prime also Resistance? There might be more synergy between those two if so, and this could actually mean they discover more faster as they work together, potentially (I am very curious about Devra from Prime as I followed and supported our 1218 Devra).

    Additionally, with Carrie still alive, we may have new glyphs come to light and thus a better understanding of what they mean and how they are connected and how they connect us.

  15. Also - do we know if the Prime versions have archetypes and if so what they are (this of course begs the question to be confirmed - did Prime Niantic come about as a creation of a Magnus via the guidance of Calvin??)

  16. It's only Prime Hank that is becoming Resistance. Original Hank is firmly Enlightened.

  17. Edgar Allan Wright one question that came to mind was: as Resistance aligned, would Hank seek more actively how to restore his natural self or will he enjoy the benefits of being a Simulacra? Being virtually immortal and, I presume, more attuned with the XM are very nice traits for an Explorer, aren't they?

  18. JoJo Stratton the Scanner badges of Jarvis and Hank have the Archetype in the description

  19. That's assuming the Prime universe contains Azmati and Jahan. I wonder if Devra knows about her in this world.

  20. Douglas Sines we know Azmati exists in Prime and his relationship with Hank is apparently the same: https://youtu.be/tJHFe9ns3R0

    About the rest, time will answer your questions.
    youtube.com - Surveilled Meeting: Hank Johnson, Azmati. Subject: Recursion Artifacts

  21. Will be very hard to tell the long term effects on everyone. Better i think to look to those closest to Prime Hank, they will be the first to show any deviation from the path that we know of so far from 1218 universe. So far we have a live Carrie and a resistance Hank. This will only get interesting from here.

  22. Ishira Tsubasa Fascinating concept. Let me think on this.

  23. Edgar Allan Wright I am happy to have given you something to think about.

  24. With Hank holding strong ties to both, the odds may be equal. Though their differences, Jahan aided him when he needed it. Though, also used him in a way. Same could be said about Azmati.
    But, over the years, after Hanks Recursion a while back, a mutual distrust has been forming between them.

    His beliefs are strongly Enlightened. Though, could change. I suppose time will tell.

  25. Edgar Allan Wright please let us know how we can help further

  26. In Austin, Hank did express a determination for xfac work regardless of faction sway. On top of that, he showed me his scanner to indicate what his natural inclination was before he was pulled in by anyone else's influences. And, a bit cheeky, he said that his green eyes surely meant something in a world without coincidences. He also said that nothing is forever - and requested this all be shared.https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/X_1bQRxYs7fSg3bGszA-gShWXPwTRmEsRIMlLkdnsu9l6fB0uWEv5dPandUmRYZ6LCx4PNBYy6UU0oE=s0

  27. Prime Hank did express a concern that his relationship with Azmati would sour, but was hoping that they would continue to be in communication. Hopefully the XFac interaction that he had during Austin will remain despite being aligned with Resistance.

    On Jahan, I seem to recall that he had no knowledge of her.

  28. I like to think that alignment is just a view on things, but not the end of the story.


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