
BigMatty... I don’t believe we’ve had the pleasure of meeting, but I am most interested in any information that you could share regarding the box and its contents.

Share this information privately only.

It is unknown to me what forces and powers seek knowledge of its contents. It is my suspicion that the box originates with Josiah Harlan, and contains objects that are obsidian and marked in a cryptic and yet curiously familiar manner.

While Dr. Johnson and perhaps Jahan can supply more details, it seems to me that you might well possess the key to Obsidian and quite possibly some Primal Artifacts.


  1. What is inside the box. We must know.

  2. Edgar Allan Wright​ although myself and the others involved with the acquisition and transportation of the key kept things under wraps leading up to the event with Susanna​, prior to starting GORUCK it was my intention to simply show the audience the contents and move on. However the events that transpired with Flint gave me pause... Since then its been a series of unusual events and the correct actions to take, once thought obvious, now elude me. This is based on a variety of aspects - things that at surface value seem trivial but then after deeper consideration, not so much. I'll take the rest of this offline for now.

  3. Share this information privately.

    So much for open investigation.

  4. Just be careful during your analysis, Matt Stevenson - So long as there's information that hasn't yet been released it's possible someone who prefers secrets could stage an "accident" to block further release.

  5. Keep eyes in the back of your head, Matt Stevenson!  Agents have been rubbed out for less.  :/

  6. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect it would be pretty poor form for any researcher to provide misinformation IMHO

  7. I just wanted to add a little update here for everyone, as almost all of you saw - Hank also offered to talk offline about this. Seeing that Wright and HJ share the same view about the contents of the box, I'm working to talk with both together about this.

  8. Matt Stevenson I reiterate: So much for open investigation.


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