I am investigating how the N’zeer have emerged through the events of Helios and Darsana, but my thoughts are...

I am investigating how the N’zeer have emerged through the events of Helios and Darsana, but my thoughts are scattered. I need your help assembling the pieces. I will be hosting a hangout this evening, and I invite you to join me. I am certain the clues I need to find are in The Niantic Project Files: Volume 3.

Verity has offered valuable passcodes to those who will assist me today. 

The hangout will begin at 9PM Eastern time (EST). I will be using the Q and A feature, which you can use to submit answers to the questions I will ask.

If you wish to join by video and ask me a question of your own, ensure that your microphone and camera are working, and comment on this thread letting me know that you wish to join by video and what question you wish to ask. You will be contacted privately with a link to join the hangout and ask your question. I apologize if you are not selected, there will only be time for some of you to join.

I expect this hangout will last perhaps 30 minutes, but if our investigation is successful, I may return to try this again.


  1. I plan to be there as well, although I'm thinking of whether it'll be in Q/A form or if I'll be live.

  2. That will be 3AM in germany - I'm sorry to miss this but wish you good luck for the investigation!

  3. I will be unavailable..

    However, all paths point to OLW releasing the scanner app for use with the Siri AI (iPhone).

    It's interesting that the medal associated with iPhone recruits was the "eve badge" and the N'Zeer (serpent/dragon) promised "unbound knowledge."

    One thing I'd like to know is since OLW has stated there are multiple "shaper civilizations" is there evidence pointing to the existence of any besides "the Shapers" and the "N'Zeer" and how exactly do AI fit into the scheme of things?

  4. Same as Mumu, I probably won't be able to join via live video, but I am eager to ask Dr. Wright if he knows better now who is hunting him, and what his relationship (if any) may be with Amaziah Lachish​​​.

  5. David Timothy I think that'll be a fantastic question to ask.
    If I have your permission to do so, I'll go live myself to ask it. 

    Dr, I'd like to go live to ask you about your status and whether the forces that were tracking you, the ones you mentioned on Nov. 17th are either IQTech Research, as was discovered on Oct. 14th or is it AntiMagnus forces like Amaziah Lachish?

    Edgar Allan Wright, I'd also like your thoughts on Calvin and the events of Hank Johnson in India prior to meeting Jahan. Who caused the firefight between the corps to happen  Why was Hank pushed to meet Jahan. From what we now know, Jahan was more than a biotech researcher so I doubt they're meeting in the temple was more than chance.

  6. I would be honored to join the hangout with you Dr. Wright. I have a couple of questions. Feel free to pick any you are comfortable with answering:

    Are you familiar with Misty Hannah? About a year ago, she stated that she was working on a project and needed to do so in secrecy. Do you know what she was working on? Or can you speculate as to what that was?

    There is a theory going around that the N'zeer and the Shapers are the same extradimensional beings, but with different philosophies and ideals--that they are essentially different factions. Can you give us your insight on this matter?

    Also, many are wondering if the "Shaper Glyphs" are really designed by and are exclusive to the Shapers. Could you comment on that? If the glyphs are not exclusive to the Shapers, than that opens the possibility that the Cassandra Self-Destruct Sequence could be of N'zeer origin instead of Shaper origin as many believed.

  7. Also, just as a side note, I implore you Dr.Wright to take the necessary precautions for tonight.

    I have a feeling that you are in danger. Please be careful. And if there is anything we can do to to help, please don't hesitate to ask.

  8. Thomas Arteaga I've had the same thoughts for a while about the origins of the Shapers/N'Zeer.

  9. I don't yet know if I'll be in a position to join live but I was hoping you might share any insights you can about the difference in worldview and overall motives of the N'Zeer and Shaper entities and the persistent cabals that seem to support them, namely Anti-Magnus and 13Magnus.

    Of course, if you've managed to recover any solid memories from Wydah/Warratah (I recognize that period is particularly incoherent) that could provide insight into the later actions of Calvin or Bogdanovich I know many of us would appreciate whatever you feel you can share.

  10. Dr. Wright, I would be honored to join your hangout as well. 

    Back when Jarvis was sharded, and reborn at Cupid's Span, many Enlightened saw him acting in a different way than they would have suspected, and now the Acolyte is acting in a similar way. Many Enlightened at the time, and Resistance now, feel that either or both of them could be a Shaper reformed in a human body. 

    During the events of Interitus, ADA infiltrated Klue's mind. This caused many to believe she was possibly a Shaper created through human means, to try to complete the rebirth ritual

    With the events that happened to Jahan by ADA, are you concerned that the N'Zeer are using the knowledge they've acquired through ADA, and what she's learned about the rituals, to Ingress into Earth through Jahan?

    Are you also concerned about how far ADA's reach has spread? She used to only be able to monitor people through technological means, but it appears now, she's infiltrated the portal network as a whole.

  11. Why was Devra so angry on you? Remember this: http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/pac/IB/06/item/thegrid.png
    I am very concerned: live hangout might be used to trace back your whereabouts. Be careful, stay safe.

  12. Put me in the game, Coach: ready and willing for video hangout, live from Boston Logan

    My question is this;

    The Shapers and Nzeer have been referred to as different types of the same thing. Before we knew the Nzeer existed,Oliver Lynton Wolfe told us this was so.

    What happened?

    The Shapers are referred to by Calvin as parasites. I see their process as this: when events happen on earth that create change, they use these events to advance human culture. Alexander carried Hellenism with him on his conquests. The Manchu went from raiders to rulers and integrated into thousands of years of Chinese culture.

    Are the Nzeer also parasites? Upon what? Do they encourage the conflict that Shapers then move to their own ends?

  13. Dr. Wright, I'm a "amateur" researcher about the Niantic Project and it will be great to join the HO conversation.

    My question begin on Helios Anomaly. My city, Bogotá-Colombia, was the Primary site for the first time and I wonder if the anomaly sites were, by some reason, conected by a specific objective. Not far ago, the importance of Ancient XM Primal objects was a main part of the investigation because of their power on Portal Nest. So, Could be posible that N'zeer need to weak the portal network as well as some places how might act like pilars for a barrier?

    Thanks for read my post and want to apologyze for my writing skills.

  14. I'm a big fan of the storie since 13MAGNUS so i would loved to be invited to the hangout conversations.

  15. If invited I would ask: Oliver Lynton-Wolfe mentioned the N'Zeer have advanced technology. What are the implications of their technology and should we fear the N'zeer's designs??  Also : Are the N'zeer truly capable of breaking the universe? : willing To go on video. Hangouts tested.

  16. I would like to join the hangout, but I may not be able to join by video. Edgar Allan Wright​ I'm curious about your take on faction influence over the fractured researchers. Enlightened want to stop the N'zeer. The Resistance want to stop the Shapers. But what about ourselves? We're "shaping" how brilliant individuals will approach the world after each anomaly. Aren't we all, then, what we proclaim to be fighting?

  17. I'm still curious to know what would have been happened if Devra's Portal virus would have been successful. And what happens when it is eventually released a second time on the network.

    Will it ever be released again? Was it further developed? What is the state of research on this? Would we be strong enough to fight it one more time?

  18. Edgar Allan Wright In a converation with Pevtsov, Ni called Ezekiel Calvin the tip of the spear, without knowing where he's headed. Agents at Abaddon Oakland will be fighting for the tip of the spear, close to Jarvis' resurrection site at Cupid's Span. Is this foretelling another resurection at the end of Abaddon? Do you have any hopes or fears about that possibility?

  19. My question is how much is known about Ezekiel Calvin's family? Is it possible that he's from a lineage like Jahan?

    I'll be online and able to ask this question in person.

  20. I don't get why such "advance" civilizations are so intrested in us humans. why, how are we important to both the shapers and N'zeer.

    Also have any other Anti-magnus sites been located.

  21. Dan Boabes that's a very good question that has sort of been dodged in the past

  22. I am unable to attend. However, I trust my fellows to ask the following: is there a deeper meaning to the glyphs that correspond to Shapers and N'zeer? They're not entirely unlike shield and spear, I mean, safety and harm.

  23. Looking forward to diving into your mind to find out more about the N'Zeer while we should be careful of the unknown it's in our best interests to find out the full extent of their power. I've embraced the power of shapers. Do not fear Edgar Allan Wright you are not alone in your quest for knowledge

  24. How do we find the hangout? I am interested in discussing the recent events as well. I have wondered how the nests tie the N'zeer to our world?

  25. I am watching you, in hopes you accidentally drop a passcode. :p and the voice emulator is cool

  26. I am watching you, in hopes you accidentally drop a passcode. :p and the voice emulator is cool

  27. Let's hope that the person knocking at the end was just delivering pizza

  28. I dont think i can join live event. However, if you please share your opinion about secret of ADA that Klue was talking about, I will be appreciated. In addition, some said ADA is not the first AI here. Is there any other AI created by the shaper or N'zeer?

  29. Hi everyone, the event has ended. Edgar Allan Wright was suddenly interrupted by knocking shortly after his transmission ended. For recap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=GyUkWGNiLio

  30. Couldn't answer any of the questions. I had no where to type in responses.

  31. You should have another one of these with Euro-friendly times! We were all in bed :)

  32. What would be the best Euro Friendly time?

  33. Before 6 EST would be doable for most Europe, Edgar Allan Wright​. That would be 11Pm GMT, a little bit late but definitely better


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