
Showing posts from January, 2013

It is amazing what people are able to do once the shaping begins.

It is amazing what people are able to do once the shaping begins. I had predicted this.  Devra disagreed.  She thought they would turn into themselves. I said some would.  Others would learn to express themselves and their worlds in ways never dreamed. #ingress   #niantic   Originally shared by Gareth Skarka Been tempted by the idea of doing a 70s-space-opera-inspired project, using no CG.  These folks did something similar:

New York Dead Drop... There seem to be multiple locations... It will be very interesting to see how it plays out.

New York Dead Drop... There seem to be multiple locations... It will be very interesting to see how it plays out. Originally shared by Niantic Project In addition to the photographs received earlier today, NIA Field Agent Art Bergloff captured on film picking up a dead drop in New York, another page from Hank Johnson's Congo Files.

From another thread.

From another thread.  I think it is important that I also post this here:  With the Cahokia incident, I feel that I am now obliged to tell some of the things I know.  Misty Hannah is no stranger to the NIA.  As a young girl, she demonstrated some, let us say, paranormal abilities that interested Project Wydah (sp) that preceded the Niantic Project.  There desire to suppress her might have deeper implications than it would immediately appear. #ingress   #niantic

The Enlightened capture of Cahokia Mound tests my theory that people do leave traces of energy in places that are...

The Enlightened capture of Cahokia Mound tests my theory that people do leave traces of energy in places that are significant to them.  If my theory is correct, we will note, in time, influence of this event on Hank Johnson.  Also, do not ignore the possibility that this is the an early triumph of Jarvis after his 'resurrection' or transmogrified. #niantic   #ingress

Linda Besh asked about a certain psychiatrist.

Linda Besh asked about a certain psychiatrist.  I am well aware of that case.  She is correct that Hollis specialized in patients with unusual disorders and I suspect that that was furher refined to those who had extensive exposure to XM.  It is interesting to note that his office was 'cleaned' after his untimely death.

I saw this post from Mr.

I saw this post from Mr. Farlowe.  I have nothing to do with this. I have been a victim of secret intelligence agencies. If you have been paying attention you might be able to guess when I ran afoul of the NIA.  But I am certainly not The Redacted Man. Originally shared by Hubert Farlowe I need to know who the person is in the redacted parts of this document. I've gone over it a thousand times and still have no answers.I need your help in this, I'll pick the 5 best answers and send out invite code at 10 am tuesday.....remember there are no wrong answers I just need some input here I'm at a standstill. #nianticproject

At last.

At last. My theories of complex relationship of Exotic Matter, alignment, human action, fictional creation and fate change are being proven.  Future events are a function of Fate + Will x XM.

Vallori... Please help Devra... I believe she is in great danger now.

Vallori... Please help Devra... I believe she is in great danger now. Originally shared by Vallori Zephyr I just wanted to write a little about Ingress. A list of neat things that I wouldn't have thought would come out of a game. 1. It has been a great way to make some friends. As an adult and a stay at home mom, I don't have school or a job where I can meet new people, so it's been a while since I have made any new friends. While playing Ingress I have met several new people, almost all of whom I have really gotten along with and enjoy spending time walking around and chatting (and hacking portals) with. 2. It brings some socially awkward people out of their shells. 3. Delicious baked goods. Our local team happens to have a cake decorator/baker and people who like to make cookies on it, so events that we plan together often have tasty baked goods involved! 4. Finding cool art and new places that I have never noticed, even though I have lived in this area most of my life. 5...

I have discovered a curious thing at portals.

I have discovered a curious thing at portals. The more I contemplate them.  The more I share my inner energy with them and allow their energy to penetrate me, the more they communicate.  The other day I heard a voice... Or maybe it was just a random conflagration of sounds.  It said, 'Face Outward.'  I don't know what that means.

I was reviewing the Professor Video and feel what it would be wise to begin a wiki involving inspirological...

I was reviewing the Professor Video and feel what it would be wise to begin a wiki involving inspirological phenomena around portals.

What causes this kind of thought?

What causes this kind of thought? Originally shared by Yes I Know That The mini Monaco that floats: £700million 'hyper yacht' design that even has its own grand prix For the super-rich it would combine the delights of Monaco with untrammelled access to the ports of the world - as well as bragging rights as to owning the world's most expensive personal yacht. British designers have produced plans for a floating replica of the principality named Streets Of Monaco which features scaled-down versions of its famous landmarks including the Monte Carlo racetrack. The 500ft-long boat - expected to cost up to £700million - also boasts miniatures of the famed Monte Carlo Casino, Hotel de Paris, Cafe de Paris, La Rascasse, the Loews Hotel as well as swimming pools and tennis courts.