I've only got a moment.

I've only got a moment.  I was struck by Loeb's post on Anti-Magnus.  He is right.  But we must answer the real question.  Where or what is the Darsana Point?


  1. The Darsana point. Theories say that it may be the point where two universes converge, other ones say that it's the door that's been opened for the N'zeer to come into our dimension. Investigation suggests that it is more a moment and not a place.

  2. Indeed. What if the Darsana point is more an epiphany. I wonder if it could even be something to happen on an individual scale, rather than globally or in a civilization.

  3. It may be true that the Darsana Point is a moment AND a place, if said moment involves a location, which the beacon signal seems to be hinting at.

  4. For some reason my gut says Susanna Moyer​ is the Darsana point. But i could be way off.

  5. Brent Werlein No possibilities are discarded until the truth is known.

  6. There's only whispers and rumors. We can't be sure what it is yet.

  7. Darsana Point is perhaps the moment when multiple versions of reality/truth present themselves and co-exist at the same time/space - in spite of paradoxes.

    Love these literary breadcrumbs. Literary figures is the leitmotif for Darsana. Writers shape the way we make sense of the World - our imagination, joys and fears. Influence us to do certain things and avoid the taboos they suggest.

    So perhaps it could be fictitious literary characters coming alive - or realities that exist in our imaginations manifest themselves.

  8. So the Darsana point might be a moment in time, or a place, or a person...very interesting theories.  Perhaps all of the above.  When the right person is in the right place, at the right time...

    Maybe if Hank Johnson is searching for this...he will find it when he gets there.  When he inadvertently creates it...

  9. Data pulses have already been sent. Could the Darsana point have already happened?

  10. Nathan G. The signal we received was too weak. I am expecting something way more huge on the 15th. But be aware, we don't know the consequences.

  11. I think we should not discard that the darsana point can also be related to ADA as she look more and more like a shaper evey moment, that would also fit the warning that hank give us, because if ADA enters the portal network and becomes a real shapers, if it's true that we don't know the consequences, we know that there would be no way to so stop her.
    But how would this be related to the n'zeer and the data signals after the anomalies I'm not sure yet.

  12. Probably Yik Sheng Lee​, but that doesn't need to mean she agreed to that


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