I have heard rumors that some have suggested that the Box be turned over to me.

I have heard rumors that some have suggested that the Box be turned over to me. For reasons that should be obvious, it is not in anybody's interest that I have the box.


  1. Edgar Allan Wright how about the truthseeker?

  2. This could be related to what Susanna Moyer​ said about the box itself and not the items inside of it? Maybe if you take a look of the box can find some answers... Edgar Allan Wright​

  3. But. .. think of the kitties that NEED that box.

  4. Have you ever seen the disorientation effect that protects 13magnus nests duplicated as a protective ward on a mobile object?  Do you believe it to be possible?

  5. Edgar Allan Wright​ I am most interested in talking with yourself and Hank Johnson​ about the aspects you both have recently talked about. I'd like to set up a Hangouts between us when possible to talk further.

  6. I find the truth will be with Hank Johnson​​. He will shield the headache that Susanna had while handling its mysterious uncovered contents.

  7. I don't think that the reasons for not giving the box to Edgar Allan Wright​ are at all obvious. Sir, could you please elucidate?

  8. Matt Stevenson.... Feel free to contact me via chat or here. I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

  9. Edgar Allan Wright I would like to know about your opinion about this, this box may potentially harm the whole network and change things drastically

    Who knows the contents of this box will influence you and mankind, are we ready to open the truth? Because what happened to the niantic researchers in epiphany night could happen again. I am afraid this is too much risk

    Anyways, the decision is still on you, there is much more to think about

  10. Edgar Allan Wright much appreciated. A chat has been sent your way...

  11. What ever decision they take it should be in the interest of humanity. Since both the faction believe that they are working for the benefit of humanity, it has be with either of them. Edgar Allan Wright​ you can be a guidance and help them use it in the best possible way.


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