Excellent thought, yesterday.

Excellent thought, yesterday.  Excellent.  Today I am investigating Abbadon as a person or an entity.  Who would this Angel of Death be?  And maybe it is not physical death, but something different?  I am not sure that we yet have enough data to know the answer, but I am certain that the answer will be important so that it is time to start theorizing.  

I suspect that while the exact details of the battle between the Shapers and N'zeer were shrouded in myth to the ancients, I do think they were as cognizant of the effects of it as we are.  Maybe more.  I think they were writing in code that they could barely decipher themselves. But I am not certain.


  1. A code that has some effect on human thoughts? Or perhaps is defined by them? Why go through so much effort to scrub an idea from ancient society?

  2. Perhaps Abbadon will be a.new entity. And new things will come up in the next days

  3. Edgar Allan Wright​ it's not "Abaddon"? Btw I heard Abaddon is also the name of an asteroid coming to Earth 😜

  4. Devra and Farlowe both put their hands up toward their faces as the fast moving dust hit them, stinging exposed flesh.  Through the chaos, Devra heard a scream.  The Angry Hulong man.  His voice panicked, in pain, then silenced.  

    As the dust settled around them, a figure stepped through cloud, moving toward them both.  A ghost.  A demon.  The angel of death.  

    Devra realized they had met before.

  5. We have a saying " Abbadon all hope". I hope that this Angel of Death wouldn't be physical, something different like death of Roland Jarvis. He died but yet, he's alive.

  6. With the demonic allusions one might expect Devra's body operated by a NZeer consciousness finally destroying the portal barrier.

  7. Great find, Niko. But again, I think 'death' is not the right word. Certainly destruction of their current forms, but even the ancients attributed this to angels, not demons. Terrible and mighty, but to a greater end.

  8. Could this also be 855? he is an angel of death!

  9. "The angel of the abyss is called Destruction or Destroyer because his task is to oversee the devastation of the inhabitants of the earth, although it is curious that his minions are allowed only to torture and not to kill."

    Just my random thoughts: Abaddon is a Person which uses other Persons to destroy the Portal Network maybe. 
    Who can this be? ADA, who else? Or maybe someone who places a new Portalnetwork Virus that affects us (in reference to "his minions are allowed only to torture and not to kill" - that torture could be the Network Virus)

    But maybe i am talking total nonsene, this is also possible ;D

  10. Abbadon. Fear not the destruction of Shiva. We are here, as we have always been. The ancients may have written in code handed to them that they may not have been entirely able to decipher, but in his hand is also the drum of universal creation.

  11. Perhaps it is a role, one that Calvin is (or was, in his time) performing. But like the leader of the 13Magnus, that role can passed from one to another, or fall on one who is in the right place at the right time. Would it be the title given to the appropriate leader of the anti-magnus or maybe someone more closely related to the n'zeer?

  12. I believe abanddon is refering to a state or time of great chaos or death.

    A battle. A finalization.

  13. Perhaps under the influence of any drugs or meditation to raise our consciousness, like a ritual, we would be able to understand the code. The ancients being more connected with nature, were able to assimilate these teachings. From my point of view it is very likely that the objective is that "Abaddon" (some kind of entity) is absorbing our energy or feeding on our mood. Somehow, attacking our subconscious by subliminal messages (gliph phrases).

  14. The Semitic roots of the name Abaddon itself means perish or destroy. The symbolism is pretty clear even if the details are lost in history.  We can be certain that Anaddon as a personification of destruction will have a devastating effect on the world.

  15. If Abaddon is indeed an entity or embodiment of destruction, I am led to conclude that it is directly related to the Shapers. The Shapers have called for mankind to leave their physical bodies behind and to destroy our "weak" civilizations, all in the name of possibly attaining something greater. However, there is no proof that anything besides death can be obtained by following the Shapers' path. Perhaps, with the Abaddon anomaly, the Shapers will finally reveal themselves for what they truly are... a force bent on the total destruction and obliteration of mankind.

  16. What if all of the Niantic Researchers now trapped in the portal network are the "angels of death"? They would be the ones to physically open the door for the ingression of the alien entities or the ones to prevent their ingression. Not one angel in this interpretation but still protecting us or unleashing something upon us.

  17. Since the Angel of Death, or more appropriately, the Angel of the Abyss, has the keys to the Abyss, there are two good candidates. A Detection Algorithm​ is one, and 855 is the other (since he's been referred to as peering into the abyss thanks to ADA, and yet not losing his mind). Even with 855, it's still about ADA though. Perhaps we'll see a dramatic return.

  18. In many books, Abaddon is considered an entity demonic, as the Angel of Death, where he is a demon of the abyss. But there is also written that identify it as a place.

    maybe it is not an entity or a place, but a means to the destruction or removal of known civilization which should emerge a new age for humanity
    Edgar Allan Wright Verity Seke Niantic Project

  19. Edgar Allan Wright when you mention person or "entity" it makes me think of the series of events of what happened to ADA. If this AI has really gone rogue, is that why she was attacked by 855?? or was ADA taken offline because she was protecting us from 855 and what they could have in store

  20. Edgar Allan Wright At its purest definition, death is a transition into a new state of being. The Ancients seem split on whether Abaddon was a realm of Gehenna or a being, evil or otherwise. Perhaps it is both.

  21. Derrick Lathrop  If it is true that Jarvis was able to exist with the Shapers on some sort of ethereal plane, he was only able to do so after his death. It certainly seems that he was "resurrected" by the Shapers, but now, with all that we have learned about XM constructs and simulacrum, I suspect that the Jarvis that was returned to "life" was one of those, or perhaps some sort of combination of the two. Suffice to say, he was not the man, the human, that he once was. There is evidence that the construct he returned as required some sort of upkeep (I'm guessing exposure to large amounts of XM) and I believe that it was simply unsustainable, so he "decayed" in a similar fashion to the manner in which portals "decay" if not recharged with XM.

    When the Jarvis construct returned and spread the philosophies of enlightenment, he spoke mostly in riddles and his followers were left to draw their own conclusions. He gave no answers and promised nothing, but encouraged his followers to leave everything behind and join him in the "Ultimate." Messages obtained by glyph hacking portals often call for the separation of the body and mind, the destruction of civilization, and most troubling, to change the potential "use" of humans. Because the messages received through such methods are often in conflict with one another, it's assumed that two parties (most likely the Shapers and the N'zeer) are sending their own messages independently. But which is which? And who is lying and who is telling the truth? Perhaps both parties are lying.... who knows?

    What I do know is this... I believe that our mortality, that our mortal bodies combined with the mind and the soul, are essential to our humanity. If it is true that the Shapers are calling for humans to abandon their bodies and their civilizations, then I see that as a direct attack on humanity itself. The Shapers' affiliation with the 13Magnus Cult is even more troubling, and further proof of their hostility toward humanity, as the goal of the Cult is to discover the secrets of immortality.

    The N'zeer, on the other hand, seem to advocate the improvement of the human body and the human civilization, and this had been documented by the Anti-Magnus, throughout the ages. Again, one or both parties could be lying... but of the two, it seems to me that the Shapers are more antagonistic. And then there is that message about changing the potential "use" of humans... It leads me to conclude that we're just a pawn in a game we cannot even begin to understand.

    As to why the Shapers have waited so long, I believe that they were simply waiting for the opportunity. It seems that the Shapers are only able to influence humanity through XM, and have been doing so for ages. Now that we comprehend the existence of XM, and of the portal network, now that humans have crossed into the portal network and have become these XM entities... we may have "opened the door" so to speak. We may have presented the opportunity that they have sought all along.

  22. Shapers tend to like us as we are. The Nzeer seem to think we are frail and need to be changed.

  23. I also believe #Abaddon is the upcoming fight between Shapers and N'zeer.They will need "host" or people under "Influence" of "Dark" or "Pure" Xm. So, did the Shapers try to warn and prepare us all along for the N'zeer? I believe so, but who else then Poe add "visions" of the N'zeer in there own dimension? I think the Shapers try to "use" or "influence" (if you prefer) Artists/Writers highly sensitive to Xm resonance troughtout history. Ex:Deep Space Nine writers: *IraStevenBehr *HansBeimler *DennisMcCarthy in the series final episodes (175th-176th) -"What you leave behind" They describe a confrontation between The Prophets/Shapers and The Pah Wraiths/Lost Souls or N'zeer. Sisco as a Humanoid/Prophets and Dukat as a Humanoid/Path Wraiths ...so if Sisco was Jarvis, who will he be facing?

  24. Edgar Allan Wright, In the Jewish legends, the shift of Abaddon from place to agent SEEMS accidental. Early references are all to places subterranean. But then you hit the wisdom literature and the poets refer to the Pit (Abaddon and Sheol) being 'hungry' and 'insatiable' (Proverbs 27:20) and 'naked' and 'uncovered' (Job 26:5-6). This use of personifying language opened the door for later writers (investigators?) to think of Abaddon as an agent rather than a place, since being naked and hungry and agent-y sorts of things to be about. So by the time you get to Revelation, Abaddon is not the pit itself but the angel who opens the pit. (Though it is interesting that this personification trend does not continue in mainline Judaism - the Babylonian Talmud has Abaddon as a toponym.)

    The IDEA that there is an angel over Abaddon predates Revelation, however - he just had different names. Eremiel in Apoc. Zeph. 6, Jeremiel in 2 Esdras 4:36, Ramiel in 2 Bar 55 and 63 (where he also 'gives true visions'). 1 Enoch 20 talks of a Remiel, an archangel over 'those who rise', the name is similar enough to the above to reckon this is the same being, but this passage lists other spirits with duties that seem to overlap: Suruʾel/Uriel who is over 'Tartarus' (another name for the pit), Saraqaʾel over the sinful spirits, etc.

  25. It is the vision that they seek. Between nez and shapers


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